


  • 公司名稱上海凡而閥門有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)美國泰樂
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  • 更新時(shí)間2017/2/28 15:05:02
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進(jìn)口水環(huán)真空泵|美國進(jìn)口水環(huán)真空泵 產(chǎn)品信息











zui大抽氣量:0.15-8.33m3/min  水耗量:(4-5)~(8-12)L/min
工作液流量:2-20L/min  進(jìn)出口口徑:25-80mm
極限真空度:0.093-0.097MPa  轉(zhuǎn)速:970-2900r/min 功率:0.81-15kw








Import water ring vacuum pump imported water ring vacuum pump

Introduction of imported water ring vacuum pump:

Water ring vacuum pump is a liquid ring pump, and the side channel pump, it is through the change in the volume of the pump cavity to achieve suction, compression and exhaust variable capacity vacuum pump. Therefore, the water ring pump has a very good color absorption.

Impeller with blades (Star eccentric impeller) installed in the pump shell filled with liquid, the rotation of the impeller in the pump shell; the impeller is closed relative to the formation of a liquid ring in the eccentric rotation process, blade radial impellers in liquid ring; (usually water ring) within a certain depth of insertion. Form a crescent shaped space of a gas filled between the plate and the liquid ring. The impeller before the rotation of 180 degrees, the cavity volume changes from small to large. And communicated with the end face of the suction mouth. Then the gas is inhaled, when the suction end of the cavity and the suction port is called off when the impeller continues to rotate. A small cavity from big to small, the gas is compressed; when the cavity communicates with the exhaust port when the gas will be discharged out of the pump. Water ring pumps suitable for pumping gas

After the suction and exhaust of the suction pipe. The water ring pump for pumping the liquid, the efficiency of water ring pump is low for this reason. At the end of the exhaust process, like marine pump suction, the suction auxiliary device manually or automatically cut off. In order to be able to disconnect the exhaust pipe exhaust and exhaust gas and a few of the stars to maintain the power needs of the impeller at the lowest water.

Working principle of inlet water ring vacuum pump:

Water ring pump was originally used as a self-priming pump, and then gradually used in petroleum, chemical, machinery, mining, light industry, medicine and food and many other industrial sectors. In many industrial production processes, such as vacuum filter, vacuum water, vacuum feed, vacuum evaporation, vacuum evaporation, vacuum degassing and vacuum conditioning, water ring pumps are widely used. Due to the rapid development of vacuum technology, water ring pump has been paid attention to in the field of crude vacuum. Because the water ring pump in the gas compression is isothermal, it can be pumped in addition to flammable, explosive gas, in addition to pumping dust, water containing gas, therefore, the application of water ring pump is increasing.

Technical parameters of inlet water ring vacuum pump:

Maximum pumping capacity: 0.15-8.33m3/min water consumption: (4-5) ~ (8-12) L/min

Working fluid flow: 2-20L/min inlet and outlet diameter: 25-80mm

Limit vacuum: 0.093-0.097MPa speed: 970-2900r/min power: 0.81-15kw

Application of imported water ring vacuum pump:

Widely used in machinery, petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, ceramics, printing and dyeing, metallurgy, electronics and other industries, particularly suitable for the use of the largest pump water diversion project.

The United States imported water ring vacuum pump TYLER Taylor customer service service:

Customer first, reputation first, customer service quality, perfect service is the important guarantee of our products and to extend the value of the interests of customers, our service tenet is: quality management system, establish and improve the service quality management system is scientific, reasonable and efficient, fair, accurate and timely completion of customer service and customer service quality assurance the establishment of good, comprehensive, full service system for my company's customer service.

在找 進(jìn)口水環(huán)真空泵|美國進(jìn)口水環(huán)真空泵 產(chǎn)品的人還在看




