

O-XHE 木六糖 Xylohexaose 49694-21-5

  • 公司名稱上海子起生物科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
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  • 所  在  地上海市
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  • 更新時間2017/6/2 15:28:14
  • 訪問次數(shù)433


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O-XHE 木六糖 Xylohexaose 49694-21-5






純度: >95%

包裝: 10 mg


O-XHE 木六糖 Xylohexaose 49694-21-5 產(chǎn)品信息

O-XHE 木六糖 Xylohexaose 49694-21-5






純度: >95%

包裝: 10 mg



O-XHE 木六糖 Xylohexaose 49694-21-5 子起生物:

O-XHE  木六糖  49694-21-5 - 奔跑的蝸牛 - 奔跑的蝸牛 13681619662


A Comparison of Polysaccharide Substrates and Reducing Sugar Methods for the Measurement of endo-1,4-β-Xylanase McCleary, B. V. & McGeough, P. (2015). Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 177(5), 1152-1163.

Versatile high resolution oligosaccharide microarrays for plant glycobiology and cell wall research. Pedersen, H. L., Fangel, J. U., McCleary, B., Ruzanski, C., Rydahl, M. G., Ralet, M. C., Farkas, V., Von Schantz, L., Marcus, S. E., Andersen, M.C. F., Field, R., Ohlin, M., Knox, J. P., Clausen, M. H. & Willats, W. G. T. (2012). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(47), 39429-39438.

O-XHE 木六糖 Xylohexaose 49694-21-5 子起生物:

Enzyme structure dynamics of xylanase I from Trichoderma longibrachiatum. Uzuner, U., Shi, W., Liu, L., Liu, S., Dai, S. Y. & Yuan, J. S. (2010). BMC Bioinformatics, 11(Suppl 6), S12.

Mode of action of glycoside hydrolase family 5 glucuronoxylan xylanohydrolase from Erwinia chrysanthemi. Vr?anská, M., Kolenová, K., Puchart, V. & Biely, P. (2007). FEBS Journal, 274(7), 1666-1677.

Thermal-induced conformational changes in the product release area drive the enzymatic activity of xylanases 10B: Crystal structure, conformational stability and functional characterization of the xylanase 10B from Thermotoga petrophila RKU-1. Santos, C. R., Meza, A. N., Hoffmam, Z. B., Silva, J. C., Alvarez, T. M., Ruller, R., Giesel, G. M., Verli, H., Squina, F. M., Prade, R. A. & Murakami, M. T. (2010). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 403(2), 214-219.

Glycosynthase Activity of Geobacillus stearothermophilus GH52 β-Xylosidase: Efficient Synthesis of Xylooligosaccharides from α-D‐Xylopyranosyl Fluoride through a Conjugated Reaction. Ben‐David, A., Bravman, T., Balazs, Y. S., Czjzek, M., Schomburg, D., Shoham, G. & Shoham, Y. (2007). ChemBioChem, 8(17), 2145-2151.

O-XHE 木六糖 Xylohexaose 49694-21-5 子起生物:

An attempt to identify the low molecular feruloylated oligosaccharides in beer. Szwajgier, D., Wa?ko, A., Zapp, J. & Targoński, Z. (2007). Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 113(2), 185-195.

Simultaneous production of xylooligosaccharides and antioxidant compounds from sugarcane bagasse via enzymatic hydrolysis. Mandelli, F., Brenelli, L. B., Almeida, R. F., Goldbeck, R., Wolf, L. D., Hoffmam, Z. B., Ruller, R., Rocha, G. J. M., Mercadante, A. Z. & Squina, F. M. (2014). Industrial Crops and Products, 52, 770-775.

Combined transcriptome and proteome analysis of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 grown on xylo-oligosaccharides and a model of their utilization. Gilad, O., Jacobsen, S., Stuer-Lauridsen, B., Pedersen, M. B., Garrigues, C. & Svensson, B. (2010). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76(21), 7285-7291.

Three members of the Arabidopsis glycosyltransferase family 8 are xylan glucuronosyltransferases. Rennie, E. A., Hansen, S. F., Baidoo, E. E. K., Hadi, M. Z., Keasling, J. D. & Scheller, H. V. (2012). Plant Physiology, 159(4), 1408-1417.

Capillary electrophoresis with detection by laser-induced fluorescence. Mort, A. & Wu, X. (2011). The Plant Cell Wall Methods in Molecular Biology, 715(1), 93-102.

O-XHE 木六糖 Xylohexaose 49694-21-5 子起生物:

Enzyme-aided alkaline extraction of oligosaccharides and polymeric xylan from hardwood kraft pulp. Hakala, T. K., Liiti?, T. & Suurn?kki, A. (2013). Carbohydrate Polymers, 93(1), 102-108.

Purification, crystallization and crystallographic analysis of Clostridium thermocellum endo-1,4-β-D-xylanase 10B in complex with xylohexaose. Najmudin, S., Pinheiro, B. A., Romao, M. J., Prates, J. A. M. & Fontes, C. M. G. A. (2008). Acta Crystallogr Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 64(8), 715-718.

O-XHE 木六糖 Xylohexaose 49694-21-5 子起生物:

O-XHE  木六糖  49694-21-5

O-XPE  木五糖  Xylopentaose  49694-20-4

O-XTE  木四糖  Xylotetraose  22416-58-6

O-XTR  木三糖  Xylotriose  47592-59-6

O-XBI   木二糖  Xylobiose   6860-47-5

O-MHE  甘露六糖  Mannohexaose  70281-36-6

O-MPE  甘露五糖   Mannopentaose  70281-35-5

O-MTE  甘露四糖   Mannotetraose  51327-76-5

O-MTR   甘露三糖   Mannotriose  28173-52-6

O-XHE 木六糖 Xylohexaose 49694-21-5 子起生物:

O-MBI  甘露二糖   Mannobiose  14417-51-7

O-LAM5   昆布五糖   Laminaripentaose  23743-55-7

O-LAM4   昆布四糖   Laminaritetraose  26212-72-6

O-LAM3  昆布三糖   Laminaritriose   3256-04-0

O-KPE  蔗果五糖   1,1,1-Kestopentaose

O-LAM2  昆布二糖  Laminaribiose  34980-39-7

O-LAM5  昆布五糖  Laminaripentaose  23743-55-7

P-ARGAL 阿拉伯半乳糖 Arabinogalactan (larch wood)  9036-66-2

O-X3G4 七糖  Heptasaccharide (X3Glc4) 121591-98-8

O-XHE 木六糖 Xylohexaose 49694-21-5 子起生物:

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