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德國進(jìn)口氣動(dòng)隔膜泵 德國進(jìn)口隔膜泵廠家 進(jìn)口隔膜泵價(jià)格
德國進(jìn)口氣動(dòng)隔膜泵 產(chǎn)品信息

德國進(jìn)口氣動(dòng)隔膜泵 德國進(jìn)口隔膜泵廠家 進(jìn)口隔膜泵價(jià)格

Pneumatic diaphragm pump



氣動(dòng)隔膜泵不需灌引水,吸程高達(dá)7m,揚(yáng)程達(dá)50m,產(chǎn)品揚(yáng)程可以達(dá)到70米左右,出口壓力≥7kgf/cm2; 流動(dòng)寬敞,通過性能好,允許通過zui大顆粒直徑達(dá)10mm。抽送泥漿、雜質(zhì)時(shí),對泵磨損甚微; 揚(yáng)程、流量可通過氣閥開度實(shí)現(xiàn)無級(jí)調(diào)節(jié)(氣壓調(diào)節(jié)在1-7kgf/cm2之間); 該氣動(dòng)隔膜泵無旋轉(zhuǎn)部件,沒有軸封,隔膜將抽送的介質(zhì)與泵的運(yùn)動(dòng)部件、工作介質(zhì)*隔開,所輸送的介質(zhì)不會(huì)向外泄漏。所以抽送有毒、易發(fā)揮或腐蝕性介質(zhì)時(shí),不會(huì)造成環(huán)境污染和危害人身安全; 不*電,在易燃、易爆場所使用安全可靠; 可以浸沒在介質(zhì)中工作;
使用方便、工作可靠、開停只需簡單地打開和關(guān)閉氣體閥門,即使由于意外情況而長時(shí)間無介質(zhì)運(yùn)行或突然停機(jī),氣動(dòng)不銹鋼隔膜泵也不會(huì)因此而損壞,不旦超負(fù)荷,泵會(huì)自動(dòng)地停機(jī),具有自我保護(hù)性能,當(dāng)負(fù)荷恢復(fù)正常后,又有自動(dòng)啟動(dòng)運(yùn)行; 結(jié)構(gòu)簡單、易損件少,該氣動(dòng)不銹鋼隔膜泵結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,安裝、維修方便,泵輸送的介質(zhì)不會(huì)接觸到配氣閥,聯(lián)桿等運(yùn)動(dòng)部件,不象其他類型的泵因轉(zhuǎn)子、活塞、齒輪、葉片等部件的磨損而使性能逐步下降; 可輸送較粘的液體(粘度在1萬厘泊以下); 本泵無須用油潤滑,即使空轉(zhuǎn),對氣動(dòng)不銹鋼隔膜泵也無任何影響



德國進(jìn)口氣動(dòng)隔膜泵 德國進(jìn)口隔膜泵廠家 進(jìn)口隔膜泵價(jià)格

Germany KAYSEN Kaisen imported pneumatic diaphragm pump overview
Pneumatic diaphragm pump is currently the most innovative kind of pump. For a variety of corrosive liquids, with the particles of liquid, high viscosity, volatile, flammable, highly toxic liquid, can be exhausted exhaustion.
Pneumatic diaphragm pump using compressed air as the power source, for a variety of corrosive liquids, with particles of liquid, high viscosity, volatile, flammable, highly toxic liquid, can be exhausted.
The pump body uses four kinds of material, aluminum alloy, cast iron, engineering plastic, stainless steel. According to different liquid media were used Dingqing rubber, chloroprene rubber, fluorine rubber, PTFE. To meet the needs of different users.

