


  • 公司名稱廣州格瑞檢測設備有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地廣州市
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2024/1/5 13:35:48
  • 訪問次數(shù)166

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聯(lián)系我們時請說明是 制藥網 上看到的信息,謝謝!

廣州格瑞檢測設備有限公司成立于2011年,格瑞的寓意來自英文“Great”一詞,“GRT”是“GREA TESTING”的縮寫。我們立志要做成一家偉大的專業(yè)技術型公司。經過11年的努力,我們已在消費類電子電器及汽車電子測試設備領域取得20多項國家,已發(fā)展成長為30人的專業(yè)技術服務隊伍。 我們是國家企業(yè),廣東省儀器儀表協(xié)會會員、深圳產品檢測協(xié)會戰(zhàn)略合作單位、廣東科技型中小企業(yè),廣東省重合同守信用單位。格瑞擁有強大的技術研發(fā)團隊和專業(yè)的生產售后隊伍,我們將為每一個重視品質把控和技術創(chuàng)新的客戶提供更好的質量與安全測試設備解決方案。 近十年來,我們致力于與各照明家電電工附件、ITAV、汽車電子及汽車零部件實驗室的技術合作與檢測設備的研發(fā)制造。在我們的專業(yè)耕耘下,已陸續(xù)與廣東省質檢院、威凱檢測、賽寶實驗室、中認英泰、SGS檢測、UL美華、Intertek檢測、TUV萊茵、TUV南德、VDE檢測、Dekra德凱檢測、Kema檢測、Nemko檢測等第三方認證檢測機構有良好的深入合作。 標準推動發(fā)展,服務創(chuàng)造價值。深耕特標檢測設備領域,為每一位客戶用心的創(chuàng)造價值,將是格瑞永恒的追求!Grea moral comes from the English word "great". We are determined to be a great professional and technical company. After 10 years of efforts, we have obtained more than 20 national patents in the field of consumer electronics and automotive electronic testing equipment, and have developed into a professional technical service team of 30 people.We are a national high-tech enterprise, Guangdong science and technology small and medium-sized enterprise and a contract abiding and trustworthy unit in Guangdong Province. Grea has a strong technical R & D team and professional production and after-sales team. We will provide better quality and safety test equipment solutions for every customer who attaches importance to quality control and technological innovation.Over the past decade, we have been committed to technical cooperation with lighting appliance electrical accessories, ITAV, automotive electronics and auto parts laboratories and R & D and manufacturing of testing equipment. With our professional efforts, we have successively had good and in-depth cooperation with world-famous third-party certification and testing institutions such as Guangdong Quality Inspection Institute, Weikai testing, Saibao laboratory, Zhongzhi Yingtai, SGS testing, UL Meihua, Intertek Testing, TUV Rhine, TUV Nande, VDE testing, DEKRA Dekai testing, Kema testing, Nemko testing, etc.Standards promote development and services create value. It will be Grea eternal pursuit to deeply cte the field of special standard testing equipment and create value for every customer!
灼熱絲試驗儀 產品信息

灼熱絲試驗儀 GR-GW-01


灼熱絲試驗儀根據(jù) GB5169、GB4706、IEC60335-1、IEC60598-1、IEC60745、IEC60695-2-10 等標準中“灼熱絲試驗方法”的要求設計制造,模擬灼熱元件或過載電阻之類的熱源或點火源 在短時間所造成的熱應力,適用于電工電子產品、家用電器及其材料進行著火危險試驗,也用 于無火焰引燃源著火試驗,以測定相關材料的灼熱絲起燃溫度和可燃性、耐燃指數(shù)。 本儀器采用全新的設計理念,在實現(xiàn)定位精準的同時,又實現(xiàn)了更換試樣后快速地調整, 真正達到了操作簡單、方便的要求;配備多功能高精度數(shù)字儀表,能夠更加實時、準確地反映 相關參數(shù)的真實情況,達到科學研究方面的需求,遠遠產品;考究的用料,扎實的做 工,穩(wěn)定的性能,優(yōu)異的品質,讓試驗工作變得輕松,使試驗結果更加科學。

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