

Raptor HILIC-Si 液相色譜柱(Restek)

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Raptor HILIC-Si 液相色譜柱(Restek)
Raptor HILIC-Si 液相色譜柱(Restek) 產(chǎn)品信息

Raptor HILIC-Si 液相色譜柱


HILIC silica column designed for increased retention of polar compounds without ion-pairing reagents.

2.7 μm Raptor core-shell particles provide the speed of SPP, with greater efficiency and capacity than 5 μm particles.

Ideal for increasing sensitivity and selectivity in LC-MS analyses.

Fully compatible with both HPLC and UHPLC when using low backpressure HILIC phases.

Switch to a Raptor HILIC-Si LC column when you need more retention and resolution of hydrophilic, polar analytes.

Similar Phase(s):Cortecs HILIC, Poroshell 120 HILIC, Kinetix HILIC, Ascentis Express HILIC, Halo HILIC, Accucore HILIC


Stationary Phase Category: bare silica (L3)
Ligand Type: none
Particle: 2.7 μm superficially porous silica (SPP or "core-shell")
Pore Size: 90 ?
Carbon Load: NA
End-Cap: no
Surface Area: 150 m2/g
Recommended Usage:
pH Range: 2.0–8.0
Maximum Temperature: 80 °C
Maximum Pressure: 600 bar/8,700 psi (2.7 μm)


  • Compatible with both HPLC and UHPLC instruments.

  • Restek’s 2.7 μm core-shell particles provide the speed of SPP and the performance of Raptor.

    Switch to a Raptor HILIC-Si LC column when:

  • Increased retention of small polar compounds is needed.

  • You want to avoid using ion-pairing reagents.

  • You want retention and sensitivity for hydrophilic compounds by LC-MS.



Raptor HILIC-Si 液相色譜柱

9310A322.7 μm30 mm2.1 mm
9310A522.7 μm50 mm2.1 mm
9310A122.7 μm100 mm2.1 mm
9310A622.7 μm150 mm2.1 mm
9310A5E2.7 μm50 mm3.0 mm
9310A1E2.7 μm100 mm3.0 mm
9310A6E2.7 μm150 mm3.0 mm
9310A552.7 μm50 mm4.6 mm
9310A152.7 μm100 mm4.6 mm
9310A652.7 μm150 mm4.6 mm

關(guān)鍵詞:液相色譜 色譜柱
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