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  • 更新時間2015/9/14 15:02:32
  • 訪問次數(shù)2126
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雞細胞間粘附分子-1(ICAM-1)檢測試劑盒 產(chǎn)品信息


Total TGFβ3 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total TGFα Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total Thrombin R Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total TRα Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total TRβ1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total TIMP-1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
雞細胞間粘附分子-1(ICAM-1)檢測試劑盒Total TIMP-2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total TIMP-3 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total TGase2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total SAE1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total CD40 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total Cdk7 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total UBR5 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total CD95 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total HAT1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total N-CoR Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total Neddylin Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total NUB1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total PIAS 1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total PIASx Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total PIAS 3 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total PIASy Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total SENP1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total SENP2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total SENP8 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total SUMO-1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total Topo IIβ Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total TRADD Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total TrxR2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total Tubulin α Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total Tubulin β Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total Tubulin γ Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total UBA2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total UBE1L Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total Ub Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total VEGF-B Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total VIM Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total QM Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total Wnt-1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total XPA Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total ERCC4 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total XRCC2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total XRCC3 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total Ku-70 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total JMY Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total Nkx-6.3 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total CLP36 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total DR4 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total TAF II p135/p105 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total OPG Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total BCSC-1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total RNF15 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total SAPAP1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total DOC-1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total PIG11 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total Ovol1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total Hec1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total RANKL Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total BACH1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total BCKDK Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total TIEG2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total Hrs Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total PDZK3 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total MAST4 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total TIF1α Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total Midline-1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total Sox-12 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total GSC2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total Clock Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total LZK Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total PP32R1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total TBX1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total TWEAK Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total AKAP 10 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total Hairless Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total AKAP 95 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total Ephrin-A2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total ST18 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total MAST3 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total SIP1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total HBP1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total Dlx-3 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total Zic1/2/3 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total hnRNP Q Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total NY-CO-1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total LMX1B Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total Musculin Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total PFK-2 car Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total Dyskerin Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total Prefoldin 1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total TBX10 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total TRIM3 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total SLC43A1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total TACC1 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total DNA pol θ Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total c-Maf Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total TRAP100 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total TADA2L Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total TAF5L Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total FAST-1/2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total Renin Receptor Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total BCAR3 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human    96 well
Total CIB2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total APRIL Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse, Rat    96 well
Total TUSC2 Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Total DGK-ι Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Rat    96 well
Total DOC-1R Cell-Based Fluorometric ELISA Kit    Human, Mouse    96 well
Activated Agarose (Carboxy/Sulfhydryl Reactive)巰基或羧基活化型Agarose
Activated-NH2- Agarose (Amine Reactive)NH2活化型Agarose
HOOK? Peptide Coupling Kit (Amine Reactive)多肽氨基偶聯(lián)試劑盒
Peptide Coupling Kit (Amine reactive) with one Quant? BSA
Peptide Coupling Kit (Amine reactive) with one QuantTM HyperCarrierTM
Peptide Coupling Kit (Amine reactive) with one QuantTM KLH
OneQuant? KLH (Immunological Grade)多管式載體血藍蛋白
(HyperCarrier?Immunological Grade)陽性基團取代型BSA
picoLUCENT?PLUS AP with AP-goat α-mouse antibody皮克級蛋白印跡膜檢測
picoLUCENT? PLUS AP with AP-goat α-rabbit antibody皮克級蛋白印跡膜檢測
picoLUCENT?PLUS AP with AP-goat α-rat antibody皮克級蛋白印跡膜檢測
picoLUCENT? PLUS HRP with HRP-goat αmouse antibody皮克級蛋白印跡膜檢測
picoLUCENT?PLUS HRP with HRP-goat α-rabbit antibody皮克級蛋白印跡膜檢測
picoLUCENT? PLUS HRP with HRP-goat α-rat antibody皮克級蛋白印跡膜檢測
femtoELISA?-HRP Kit飛克級(TMB)ELISA檢測
Protease Screening Kit蛋白酶篩選
HOOK? HRP PLUS Labeling kit蛋白HRP標記試劑盒
HOOK? AP SULFO Labeling kit蛋白AP標記試劑盒
OrgoSol DetergentOUT?溶液用去污劑去除試劑
Micro Dialysis Cups微量透析杯
DetergentOUT? SDS-300一步式SDS去除柱
DetergentOUT? DTG-100X一步式去污劑去除柱
Femto TBST? [10X] Wash Buffers增強型洗滌液
Femto PBST? [10X] Wash Buffers增強型洗滌液
HOOK? Cell Surce Protein Isolation kit細胞膜表面蛋白分離試劑盒
Fluoro? Protease Assay熒光定量法蛋白酶活性分析
Resorufin-Casein Protease Substrate蛋白酶活性分析底物
FITC-Casein Protease Substrate蛋白酶活性熒光分析底物
FOCUS? Insect Proteome蛋白質(zhì)組學(xué)級昆蟲蛋白提取
femtoCHROMO?-HRP with HRP labeled goat α-mouse antibodyHRP型飛克級蛋白印跡膜檢測

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