

PlanarSL 雙軸平臺(tái) | PlanarSL Two Axis, Mechanical Bearing, Ball-Screw Stage | 雙軸機(jī)械軸承滾珠絲杠平臺(tái)

  • 公司名稱(chēng)北京艾瑪特科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)代理商
  • 更新時(shí)間2024/9/16 7:34:29
  • 訪問(wèn)次數(shù)17

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Aerotech’s PlanarSL mechanical bearing, ball-screw-driven XY stages offer exceptional performance in a cost-effective, low-profile package. Combining two axes of motion in a compact package, the Plana......
PlanarSL 雙軸平臺(tái) | PlanarSL Two Axis, Mechanical Bearing, Ball-Screw Stage | 雙軸機(jī)械軸承滾珠絲杠平臺(tái) 產(chǎn)品信息

● Integrated, low-profile, XY, ball-screw stage
● Long-life linear motion guide bearing system
● Optional low thermal expansion glass linear encoder
● Cost-effective, high-precision planar performance

Robust, High-Precision Design
The PlanarSL comes standard with a precision-ground and preloaded ball screw. Unlike competitive designs where the ball screw is positioned on the side or off-center, the PlanarSL is designed to drive directly through the centers of friction and stiffness resulting in superior geometric performance and accuracy.

High-precision linear motion guide bearings provide excellent straightness and flatness performance while supplying optimal support of the moving carriage over the entire XY travel. Using careful design and years of experience in precision motion systems, the PlanarSL structural elements have been optimized for the highest possible planar performance.

Optional Low Thermal-Expansion Linear Encoder
Unlike competitive designs using steel (13 ppm/˚C) or glass scales with 8 ppm/˚C thermal expansion coefficients, the PlanarSL is available with low-thermal expansion (3.3 ppm/˚C) precision glass scales on both axes allowing for high-accuracy and repeatable positioning over long periods of time. The linear encoder, available with amplified sine (1 Vpp) or 0.1 µm TTL digital outputs, is mounted near the centers of action, again providing an optimized stage solution for high-accuracy positioning.

Configuration Options
The PlanarSL is available standard with a 24 VDC bipolar stepper motor. Aerotech can also provide brushless and brush DC motors with high-resolution rotary encoders preconfigured for use with Aerotech controls.

Wide Variety of Control Options
A wide selection of state-of-the-art motion controllers is available to control the PlanarSL series. This suite of software and drive electronics provides various cost and performance levels to meet the needs of any application.

在找 PlanarSL 雙軸平臺(tái) | PlanarSL Two Axis, Mechanical Bearing, Ball-Screw Stage | 雙軸機(jī)械軸承滾珠絲杠平臺(tái) 產(chǎn)品的人還在看




