


  • 公司名稱深圳市世家儀器有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)2611B
  • 所  在  地深圳市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時(shí)間2023/12/5 18:51:59
  • 訪問次數(shù)76

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深圳市世家儀器有限公司是國內(nèi)儀器儀表行業(yè)中的產(chǎn)品代理商、系統(tǒng)集成商、綜合服務(wù)商之一。本公司建立了覆蓋華北、東北、華東,完善的銷售和服務(wù)網(wǎng)絡(luò)。世家儀器主要經(jīng)營的品牌有Keysight安捷倫、美國泰克Tektronix、美國福祿克Fluke、吉時(shí)利 等眾多儀器品牌。主要銷售信號(hào)發(fā)生器、LCR測(cè)試儀、示波器、電源、頻率計(jì)、功率計(jì)、音頻分析儀等高頻儀器儀表。其客戶遍及高等院校、科研院所、電子制造業(yè)等行業(yè)。能夠根據(jù)客戶的使用需求,為客戶提供各種針對(duì)行業(yè)應(yīng)用的完整測(cè)試解決方案,同時(shí)可以為國內(nèi)客戶提供國際通行的電子測(cè)試儀器租賃解決方案。世家儀器已成為集電子儀器銷售、維修、租賃為一體的綜合服務(wù)商。世家儀器倫秉承“誠信,用戶至上”的原則,以科技鑄就品牌、以品質(zhì)開拓市場(chǎng)的理念,竭誠為海內(nèi)外客戶提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)。為客戶提供“更經(jīng)濟(jì)豐富的產(chǎn)品選擇、更有效全面的專業(yè)服務(wù)”。世家儀器倫秉承“誠信,用戶至上”的原則,以科技鑄就品牌、以品質(zhì)開拓市場(chǎng)的理念,竭誠為海內(nèi)外客戶提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)。為客戶提供“更經(jīng)濟(jì)豐富的產(chǎn)品選擇、更有效全面的專業(yè)服務(wù)”。
2611B源測(cè)量單元 產(chǎn)品信息
  • 2600B系列系統(tǒng)數(shù)字源表源測(cè)量單元(SMU)儀表是業(yè)界的電流/電壓源 與測(cè)量解決方案,它是利用吉時(shí)利第三代源測(cè)量單元(SMU)技術(shù)建造的。2600B 系列產(chǎn)品包括單通道和雙通道型號(hào),集成了高精密電源、真正電流源、6位半數(shù)字多用表(DMM)、任意波形發(fā)生器、脈沖發(fā)生器以及電子負(fù)載等功能——這些功能都在一個(gè)高度集成的儀器機(jī)箱內(nèi)。這是一個(gè)功能強(qiáng)大的解決方案,大大提高了從臺(tái)式 I/V特性分析道高度自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn)測(cè)試等各種應(yīng)用中的測(cè)試效率。對(duì)于臺(tái)式應(yīng)用,2600B系列數(shù)字源表內(nèi)置基于Java的測(cè)試軟件,支持即插即用I/V測(cè)試,可以通過世界各地任何計(jì)算機(jī)瀏覽器運(yùn)行。對(duì)于自動(dòng)化系統(tǒng)應(yīng)用,2600B系列數(shù)字源表的測(cè)試腳本處理器(TSP),可以運(yùn)行儀器內(nèi)存儲(chǔ)的完整測(cè)試程序,實(shí)現(xiàn)業(yè)界的吞吐量。在更大型的多通道應(yīng)用中,吉時(shí)利的TSP-Link技術(shù)與TSP協(xié)同工作,實(shí)現(xiàn)了高度、SMU-per-pin并行測(cè)試。由于2600B系列數(shù)字源表源測(cè)量單元(SMU)儀表具有不需要主機(jī)的、隔離的通道,因此,可以根據(jù)測(cè)試應(yīng)用需求的進(jìn)展,很容易進(jìn)行重新配置和重新部署。


    2600B系列數(shù)字源表,與為吉時(shí)利2400 型數(shù)字源表源測(cè)量單元(SMU)儀表開發(fā)的測(cè)試代碼兼容。這使得基于2400型數(shù)字源 表的測(cè)試系統(tǒng)更容易地升級(jí)至2600B系列, 并使測(cè)試速度提高高達(dá)80%。此外,它還提供了從SCPI編程轉(zhuǎn)到吉時(shí)利TSP技術(shù)的過渡路徑,實(shí)施后,可以進(jìn)一步縮短測(cè)試時(shí)間。


    在早期2600系列儀器成熟的架構(gòu)基礎(chǔ) 上,2600B系列的源測(cè)量單元(SMU) 儀表設(shè)計(jì)從幾個(gè)方面提高了測(cè)試速度。例 如,早期的設(shè)計(jì)采用的是并聯(lián)電流量程調(diào) 節(jié)結(jié)構(gòu),而2600 B系列采用了已申請(qǐng) 的串聯(lián)量程調(diào)節(jié)結(jié)構(gòu),這種結(jié)構(gòu)具有更快 更平滑的量程變換過程和穩(wěn)定速度更快的 輸出。

  • The 2600B series system digital source meter source measurement unit (SMU) meter is the industry's leading current/voltage source and measurement solution. It is built using keesley third generation source measurement unit (SMU) technology. The 2600B series includes both single-channel and dual-channel models that integrate high precision power supplies, true current sources, 6-bit half-digital multimeters (DMM), arbitrary waveform generators, pulse generators, and electronic loads -- all in a highly integrated instrument case. This is a powerful solution that greatly improves test efficiency in a variety of applications, from desktop I/V feature analysis to highly automated production testing. For desktop applications, the 2600B series digital source tables come with built-in java-based test software that supports plug and play I/V testing and can be run in any computer browser anywhere in the world. For automated system applications, the 2600B series digital source table test script processor (TSP) can run a complete test program stored in the instrument to achieve the best throughput in the industry. In larger multi-channel applications, keesley's tsp-link technology works with the TSP to achieve high, smus-per-pin parallel testing. As the 2600B series digital source meter source measurement unit (SMU) meters have completely isolated channels that do not require a host, they can be easily reconfigured and redeployed as test application requirements evolve.

    Type 2400 software simulation

    The 2600B series digital sourcemeter is compatible with the test code developed for the SMU meter for the guildsley type 2400 digital sourcemeter. This makes it easier to upgrade the test system based on the type 2400 digital source table to the series 2600B and increases the test speed by up to 80%. In addition, it provides a transition path from SCPI programming to gilly TSP technology, which can further reduce test time.

    In order to fully support the legacy test system, the type 2400 source store inventory test sequence is also fully supported in this pattern.

    The third-generation SMU is designed to ensure faster test times

    Building on the mature architecture of the earlier 2600 series instruments, the latest SMU instrument design for the 2600B series improves test speed in several ways. For example, the earlier design used a parallel current range adjustment structure, while the 2600 B series USES a patented series range adjustment structure with a faster and smoother range transformation process and faster output stability.

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