

射線檢測儀價格,Radalert 100x射線檢測儀

  • 公司名稱北京中恒日鑫科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號Radalert 100
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2023/9/24 14:19:00
  • 訪問次數(shù)115

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  北京中恒日鑫科技有限公司是專業(yè)從事引進國外的核輻射測量設備、水質分析設備、氣體檢測設備等高科技產(chǎn)品。多年來,持續(xù)為我國核工業(yè)、、化工廠、污水處理廠、環(huán)境監(jiān)測站、放射性管理部門、、應急響應、國土安全、、疾控中心、放射醫(yī)學、科研機構、高校、工業(yè)廠礦、等眾多的領域和部門提供高質量、高性能的產(chǎn)品和*的技術支持與服務。主要品牌有 美國華瑞氣體檢測儀 美國英思科氣體檢測儀 意大利哈納分析儀 德國羅威邦誰知分析儀 英國凱恩煙氣分析儀 英國ppm甲醛檢測儀 德國賓得烘箱
射線檢測儀價格,Radalert 100射線檢測儀The Inspector Alert™ V2 measures alpha, beta, gamma and x-radiation using a 2-inch “pancake” GM detector with high sensitivity to common beta and alpha s
射線檢測儀價格,Radalert 100x射線檢測儀 產(chǎn)品信息
射線檢測儀價格,Radalert 100射線檢測儀

射線檢測儀價格,Radalert 100射線檢測儀產(chǎn)品詳細:
The Inspector Alert™ V2 measures alpha, beta, gamma and x-radiation using a 2-inch “pancake” GM detector with high sensitivity to common beta and alpha sources. The easy-to-read digital display shows readings in your choice of µSv/hr, mR/hr, CPM, or CPS. The Total/Timer feature allows timed readings from one minute to 40 hours for precise measurement of low level contamination. An audible alert sounds when the radiation reaches a user-adjustable level.

Quickly alerts the user to the presence of harmful levels of nuclear radiation
Improves safety in the laboratory and in the field
Automatically compensates for GM tube dead time
Will not jam in high radiation fields
CE Certified, RoHS Compliant & Meets WEEE standards
- See more at: http://medcom.com/radiation-monitors/radiation-detectors/inspector-alert-v2/#sthash.KuMrkLmQ.dpuf 
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