

Power Blotter Welcome Pack,PVDF

  • 公司名稱賽默飛世爾科技(中國)有限公司
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  • 廠商性質(zhì)生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時間2024/8/13 7:25:36
  • 訪問次數(shù)61

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Power Blotter Welcome Pack,PVDF
Power Blotter Welcome Pack,PVDF 產(chǎn)品信息
The Invitrogen Power Blotter System (Power Blotter Station + Power Blotter Cassette) is designed specifically for rapid semi-dry transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels to nitrocellulose or PVDF membranes in 5 to 12 minutes. The Power Blotter System features an integrated power supply optimized to enable consistent and high-efficiency protein transfer.

Learn more about semi-dry transfer with the Power Blotter System ›

The Power Blotter Welcome Pack, PVDF, includes:
• Power Blotter Station
• Power Blotter Cassette
• Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks, PVDF, regular size
• Power Blotter Pre-cut Membranes and Filters, PVDF, regular size
• Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer

Features of the Power Blotter System include:
Efficient—high transfer efficiency with a broad range of protein sizes compared to conventional semi-dry or wet (tank) transfer methods
Fast—5- to 12-minute transfer when used with Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks or Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer
Integrated power supply—seamless operation between control unit and cassette; no need for external power supply
Easy-touch programming—convenient pre-programmed transfer methods, or create, save, and run customized transfer methods
Flexible—simultaneous transfer of 1 or 2 mini-size or 1 midi-size gel using the Power Blotter Cassette
Versatile—compatible with Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks and Pierce 1-Step Transfer Buffer for rapid blotting programs or Towbin transfer buffer for conventional semi-dry transfer methods

The Power Blotter System achieves highly efficient transfer in seven minutes when used with Power Blotter Select Transfer Stacks or ten minutes with Power Blotter 1-Step Transfer Buffer. The instrument is also effective for standard 30- to 60-minute semi-dry transfer protocols based on traditional buffers.

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Power Blotter XL Welcome Pack

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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