main feature:
Pneumatic diaphragm pump without irrigation water, suction up to 7m, lift up to 50m, the product head can reach 70 meters, the outlet pressure ≥ 7kgf / cm2; spacious, through the performance is good, allowing the maximum particle diameter of 10mm. Pumping the mud, impurities, the pump wear is very small; head, the flow through the valve opening to achieve stepless adjustment (air pressure adjustment between 1-7kgf / cm2); the pneumatic diaphragm pump without rotating parts, The diaphragm will be pumping the media and the pump moving parts, the working medium compley separated, the transmission of the media will not leak out. So the pumping of toxic, easy to play or corrosive media, will not cause environmental pollution and harm to personal safety; no electricity, in flammable, explosive places safe and reliable; can be submerged in the media work;
Easy to use, reliable, open only need to simply open and close the gas valve, even if the accident due to a long time without media operation or sudden shutdown, pneumatic stainless steel diaphragm pump will not be damaged, no overload, Automatic suspension, with self-protection performance, when the load back to normal, there are automatic start running; simple structure, less wearing parts, the pneumatic stainless steel diaphragm pump is simple, easy installation, easy maintenance, pump delivery media will not come into contact with Such as rotor, piston, gear, blade and other components of the wear and tear caused by the gradual decline in performance; can transport more viscous liquid (viscosity in less than 10,000 centipoise); The pump does not need oil lubrication, even if the idle, the pneumatic stainless steel diaphragm pump without any impact

Key Benefits:
● easy to use, reliable, open only need to simply open and close the gas valve, even if the accident due to a long time without media operation or sudden shutdown pump will not be damaged, once overload, the pump will automatically shut down, With self-protection performance, when the load back to normal, but also automatically start running
● Simple structure, less wearing parts, the pump structure is simple, easy installation, easy maintenance, pump delivery media will not come into contact with the valve, connecting rod and other moving parts, unlike other types of pumps due to the rotor, piston, Leaves and other components of the wear and tear of the performance gradually decreased
● can be transported more viscous liquid (viscosity in less than 10,000 centipoise)
● No irrigation water, suction up to 5 meters, up to 70 meters, the export pressure ≧ 7bar
● Flow is spacious, through the performance is good, allowing the maximum particle diameter up to 10 mm. Pumping mud, impurities, the pump wear little
● The pump does not need oil lubrication, even if the idle, the pump has no effect
● do not have electricity, in flammable, explosive use of safe and reliable place
● can be immersed in the medium to work
● head, the flow through the valve opening to achieve stepless adjustment (air pressure adjustment between 1-7bar)
● The pump has no rotating parts, no shaft seal, diaphragm and other pumping media and pump moving parts, the workpiece medium compley separated, the transmission of the media will not leak out. So that the extraction of toxic, volatile or corrosive media, will not cause environmental pollution and harm to personal safety

main application:
After the oil well is drilled, the sediment and the grouting are pumped with a pneumatic diaphragm.
●Take a variety of emulsions and fillers.
● Take a variety of sewage.
● all kinds of strong acid, alkali, strong corrosive liquid.
● suction a variety of high temperature liquid up to 150 degrees.
● can be peanut butter, pickles, mashed potatoes, small red sausage, jam apple pulp, chocolate and so on.
● mine, tunnel, tunnel, mineral processing, slag in the water. Pumping cement grouting and mortar.
● stainless steel diaphragm pump pumping a variety of rubber pulp.
● stainless steel pneumatic diaphragm pump can absorb a variety of abrasives, corrosion agents, oil and mud, cleaning grease and general containers.
● can absorb a variety of highly toxic, flammable, volatile liquid.
● stainless steel pneumatic diaphragm pump can be used to absorb paint, gum, paint.
● stainless steel pneumatic diaphragm pump as a variety of solid liquid separation equipment, the former pressure device.
● Pneumatic diaphragm pump can be used for tankers, barge clearance to absorb the sewage inside the warehouse.
● suction hops and baking powder slurry, syrup, sugar secret.
● Adhesive and glue, all types can be pumped.
● all kinds of tile, porcelain, brick and pottery glaze pulp.





Germany Kaysen commitment to you:

● Reliable quality: from casting to the product, the implementation of the whole process 

of quality control, all-round detection, responsibility to the people!

● intimate price: efficient cost control, production for sale, to reduce the intermediate 

links, to help customers!

● fast delivery: adequate inventory, Shanghai convenient logistics, shorten the delivery 

time, in strict accordance with the contract delivery!

德國進(jìn)口隔膜泵廠家 進(jìn)口隔膜泵價(jià)格

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