

江森CO-T1 CO傳感器

  • 公司名稱上海益同儀器儀表有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號CO-T1
  • 所  在  地上海
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2023/10/30 8:02:19
  • 訪問次數(shù)220

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上海益同儀器儀表有限公司致力于為廣大客戶提供高效、高質(zhì)量的樓宇自控系統(tǒng)的業(yè)務(wù)咨詢、設(shè)計選型、方案確定、施工安裝、現(xiàn)場調(diào)試及技術(shù)支持,同時專業(yè)從事國外杰出廠商HONEYWELL、KROHNE、SE+ETOP、E+E、DWYER、MAC3等樓宇自控產(chǎn)品的成套進(jìn)口及技術(shù)支持等業(yè)務(wù)。公司主要服務(wù)城市建筑、上等樓宇、電子廠房、生物制藥、冶金、化工、環(huán)保、水處理等領(lǐng)域,是一家集方案設(shè)計、施工、專業(yè)的現(xiàn)場調(diào)試、日常技術(shù)維護(hù)等工程服務(wù)及自控產(chǎn)品、電力配電產(chǎn)品、HVAC暖通等相關(guān)產(chǎn)品銷售于一體的高科技公司。 本公司一家綠色產(chǎn)業(yè)公司,致力于樓宇自控系統(tǒng)的節(jié)能優(yōu)化,主要依托HONEYWELL系統(tǒng),以其優(yōu)異的開放性,很方便的整合系統(tǒng)集成,方便管理,利用其內(nèi)置的能源管理軟件,*大限度的合理節(jié)約能源,發(fā)揮樓宇自控的功能及潛在價值。
江森CO-T1 CO傳感器Most building codes require a very high ventilation rate in enclosed parking or areas involving vehicle repairs and operation. This must be provided during all hours of use.
江森CO-T1 CO傳感器 產(chǎn)品信息
江森CO-T1 CO傳感器

Most building codes require a very high ventilation rate in enclosed parking or areas involving vehicle repairs and operation. This must be provided during all hours of use. Most codes allow fans to be operated intermittently as long as carbon monoxide (CO) level does not excE+Ed 25 or 50ppm (check local code). A CO sensor can reduce fan energy costs by switching off or reducing ventilation when CO level is low.

The CO-T1 is a CO sensor/transmitter designed specifically for these applications. It delivers all the advantages of electrochemical sensing in a durable, long life (5-year) package and at attractive low price. The loop powered sensor delivers a linear 4~20mA output that is easily integrated into any building control, ventilation or alarm system.


? Using carbon monoxide electrochemical cell, the CO-T1 offers fast and reliable measurements over a long period of time;

? Measurement range: 0 - 100 ppm CO

? Two-wire 4-20mA linear output signal corresponding to the measurement range

? Long sensor life, up to 5 years

? non-frill design; cost-optimized and loop powered for direct connection to DDCs

? Easy sensor head replacement minimizes long term operating costs

? Optional measurement range (0 ~ 200ppm or 0 ~


? Optional terminals for temperature sensing elements such as PT100, PT1000 or NTC 10K.

? Optional duct mount (-IP65) housing



Sensing Method: Electrochemical

Sensor Rated Life: 5 years

Temp Operating Conditions: 0 to 50 oC Humidity Operating Conditions: 0 to 90 %RH Storage Conditions: -40 to 70 oC


CO Measurement Range: 0 to 100ppm Repeatability: +/-5% of measured value Linearity: +/-5% of measured value Recommended Calibration: 12 months Response Time: T90 =< 60 seconds Warm Up time: less than 2 minutes


Input: 18 ~ 30 VDC

Power consumption: 20mA


Adjustment: Span

Output signal: 4 ~ 20mA

Terminal Wire Size: 16 ~ 22 AWG

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