


  • 公司名稱上海陸甲自動化科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2022/4/29 14:16:38
  • 訪問次數(shù)634

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實時打印貼標機 產(chǎn)品信息













Real-time printing labeling machine

The intelligent real-time printing labeling machine developed and produced by Shanghai Lujia Automation is advanced in technology and reliable in system. It meets the flexible and variable requirements of variable print labels for customers. It is widely used in electronics, food, medicine, daily chemicals, and other industries.

Working principle: scan code → grab data → print label → scan check

1. "Production line master (database)" will send the content data to be printed to the "labeling machine industrial control terminal" in the form of single or multiple arrays according to the agreed data format.

2. The “Labeling Machine Control Terminal” sends the label to the printing labeler according to the received data to print the label and prepare for labeling.

3. After the “printing labeling machine” senses the product signal of the measuring sensor, the label is pasted at the designated position of the product through the PLC command to complete the labeling action.

4. Through the flow of the conveyance, the product flows to the scan code verification station, and the printed label content is read by the debugged "scanner".

5. "Scanner" sends the contents of the read label to the "Labeling Machine" control content NG/OK.

6. The “Labeling Machine Control Terminal” sends the verification result to the “Production Line Control Terminal (Database)” to complete the single product labeling operation, and repeats this.

The above data flow can also be designed according to customer needs!

Shanghai Lujia Automation Technology Co., Ltd. has deep strength and complete products. Main products: automatic intelligent self-adhesive labeling machine, high-efficiency intelligent visual inspection equipment, anti-counterfeiting, anti-smuggling tracking system, electronic supervision code, non-standard automated production line. Some products can be designed according to the needs of customers in different industries to achieve targeted requirements.

The real-time printing labeling machine body is made of S304 and high-grade aluminum alloy. Sandblasting oxidation treatment process, no rust, high corrosion resistance, simple and beautiful appearance. With Panasonic PLC control system, servo bidding system, automatic detection tag and other configurations, the equipment runs stably and at high speed. The touch screen operation interface is simple and intuitive to operate, and has complete functions. The Chinese and English interfaces are flexible and flexible. Multiple sets of storage labeling parameters, with production count, parameter adjustment, fault prompts and other functions. Provide the German original CAB series print engine selection. The print data of the industrial computer can easily print common barcodes, texts, variable data, 2D barcodes, graphics and RFID tags. The system structure reserves various industrial application interfaces, which facilitates real-time communication of other devices such as barcode scanner, machine vision, weighing, detection and the like.

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