


  • 公司名稱云譜儀器(上海)有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地上海
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2022/10/9 14:01:21
  • 訪問次數(shù)144

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  Chatillon力學(xué)測量產(chǎn)品在美國Florida州的Largo設(shè)計(jì)和生產(chǎn), Chatillon的稱重衡器產(chǎn)品也是在Largo設(shè)計(jì)和生產(chǎn),F(xiàn)L和其他產(chǎn)品放在墨西哥和中國生產(chǎn)。Chatillon的產(chǎn)品非常適用于客戶在生產(chǎn)過程和質(zhì)量控制中,對他們的產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行高精度、可靠性高和便于操作的破壞和非破壞性測試,來評估他們產(chǎn)品的性能和物理特性。云譜儀器( 上海)有限公司作為Chatillon在中國的代理商,承擔(dān)所有Chatillon產(chǎn) 品在中國的市場活動、銷售、技術(shù)支持和維修服務(wù)等工作。
MSE100系列人體工學(xué)測力計(jì)Mark-10測力計(jì) 產(chǎn)品信息
MSE100 Series Mechanical Ergonomic Gauges

The CHATILLON® MSE100-M Series mechanical dynamometer is ideal for ergonomic evaluations, job task analysis, functional capacity and muscle strength analysis. The MSE100 Series features a large, 2.25-inch dial for improved resolution and readability, peak hold button, ergonomic shape and improved accuracy of +0.5% of full scale. The MSE100 is an excellent, economical solution for tensile (Pull) or compression (Push) testing.

The durable, plastic housing fits naturally in the hand for a comfortable and firm grip even at maximum loads. Gauges may be mounted to a test stand for even greater control and consistent results in repetitive testing applications. The easy to read concentric dial measures clockwise only. Dial rotates 360-degrees for taring. A peak hold button captures peak readings and can be easily and quickly returned to zero. A mechanical overload feature protects the gauge from damage. Available in lbf, kgf or N units of measure.

MSE100 Series gauges come with protective carrying case and handle assembly. A Certificate of Calibration with Data is supplied standard.

 The MSE100-M can be used with these optionally available testing kits: the FCEK kit has accessories for functional capacity testing and job task analysis; the MSCK kit has accessories for muscle strength evaluation.

Features & Benefits
  • Three Graduation Styles
    - LBF
    - KGF
    - Newtons
  • Tensile (Pull) and Compression (Push) Testing
  • Peak Load Switch
  • Tare Ring
  • Intrinsically Safe
  • NIST Calibration with Data
  • 2 Year Warranty
  • MSE100系列人體工學(xué)測力計(jì)Mark-10測力計(jì)
在找 MSE100系列人體工學(xué)測力計(jì)Mark-10測力計(jì) 產(chǎn)品的人還在看




