

德國Mutec GmbH

  • 公司名稱尚階(上海)自動(dòng)化設(shè)備有限公司
  • 品       牌其他品牌
  • 型       號(hào)
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)經(jīng)銷商
  • 更新時(shí)間2018/4/4 9:21:40
  • 訪問次數(shù)736
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德國Mutec GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 接口 模塊

德國STRACK NORMA GmbH & Co. KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件

德國VS Sensorik GmbH編碼器 傳感器 開關(guān)
德國Mutec GmbH 產(chǎn)品信息


德國Mutec GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 接口 模塊

德國STRACK NORMA GmbH & Co. KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件

德國VS Sensorik GmbH編碼器 傳感器 開關(guān)



Incremental rotary encoders with analog outputs

For each tooth of the gear wheel, a Sinus and a Cosinus signal are generated. In addition, the device creates of a reference pulse for each revolution of the gear wheel.

  • Signals SIN, COS and Ref. with 1Vss
  • High temperature stability of the signal parameters Offset and Amplitude
  • Individual signal corrections using adjustment potentiometers possible
  • safety integrated
  • Optional: serial EEPROM in order to write and read data






 Serie RGM2G

Magnetic gear wheel encoder RGM2 series - Overview
Order identfiers

 RGM2G-A .../P  

Magnetic gear wheel encoder for gear wheels 
with M= 0.3 or 0.5

Standard cable configuration

 RGM2G-A .../T

Magnetic gear wheel encoder for gear wheels 
with M= 0.3 or 0.5

Modified cable configuration

 RGM2G-A .../DM

Magnetic gear wheel encoder for gear wheels 
with M= 0.3 or 0.5

17-pin flange socket on mounting base, with T-cable


Magnetic gear wheel encoder for gear wheels 
with M= 0.3 or 0.5

Compatible with SIZAG sensor from Siemens


Frequently asked questions about mag. gear wheel
encoders  series RGM2G


Magnetic gear wheel encoder for ferromagnetic gear

Compatible with SIMAG sensor from Siemens


Magnetic gear wheel encoder for gear wheels 
with M= 0.3 or 0.5

With potentiometers for fine-tuning of signal parameters

Substitution of gear wheel encoder series RGK2M


Magnetic gear wheel encoder for gear wheels 
with M= 0.3 or 0.5

With I2C-interface

Substitution of gear wheel encoder series RGK2M


Measuring gear wheel with module M= 0,3 and N= 256

Integrated Ref.-mark, designed as "tooth"

Robust construction for rpm up to 100.000 1/min


Measuring gear wheel with module M= 0,3 and N= 128

Integrated Ref.-mark, designed as "tooth"

Robust construction for rpm up to 100.000 1/min

on request

Measuring gear wheel with module M= 0,5 and N= 256

Integrated Ref.-mark, designed as "tooth"

Robust construction for rpm up to 100.000 1/min


Measuring gear wheel with module M= 0,5 and N= 128

Integrated Ref.-mark, designed as "tooth"

Robust construction for rpm up to 100.000 1/min

on request

Measuring gear wheel with module M= 0,5 and N= 64

Integrated Ref.-mark, designed as "tooth"

Robust construction for rpm up to 100.000 1/min

on request

I2C-interface box for fine-tuning of encoder signal
Software ProCal

on request
 DCMU16 & 32

Digital calibration and measurement unit
Fine-tuning of encoder signal parameters via
I2C-interface (software ProCal)

Detailed analysis of the encoder signals and the quality
of measuring gear wheels (software TRIM & ZRHS)

4-channel-oscilloscope (software OSZI)

Software for customized applications

on request


Incremental rotary encoders with digital outputs 


Interpolation electronics are integrated in sensors. Depending on the factor of the interpolation F (for example F=4, 10, 64 or 512), two square wave signals A and B each with F x N (N=numer of teeth of the gear wheel) impulses per revolution are provided.

  • Signals A, B and Ref.      RS422, TTL or HTL
  • Duty circles A and B       50% +/-10%
  • Phase shift A/B              90° +/-45°




 data sheets:   KWG2D    KWG2H    KHG2D    RGM2G-D

 gear wheels:   ZR3-256/Di    ZR5-256/Di

Pulse Sensors

Measuring principles and characteristics

The magnetic pulse sensors are suited for the contact free detection of gear wheels and gear racks starting from a teeth module value of M=0.75. As measuring scale, slot discs, bolt heads as well as other steel marks can be used for this purpose. The sensors feature high robustness and a wide temperature stability. A high pressure resistance of up to 500 bar (also dynamic) is achieved by use of sealed metal housings.

