

Model 140(90 to 140 GHz / WR-8 waveguide input)

  • 公司名稱深圳市森東寶科技有限公司
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  • 更新時間2021/7/18 20:29:50
  • 訪問次數(shù)352

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深圳市森東寶科技有限公司(Cindbest)是一家專業(yè)從事探針臺設備的研發(fā)、生產和銷售,并集成代理相關實驗室設備的綜合性。主營產品有:探針臺、激光測試儀、GGB高頻微波探針、蜂窩式光學平臺、I-V/C-V參數(shù)測試儀、3D白光干涉儀等相關實驗室設備,其中探針臺系列產品均已獲得國家,同時通過運用現(xiàn)代質量管理的科學理念和*方法,我司順利通過了ISO9001質量管理體系認證,并且為深圳市質量檢驗協(xié)會的理事單位之一。 Cindbest總部位于廣東省深圳市,并在香港、上海、長沙、西安、成都等城市均設有銷售網(wǎng)點,公司成立至今,已合作過近200家高校(含國內95%的985,211高校),30多家科研院所以及20多家半導體行業(yè)大型公司,與此同時Cindbest已成長為國內探針臺的主要生產供應商。 公司秉持著“以客戶為本,以實現(xiàn)實驗目的,助力中國半導體發(fā)展為目標”的經營理念發(fā)展前行。憑借優(yōu)秀的產品、高質量的服務、高度認真負責的態(tài)度,全面打造公司的核心競爭力,為客戶和社會創(chuàng)造價值,贏得了廣大客戶和社會的*.
Model 140(90 to 140 GHz / WR-8 waveguide input)
Model 140(90 to 140 GHz / WR-8 waveguide input) 產品信息

High Performance Microwave Probes

Model 140


  • Durable
  • 90 to 140 GHz
  • Patented Coaxial Design
  • Individually Spring-loaded Contacts
  • Bias-T Option Available

  • FIGURE 1

    The PICOPROBE® MODEL 140, a high performance microwave probe which incorporates a WR-8 waveguide with our patented coaxial design techniques, has inherent low loss and low dispersion characteristics. Like all of our Picoprobe® microwave probes, the Model 140 features: individually spring loaded Beryllium-Copper tips which provide reliable contacts even when probing non-planar structures; direct viewing of probe tips for accurate positioning; and can be designed to almost any pitch and footprint. Smaller pitches and Ground-Signal-Ground footprints are recommended for optimum performance. Please contact our office for additional information regarding the performance specifications of the Model 140 Picoprobe®.

    Left: Typical uncalibrated performance of a Model 140-GSG-100-BT while touching a 50 ohm load.

    Left: Typical insertion loss of a Model 140-GSG-100-BT.
    FIGURE 2

    Model 140-BT Waveguide Dimensions

    Model 140-BT-M Waveguide Dimensions

    FIGURE 3

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