

Probe Cards

  • 公司名稱深圳市森東寶科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2021/7/18 19:50:35
  • 訪問次數(shù)173

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深圳市森東寶科技有限公司(Cindbest)是一家專業(yè)從事探針臺設備的研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)和銷售,并集成代理相關(guān)實驗室設備的綜合性。主營產(chǎn)品有:探針臺、激光測試儀、GGB高頻微波探針、蜂窩式光學平臺、I-V/C-V參數(shù)測試儀、3D白光干涉儀等相關(guān)實驗室設備,其中探針臺系列產(chǎn)品均已獲得國家,同時通過運用現(xiàn)代質(zhì)量管理的科學理念和*方法,我司順利通過了ISO9001質(zhì)量管理體系認證,并且為深圳市質(zhì)量檢驗協(xié)會的理事單位之一。 Cindbest總部位于廣東省深圳市,并在香港、上海、長沙、西安、成都等城市均設有銷售網(wǎng)點,公司成立至今,已合作過近200家高校(含國內(nèi)95%的985,211高校),30多家科研院所以及20多家半導體行業(yè)大型公司,與此同時Cindbest已成長為國內(nèi)探針臺的主要生產(chǎn)供應商。 公司秉持著“以客戶為本,以實現(xiàn)實驗目的,助力中國半導體發(fā)展為目標”的經(jīng)營理念發(fā)展前行。憑借優(yōu)秀的產(chǎn)品、高質(zhì)量的服務、高度認真負責的態(tài)度,全面打造公司的核心競爭力,為客戶和社會創(chuàng)造價值,贏得了廣大客戶和社會的*.
Probe Cards
Probe Cards 產(chǎn)品信息

Probe Cards

(surrounds a circuit with high-density RF and DC contacts - dc to 40, 50, 67 or 110 GHz)


  • Durable
  • DC to 40, 50, 67 or 110 GHz
  • Mix RF and DC contacts
  • For MMIC or Module probing
  • Individually spring loaded contacts
  • Inexpensive, fast, custom fabrication 3 capacitor bypass locations available
  • Each probe card is custom made to your layout
  • Patented coaxial design


Probe card with eleven RF Picoprobes and fifteen DC needles.

PICOPROBE? PROBE CARDS by GGB Industries, Inc., allows for more chip design flexibility because each probe card is custom configured to your circuit for testing wafers on either manual or automatic probe stations. Probe cards with complex layouts consisting of numerous DC contacts and multiple microwave probes with operating frequencies of 40, 50, 67, or 110 GHz can be custom fabricated quickly and inexpensively.


The probe points on a probe card can even be set to different depths so that multi-level modules can be successfully probed. Any pitch (tip spacing) from 50 to 1250 microns may be specified. Larger pitch probes are available by special order. The probes can be configured with Ground-Signal-Ground (G,S,G), Ground-Signal (G,S), or Signal-Ground (S,G) tip footprints.

Each probe card is carefully checked for planarity and with its individually spring loaded Beryllium-Copper tips, provides reliable contacts, even when probing non-planar structures. This reliable low resistance contact is one of the keys to providing highly repeatable measurements. Direct viewing of the probe tips ensures easy and accurate positioning.

Connection to the Model 40A is through a female K connector and is compatible with SMA and 3.5mm connectors. Connection to the Model 50A is through a female 2.4mm connector. Connection to the Model 67A is through a female V connector and is compatible with the 2.4mm connector. Connection to the Model 110H is through a female 1.0 mm connector.

Many different wiring configurations are available for the dc, power supply, or medium frequency needles. Ribbon cable, coaxial cable, and hook up wire are some of the types available. Our standard connectors include banana plugs, BNC connectors, SMA connectors, and (9, 15, 25, or 37) pin D-Subminiature connectors. Other connectors can be specified.


Probe card with four RF Picoprobes
and eighty-eight DC needles.

mcwcaps2 (1)


Bypass capacitors for the power supply pins are available in three different locations ("A", "B", and "D") using a process patented by GGB Industries, Inc.

*click on thumbnail to see a photo


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