


  • 公司名稱營派閥門(上海)有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號KAYSEN
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時間2017/7/27 11:12:00
  • 訪問次數(shù)835
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德國進(jìn)口齒輪油泵 進(jìn)口齒輪油泵廠家 進(jìn)口齒輪油泵價格
德國進(jìn)口齒輪油泵 產(chǎn)品信息

德國進(jìn)口齒輪油泵 進(jìn)口齒輪油泵廠家 進(jìn)口齒輪油泵價格gear pumps


本系列齒輪泵主要有齒輪、軸、泵體、安全閥、軸端密封所組成。齒輪油泵適用于輸送不含固體顆粒和纖維,無腐蝕性,溫度不高于80℃,粘度為5×10-6~1.5×10-3m2/s (5-00cSt)的潤滑油或性質(zhì)類似潤滑油的其他液體。


















泵設(shè)有安全閥作為超載保護(hù),安全閥的全回流壓力為泵額定排除壓力的1.5倍,也可在允許排出壓力范圍內(nèi)根據(jù)實際需要另外調(diào)整。但注意本安全閥不能作減壓閥的*工作,需要時可在管路上另行安裝。 從主軸外端向泵看,為順時針旋轉(zhuǎn)。






Germany KAYSEN imported gear pump overview
This series gear pump mainly gears, shaft, pump body, safety valve, shaft seal composed. Gear oil pump is suitable for conveying lubricating oil with no solid particles and fibers, no corrosion, temperature not higher than 80 ℃, viscosity of 5 × 10-6 ~ 1.5 × 10-3m2 / s (5-00cSt) or similar properties Other liquids of oil.

main feature:

1, gear pump using the specified voltage
The line voltage does not exceed ± 10% of the voltage specified on the pump nameplate.
2, gear pump how to equip
Out of the box after the structure of the assembly diagram, connected to the motor
(1) and immediay connected to the motor
(2) so that the pump body and the motor as a whole
(3) connected to a good water tube
3, gear pump before using the components to check the appearance of good start to use.
4, gear pump should not be empty operation, use, suction is completed, that is, stop the pump, otherwise it will accelerate the impeller seal bearing wear. May also wear pump tubing, because the pump motor no-load speed up to 10,000 r / min.
5, the gear pump timely exchange brush, brush wear will not be able to use, it is necessary to timely exchange (2 brush at the same time exchange) otherwise the brush and commutator bad contact caused damage, damage commutator, serious Will burn the armature.
6, the gear pump in the following circumstances shall not be used in the course of the use of insulation damage, power cord cable sheath rupture, plug socket cracking or poor contact, and intermittent operation, severe sparks and other failures, the motor shell operation Should be repaired immediay. Do not use before repair.
7, gear pump to prevent overload, when used, when the speed is abnormal or reduced, it should be shut down to check whether there is debris stuck impeller or motor failure, pumping pump brake must immediay cut off the power
8, gear pump use tools to cherish, all pumping pump to be careful to avoid the impact.

Key Benefits:

● The gears have a high hardness and strength by heat treatment and are installed in the replaceable sleeve with the shaft. All parts of the pump lubrication in the pump work with the output medium and automatically reached.
● The pump has a reasonable design of the drain and oil return tank, the gear in the work to withstand the minimum torque force, so the bearing load is small, wear small, high pump efficiency.
● The pump is equipped with a safety valve as overload protection. The full return pressure of the safety valve is 1.5 times of the rated pressure of the pump. It can also be adjusted according to the actual requirement in the allowable discharge pressure range. But pay attention to the safety valve can not be the long-term work of the valve, if necessary, can be installed on the pipeline. From the outer end of the spindle to the pump, for the clockwise rotation.

main application:

● In the oil system can be used as transmission, booster pump
● Fuel pump can be used in the fuel system for conveying, pressurizing and spraying
● In all industrial areas, can be used for lubricating oil pump

德國進(jìn)口齒輪油泵 進(jìn)口齒輪油泵廠家 進(jìn)口齒輪油泵價格





Germany Kaysen commitment to you:

● Reliable quality: from casting to the product, the implementation of the whole process of quality control, all-round detection, responsibility to the people!

● intimate price: efficient cost control, production for sale, to reduce the intermediate links, to help customers!

● fast delivery: adequate inventory, Shanghai convenient logistics, shorten the delivery time, in strict accordance with the contract delivery!

進(jìn)口齒輪油泵廠家 進(jìn)口齒輪油泵價格

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