


  • 公司名稱上海亨東儀器有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2023/12/18 11:29:42
  • 訪問次數(shù)102

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  上海亨東儀器有限公司是一家專注于儀器儀表、環(huán)保設(shè)備、檢測設(shè)備、電氣設(shè)備、五金工具、機械設(shè)備及配件、化工原料的開發(fā),代理,銷售和服務(wù)工作。供應(yīng)HACH哈希COD試劑,WTWBOD測定儀,哈納HANNA離子劑,Lovibond BOD測定儀,Lovibond色度儀等產(chǎn)品。公司擁有強大的專業(yè)技術(shù)服務(wù)支持隊伍,的銷售工程師,完善的售后服務(wù)體系,讓服務(wù)更專業(yè)、更經(jīng)濟!上海亨東儀器有限公司在儀器領(lǐng)域擁有多年的研發(fā)和市場推廣經(jīng)驗,并與一些院校和科研單位有著長期良好的合作關(guān)系.上海亨東儀器有限公司主要提供如下產(chǎn)品:水質(zhì)分析儀品牌及檢測項目美國哈希HACH,德國WTW,意大利HANNA,德國LOVIBOND、德國賽多利斯、瑞士梅特勒。 PH計/酸度計、電導(dǎo)率測定儀、溶解氧測定儀、水質(zhì)離子測定儀、濁度測定儀、水質(zhì)硬度計、化學需氧量COD/生化需氧量BOD快速測定儀、余氯總氯比色儀、總氮總磷分析儀、非分散紅外測油儀/油分儀、農(nóng)藥殘毒速測儀、土壤養(yǎng)分速測儀、紫外可見分光光度計、水質(zhì)采樣器、負離子濃度測試儀、電子天平等。水質(zhì)分析儀品牌及檢測項目嘉興紅聲,杭州愛華,嘉興恒升,美國NK等。噪聲、振動、氣象、風速、電磁輻射及放射性監(jiān)測分析;電子安規(guī)測試;工業(yè)生產(chǎn)檢測;以及工業(yè)衛(wèi)生和食品安全等各種用途的儀器儀表等。檢測設(shè)備、電氣設(shè)備品牌及檢測項目日本日置、美國luyor、中國臺灣固緯、德圖TESTO、日本圖技GRAPHTEC紅外測溫儀、涂層測厚儀、測振儀、轉(zhuǎn)速表、測溫儀、激光測距儀、測力計、兆歐表、萬用表、鉗形表、示波器、數(shù)字示波器、信號源、電源、頻譜分析儀、功率分析儀、等測試儀器.
This robust easy to use handheld device takes and records temperature readings via the attached thermocouple probe. A large touch screen, color display indicates temperature, maximum and minimum readi......
美國OMEGA歐米茄OM-EL-ENVIROPAD-TC溫度計數(shù)據(jù)記錄儀OM-EL-BOOT 產(chǎn)品信息
  • Compatible with Thermocouple Types J/K/N/T
  • Two Modes: Data Logging or Spot Measurement
  • 71 mm (2.8") Color Touch Screen Display
  • Data Downloadable via USB Connection to PC
  • Internal Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Battery
  • Date and Time Function
  • High and Low Audible Alarms
  • Removable Protective Boot for Increased Durability (Sold Separately)

This robust easy to use handheld device takes and records temperature readings via the attached thermocouple probe. A large touch screen, color display indicates temperature, maximum and minimum readings and will produce a graph of the data. The OM-EL-ENVIROPAD-TC has two functions-Data Logging and Spot Measurement; 1. When in Data Logging mode, the unit can be set-up and left to take temperature readings at pre-determined intervals for a desired length of time. All readings are saved to a file with a date and time stamp in CSV format for up to 65,536 readings. 2. When in Spot Measurement mode the unit can be used as a thermometer to capture one-off temperature readings displayed on screen. This can be repeated for up to 65,536 readings per file. This data can then be downloaded to PC via a USB connection and opened with Microsoft Excel® or our EasyLog software which is available for free from . The unit is compatible with any J, K, N and T Type thermocouple probes. The protective boot can be removed for cleaning.

Temperature Measurement Range:
Type J: -100 to 1190°C (-148 to 2174°F)
Type K: -100 to 1350°C (-148 to 2462°F)
Type T: -100 to 390°C (-148 to 734°F)
Type N: -100 to 1300°C (-148 to 2372°F)
Resolution: 0.1°C (0.1°F)
Accuracy: ±(0.2°C + 0.1% rdg)
Thermocouple Connection: Female subminiature thermocouple connector
Temperature Units: °C or °F selectable
Display: Color TFT touch-screen
Operation: All parameters configurable via touch screen display; single front panel on/off push button
Memory: 65536 readings (per recording)
Storage Capacity: 100 files maximum Handheld Data Logger Thermometer with Graphic Display
Logging Interval: 1 second, 10 second, 30 second, 1 minute, 5 minute, 30 minute, 1 hour, 6 hour, 12 hour
High/Low Alarms: User-selectable alarm thresholds
Start Date/Time (Data Logging Mode): Immediate or delayed start
PC Connection: Micro-USB via (included) 0.5 m (1.5') USB cable
Software: No special software required; unit appears as a mass storage device when connected to PC. Compatible with Windows XP/VISTA/7 (32- and 64-bit)
Power: Internal rechargeable (via USB connection) lithium polymer battery (included)
Battery Life (On Single Charge): 24 hours typical; 8 hours continuous (depends on recording settings)
USB Supply Voltage: 4.5 Vdc minimum, 5.5 Vdc maximum
Operating Temperature Range: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Weight: 201 g (7.1 oz)
Dimensions: 107 H x 68 W x 19 mm D (4.21 x 2.67 x 0.75")

在找 美國OMEGA歐米茄OM-EL-ENVIROPAD-TC溫度計數(shù)據(jù)記錄儀OM-EL-BOOT 產(chǎn)品的人還在看