  • Detection of rotating direction is possible
  • Type of signal: Open-Collector NPN or PNP, Push-Pull and more
  • Voltage supply possible up to 32 VDC
  • Output current possible up to 200mA
  • Operating temperature -40 up to 125°C (150°C)
  • Operating frequency:  series HDI     0.010 ... 20kHz
                                        series HMX    0 ... 15 kHz
  • Sealed, pressure-resistant metallic housing for two canal design starting from a diameter of 10mm and M12x1 respectively
  • High resistance against external sources of magnetic disturbance
  • High stability to vibrations and shocks


Measuring of rotation speed and rotation direction for instance in transmission gear boxes, wheel bearings, drive systems and vehicles.

 data sheets:   HDI2    HMX2

Proximity switches

Measuring principles and characteristics 

The magnetic proximity switches represent an alternative to the well known inductive sensors. Using existing magnetic systems within the sensors, steel gear wheels or racks are evaluated without any contact. Non-magnetic elements do not influence the operations. The sensors are characterised by high operation frequencies and a high temperature stability. A high pressure resistance of up to 500 bar (dynamic as well) is achieved by use of sealed metal housings.

  • Switching distances up to 8mm - other on request
  • Selective identification of ferromagnetic switching marks
  • Embedded or non-embedded versions
  • Type of signal: Open-Collector NPN or PNP, Push-Pull et al.
  • Voltage supply possible up to 32 VDC
  • Output current possible up to 200mA
  • Operating temperature -40 up to 110°C - other on request
  • Operating frequency 0 up to 15 kHz
  • Sealed, pressure-resistant metallic housing starting from M12x1
  • High stability to vibrations and shocks


Detection of switching marks in hydraulic systems, drive propulsion systems for vehicles and ships.

 data sheets:   PHS1

  • More information about Thermocouples: Download data sheet

    • Type K: Ni-Cr (+) / Ni-Al (-)

    • Type N : NiCrSi (+) / NiSi (-)

    • Type J: Iron (+) -/ Constantan® (-)

    • Type E: Ni Cr (+) /  Constantan® (-)

    • Type T: Copper (+) / Constantan® (-)

    • High temperature thermocouples

    Type S: Pt 10 % Rh (+) / Pt (-)
    Type R: Pt 30 % Rh (+) / Pt (-)
    Type B: Pt 30 % Rh (+) / Pt Rh (-)

    • The tungsten-rhenium thermocouples

    Type C (rigid or flexible):
    Tungsten-rhenium 5 % Re (+) -
    Tungsten-rhenium 26 % Re (-)

    Other thermocouples

    • Standard off-the-shelf thermocouple range

    • Stick-on thermocouples


德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器

德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器

德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器



ATEX Temperature sensors

The thermocoupes and RTDs range covers Ex Zones 0 to 2 and 20 to 22.

  • Zones 0 and 1: intrinsic safety - marking "EEx ia" in accordance with EN 50020.

  • Zone 2: Energy Limited Circuit - marking "EEx nL" in accordance with en 50021

The same technical properties as for thestandard thermocouple range apply for these sensors. Only the fitting and some used components are adapted to the ATEX requirements. Technical details are available in the document SE900R009

ATEX heating

The Relevant Protection Principle for THERMOCOAX heaters are:

  • Zone 1 and 2: flameproof enclosure marking "EEX d" in accordance with EN 50018.

    The heaters properties are those of the standard range. Details are given in the heating product range.

    ATEX Questionnaire

    As for any product intended for potentially explosive atmospheres, a dedicated questionnaire has to be filled out prior order execution.

    Please download the form: ATEX questionnaire.pdf and fill it out directly. Once completed, print it, add your company stamp and signature and post it to our sales department.




Mineral Insulated
Signal Transmission Cables

Thanks to their exceptional properties, THERMOCOAX cables can:

Be used in the most aggressive media:

  • high pressure, vacuum, corrosive liquids or gases, vibrations, nuclear

    Withstand very high insulation resistance:

  • over  to 1013 Ohms

    Resist to very high temperatures

  • work up to 1200°C

    Carry relatively high currents

  • as well as very low signals at high frequency

    Be welded

  • or brazed onto any piece or to pass through a wall.


    Dedicated applications for

  • Nuclear energy
  • Aeronautics, Defence and Space
  • Cryogenic processes
  • Chemistry and petrochemistry
  • Vacuum technology
  • Hydraulic systems
  • Steam and gas turbines
  • Robotics

More information about MI cables:
Download data sheet

  • Single conductor

  • Multi conductors

  • Low capacitance for hyperfrequency signals

  • Coaxial and triaxial for high frequency

The COFRAC calibration

THERMOCOAX metrology department is accredited by the COFRAC Calibration Section under the registration number 2.1384 referring to calibration at fixed points of the thermoelectrical couples.

德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器          德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器

Oven 2000°C                     Thermal cycling

Controls and tests

Systematic controls guarantee the quality of the THERMOCOAX products :

  • X-ray of the hot junction,
  • sheath integrity test,
  • metallographic test on sample,
  • calibration with appropriate thermal treatment
  • dimensional
  • electromotive forces (ITS90).
  • certificate of compliance on request

Specific sensors

High temperature Capacitive Sensors TURBOCOAX

The TURBOCOAX capacitive sensors were developed to measure the clearance between the tip of the turbine blades and the casing of turbo engines.


