


  • 公司名稱深圳市詩拓浦儀器儀表有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號LSB350
  • 所  在  地深圳市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時(shí)間2022/11/6 11:53:54
  • 訪問次數(shù)163

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簡單介紹 美國Futek稱重傳感器LSB350,F(xiàn)UTEK的傳感器,就是通過應(yīng)變片來測量各個(gè)機(jī)械參量的。FETEK傳感器在測試過程中受力變形時(shí),傳感器內(nèi)部的應(yīng)變片也隨之發(fā)生變化,此時(shí)應(yīng)變片敏感元件的電阻也隨之發(fā)生變化。利用電橋電路將電阻變化轉(zhuǎn)換成電壓變化,輸入到測量放大電路測量,*后利用標(biāo)定曲線通過測得的應(yīng)變值推算得被測外力。美......
美國Futek稱重傳感器LSB350 產(chǎn)品信息



CSG110 IHH500 LAU200 LAU220 LAU300 LBB200 LBB300 LCF450

LCF501 LLB400 LLB405 LLB450 LLB455 LLB550 LRF300 LRF325

LRF350 LRF400 LRM200 LSB200 LSB210 LSB300 LSB302 LSB303

LSB350 LSM200 LSM300 LSB302 LSB303 LSB350 LSM200 LSM300

LSM302 LSM400 TRD300 TRD605 TRH300 TRS600 TSS400



The LSB350 S Beam Load Cell offers a compact design for platforms, silos, or scales. The Standard LSB350 S Beam Load Cell model has female threads, comes in both Anodized Aluminum (500 lbs – 1,000 lbs) and 17-4 Stainless Steel construction (2,000lbs), with 4 Pin Lemo Receptacle. It is also available in metric threads.

This S Beam Load Cell model has a high accuracy with a Nonlinearity of ±0.05%, deflection of 0.003” nominal and an operating temperature of -60° F to 200° F. It can be modified or customized to meet your requirements and most capacities are in our inventory, making them available for 24 hour shipping. Similar to our entire Load Cell product line this model is manufactured in the US and uses metal foil strain gauge technology.

Product Highlights:美國Futek稱重傳感器LSB350
  • Available in both 17-4 Stainless Steel or Anodized Aluminum
  • Optional 5 feet 28 Awg, 6 conductor shielded Polyurethane cable
  • Matched output option available
  • Metric Threads Available
  • In both Tension & Compression
  • Utilizes Metal Foil Strain Gauge Technology
  • Weight: 7.5 oz (Aluminum) / 18 oz ( Stainless Steel)美國Futek稱重傳感器LSB350

For those who are a looking for a complete system solution, FUTEK can provide both signal conditioned displays or our VCal Portable System. FUTEK’s VCal Portable System brings an easy-to-use system verification directly to the customer making it ideal for on-site verification and calibration of your products. FUTEK LSB Series is also available with TEDS / IEEE1451.4 option.

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