

ALS2200 機(jī)械軸承直驅(qū)平臺 | ALS2200 Mechanical-Bearing Direct-Drive Linear Stage | 直線電機(jī)直驅(qū)精密定位直線平臺

  • 公司名稱北京艾瑪特科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)代理商
  • 更新時(shí)間2024/9/17 7:07:20
  • 訪問次數(shù)18

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通過結(jié)合強(qiáng)大的直線電機(jī)驅(qū)動(dòng)與高精度交叉滾柱軸承并且在一個(gè)密封的系統(tǒng)中, ALS2200是一款具有出色性能的工業(yè)品級的平臺。
ALS2200 機(jī)械軸承直驅(qū)平臺 | ALS2200 Mechanical-Bearing Direct-Drive Linear Stage | 直線電機(jī)直驅(qū)精密定位直線平臺 產(chǎn)品信息

● 全封閉設(shè)計(jì)
● 非常平滑的無齒槽運(yùn)動(dòng)
● 強(qiáng)大的無刷直線伺服電機(jī)
● 高精度,達(dá)3納米的分辨率
● 杰出的直線度/平面度

Designed for applications requiring exceptional smoothness of travel, the ALS2200 utilizes precision crossed-roller bearings. Since there are no recirculating elements, vibration throughout travel is minimized resulting in outstanding velocity stability. Machined from a stress-relieved special aluminum-alloy extruded base, the ALS2200 has excellent stiffness and long-term stability.

The ALS2200 utilizes an ironless core so it is a cog-free design. The lack of cogging enables extremely tight velocity control, as well as superior contour motion profiles. As with all of Aerotech’s ALS series stages, there is zero backlash, no windup, zero friction and outstanding system responsiveness.

Many applications require outstanding step-to-step resolution. The ALS2200 meets this demand with a resolution of 3 nm when coupled with Aerotech control products. The direct-drive linear motor allows the ALS2200 to make precise, small resolution steps that are particularly important in alignment applications where step accuracy is critical.

To protect the stage from debris and particulates, the ALS2200 incorporates a full-length metal waycover and advanced sealing system. Tensioned side straps are used in lieu of bellows which are difficult to keep clean and increase the overall stage profile. The straps are in a vertical orientation that prevents debris from accumulating and the straps are under constant tension to create a tight seal.

The tabletop of the ALS2200 is treated with a protective, scratch-resistant, Teflon®-impregnated hardcoat (Rockwell 62 hardness). All of the tabletop mounting holes utilize stainless-steel Helicoil® inserts to protect against thread wear. The base mounting holes are located outboard of the stage, which allows the stage to be mounted without removing the hardcover.

The ALS2200 utilizes a moving magnet design in the linear-motor drive mechanism. As a result, there are no moving cables and therefore no cable management system, simplifying system interconnection.

在找 ALS2200 機(jī)械軸承直驅(qū)平臺 | ALS2200 Mechanical-Bearing Direct-Drive Linear Stage | 直線電機(jī)直驅(qū)精密定位直線平臺 產(chǎn)品的人還在看