  • Non-contact blade tip clearance measurement
  • No cooling system required
  • Small dimensions
  • Withstand temperatures up to 1,400°C

    Other applications:

  • Speed and/or counting measurements,
  • Level or thickness, vibrations

    NEGACOAX® overheating and fire detectors

    The linear sensors NEGACOAX, to detect overheating and fires, are all constructed employing the mineral insulated cable technology.


    Chemical and petrochemical industries

  • temperature control and survey of processes

    Aerospace industries

  • jet engine and structure

    Space industries

  • rocket thrust, detection of leaking hot gas

    and any other industry where the safety aspect is a key factor.

    Traffic control with VIBRACOAX® Weigh-In Motion sensors

    When used with appropriate instrumentation, VIBRACOAX can provide a wide range of information including:

  • Weigh-in-Motion(WIM)
  • Vehicle classification
  • Axle counting and distances between axles
  • Gross vehicule and load distribution
  • Speed measurement
  • Traffic volume

    THERMOCOAX manufactures the VIBRACOAX piezoelectric axle sensor since the mid 1970s. The sensor is used in data collection applications. The sensor is highly accurate and reliable with tremendous longevity and generally outlives the pavement in which it is installed.

    NEUTROCOAX® neutron detectors by SPND

    The NEUTROCOAX SPND is a neutron absorber material called emitter, insulated from the sheath or collector by alumina or magnesia insulator in a coaxial geometry.

    The SPND is connected to an amplifier by a single lead or twin lead THERMOCOAX coaxial cable capable of correcting the spurious current due to the irradiation of the cable.

    The THERMOCOAX SPND can be used in all types of reactors for in-core measurement of thermal neutron flux for:

  • good knowledge of the neutron flux distribution
  • monitoring the energy conversion in the reactors
  • a better control of the safety criteria.


  • accurate monitoring of thermal neutron flux,
  • in irradiation experiments or instrumentation



德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器

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德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器

德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器



德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器

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德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器





德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器

Download brochure:


德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器




德國THERMOCOAX <wbr>GmbH加熱器 <wbr>溫度傳感器 <wbr>變送器

Download brochure:

Product innovations

You will find an overview of the latest innovative
products and product additions from STRACK NORMA.

德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)SN4168 u. SN1727, SNS sintered metal Sliding elements   德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)
德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)SN5650 Sum of ideas: production. The cam series PowerMax?/a>   德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)
德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)Z4077-R, Z4078-R, W33-R und W35-R Guide bushes ?low maintenance   德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)
德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)Z5350-Q und Z5350-L Compact, practical and good: the new block cylinders   德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)
德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)Z5450 core cooling for Unscrewing units Z5410/ 20/ 30   德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)
德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)R1025 / R1026 Automatic transport lock   德國STRACK <wbr>NORMA <wbr>GmbH <wbr>& <wbr>Co. <wbr>KG工具標(biāo)準(zhǔn)件型號(hào)


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 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊    德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊    德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
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德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊    德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊    德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊    德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊   德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
 德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊

MUTEC offers custom designed memory expansions and different interface boards like SCSI, AES/EBU + S/PDIF digital i/o, ADAT™ i/o as well as analog output expanders for samplers and hard disk recorders. Herewith newer and older types are considered and available from stock like for AKAI S950, S1000, S3000 S5000, S6000, MPC2000/-XL, etc., Dynacord ADS, Yamaha TX16W and many more.
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊

德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊

MUTEC offers custom designed memory expansions and different interface boards like SCSI, AES/EBU + S/PDIF digital i/o, ADAT™ i/o as well as analog output expanders for samplers and hard disk recorders. Herewith newer and older types are considered and available from stock like for AKAI S950, S1000, S3000 S5000, S6000, MPC2000/-XL, etc., Dynacord ADS, Yamaha TX16W and many more.


德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊

Standard SIMM (30pin), PS/2 (72pin), DIMM (168pin)

MUTEC offers special tested memory modules (SIMMs) with capacities between 1MByte and 512Mbyte for the use in digital musical instruments like samplers, synthesizers or workstations. Furthermore the old standard 30pin-SIMMs are still available! For up-to-date devices we are supplying compatible SDRAM DIMMs in any capacities. Special types of modules can be produced through our module-manufacturers.

德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊

德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊
德國Mutec <wbr>GmbH數(shù)碼音頻產(chǎn)品 <wbr>接口 <wbr>模塊

We offer ADAT™ + S/PDIF compatible fiber optical cables with 9 different lenghts: 0,5m; 1,0m; 2,0m; 3,0m; 5,0m; 7,5m; 10,0m; 15m and 20m.
關(guān)鍵詞:編碼器 傳感器
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