


  • 公司名稱深圳市宏盛儀器科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地深圳市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2023/11/4 10:10:51
  • 訪問次數(shù)117

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深圳市宏盛儀器科技有限公司是近年來通訊測試儀器行業(yè)激烈競爭的環(huán)境下發(fā)展起來的一只*從事:綜合測試儀、網(wǎng)絡(luò)分析儀、頻譜分析儀、射頻信號源、藍(lán)牙測試儀、無線局域網(wǎng)測試儀等相關(guān)儀器的代理商。 我公司一直以來秉承著:“質(zhì)量*,用戶至上”這個古老而不朽的原則,以“信譽至上,用心服務(wù)”為我公司經(jīng)營準(zhǔn)則服務(wù)于每一個客戶,把滿足客戶的需求,提升客戶的價值作為我公司發(fā)展的動力。腳踏實地,銳意進(jìn)取,用速度適應(yīng)市場,用品質(zhì)迎接競爭,用信譽維系客戶。
產(chǎn)品特性:IQview無線測試儀 產(chǎn)品簡介:品牌:美國LitePoint ;型號:IQview ;加工定制:是 ;外形尺寸:280*200*50 mm;重量:10 kg;電源電壓:220 v;測量范圍:204G5.8G ;用途:無線局域網(wǎng)測試儀 品牌美國LitePoint型號IQview所在地廣東深圳寶安區(qū)
IQview,iqview無線局域網(wǎng)測試儀 產(chǎn)品信息

Testing Bluetooth in Manufacturing

Bluetooth is increasingly included in a range of devices from laptops to phones. The LitePoint IQflex provides support with API based interfaces for testing of Bluetooth 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0 devices. A full range of Bluetooth transmit and receive tests can be performed. The multiple personalities of IQflex provides manufacturing-floor simplification and cost savings as WLAN and Bluetooth capabilities merge in consumer devices.

IQflex® 802.11a/b/g/n Test Solution
You use LitePoint IQflex®, an all-in-one test instrument, for manufacturing testing of 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN products, such as network interface cards, access points and embedded components. With the appropriate software option, IQflex can also be used to test Bluetooth-equipped devices.

IQflex integrates a vector signal analyzer (VSA) for analyzing device transmitted signals, and a vector signal generator (VSG) for injecting precisely structured signals into a device’s receiver.

The tester’s VSA, for example, replaces traditional spectrum analyzers and power meters, enabling you to analyze a device’s transmitter output and perform true error vector magnitude (EVM) measurements. The tester’s VSG replaces a discrete signal generator. The combination allows you to fully test whether the production unit meets the WiFi standard’s specifications. For complete product details see IQflex’s brochure and datasheet.

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