


  • 公司名稱(chēng)無(wú)錫市一格機(jī)械設(shè)備有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)
  • 所  在  地無(wú)錫市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時(shí)間2022/7/6 15:30:32
  • 訪問(wèn)次數(shù)198

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聯(lián)系我們時(shí)請(qǐng)說(shuō)明是 制藥網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!

無(wú)錫市一格機(jī)械設(shè)備有限公司是一家專(zhuān)業(yè)制造包裝、碼垛、輸送、分揀/分類(lèi)設(shè)備的內(nèi)部物流系統(tǒng)生產(chǎn)商。我公司專(zhuān)注于包裝、碼垛、輸送系統(tǒng)的綜合效能運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),承接用戶豐收的喜悅,為物料生產(chǎn)后道的包裝、輸送、儲(chǔ)藏等環(huán)節(jié)提供一系列的可持續(xù)解決方案,包括產(chǎn)品的設(shè)計(jì)、制造、安裝和服務(wù),使產(chǎn)品的價(jià)值鏈得到穩(wěn)固的增長(zhǎng)。公司產(chǎn)品主要應(yīng)用于石化、化工、化肥、鹽化工、煤化工、冶金、港口物流、精細(xì)化工、食品、飼料等行業(yè)。“為客戶設(shè)計(jì)一套適合自己的包裝生產(chǎn)線”,是我們的企業(yè)目標(biāo),也是我們?yōu)榭蛻籼峁┑姆?wù)。滿足客戶的多樣化要求并為客戶創(chuàng)造適合自身的方案,準(zhǔn)確把握每一個(gè)客戶的需求。無(wú)錫一格致力于幫助客戶構(gòu)筑更適合的整體包裝生產(chǎn)線解決方案,為客戶降低綜合成本,提升客戶的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力,與我們的客戶共同發(fā)展。WUXI YEAGO MACHINERY EQUIPMENT CO., LTD is a professional manufacturer of packaging, palletizing, convey, sorting/leading equipment.YEAGO specializes in comprehensive performance of packaging, palletizing and conveyor systems,and also provides a series of continuable solutions for the material packaging, transportation, storage and other aspects, including product design, manufacturing,installation and service, so that product value chain can increase steadily. Our equipments are mainly used in petrochemical, chemical, fertilizer, salt chemical, coal chemical, metallurgy, port logistics, fine chemicals, food and feed industry,etc."To design a suitable packaging production line for customers" is our business goal, and is also the service we provide for customers. Meet customers' diverse requirements and design programs suitable for them, accurately grasp the needs of each client YEAGO is committed to helping customers build the most suitable overall packaging production line solutions to reduce customers' cost and enhance their competitiveness.YEAGO is glad to develop with customers together!
機(jī)器人碼垛線 產(chǎn)品信息


  • 配有自動(dòng)噴碼設(shè)備,為客戶提供了更好的產(chǎn)品辨識(shí)和產(chǎn)品的追溯,提高了對(duì)產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的控制和管理。碼垛采用機(jī)器人替代傳統(tǒng)的人工碼垛,極大的降低員工勞動(dòng)強(qiáng)度和生產(chǎn)成本。
  • 垛盤(pán)輸送設(shè)備將碼好的垛盤(pán)自動(dòng)輸送到叉取位,由叉車(chē)將垛盤(pán)運(yùn)輸?shù)匠善穫}(cāng)庫(kù),了生產(chǎn)的快速運(yùn)行。
  • 機(jī)器人自動(dòng)碼垛生產(chǎn)線采用模塊化設(shè)計(jì),根據(jù)客戶的不同的需求進(jìn)行模塊化配置。包裝部分可以根據(jù)客戶要求配置半自動(dòng) DCS 系列包裝機(jī)或全自動(dòng) YCM 系列包裝機(jī)。
  • 倒袋輸送裝置、整平輸送、壓包輸送裝置代替人工倒袋整平的過(guò)程,袋形美觀整齊, 降低人工操作的強(qiáng)度。根據(jù)客戶要求配置金屬檢測(cè)系統(tǒng)、重量檢測(cè)系統(tǒng),將不合格產(chǎn)品剔除,產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量,降低客戶投訴風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

Automatic Robot Palletizer Production Line

  • There is Automatic Industrial Inkjet Printer to help customersrecognize and retrospect products, this enhance the controland management of products.The Robot Palletizer replacestraditional manpower, it reduces the labor intensity ofemployees and production cost.
  • The pallet convey equipment transmits the palletized palletsto the fetch position, and pallets will be transported tofinished goods warehouse by forklift, which ensures stableand high-speed production.
  • The Robot Palletizer Production Line adopts the modulardesign, modular setup can be different according to thedifferent requirements of customers.The packaging partcan be chosen by customers, including DCS series ofsemi-automatic Packaging Machine and YCM series offull-automatic Packaging Machine.
  • The convey mechanisms including pushing over bags, flat bags and pressbags replace manual operation, which make the shape of bag nice andtidy.The Metal Detection System and The Weight Detection System can beequipped per customers’ requirements to get rid of unqualified products toensure product quality.
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