


  • 公司名稱青島威爾特機電設(shè)備有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號齊全
  • 所  在  地青島市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)代理商
  • 更新時間2018/5/15 11:34:24
  • 訪問次數(shù)9442
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聯(lián)系我們時請說明是 制藥網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!

 青島威爾特機電設(shè)備有限公司是一家集進口機電設(shè)備、儀器儀表分析儀器及備品備件為一體的現(xiàn)代化貿(mào)易公司。公司坐落在美麗的海濱城市青島,依靠其*的地理位置及多年積累的采購渠道為廣大客戶提供準確,專業(yè)的服務以及優(yōu)惠的產(chǎn)品。青島威爾特機電設(shè)備有限公司*致力于對國外供應商的開發(fā)和維護,經(jīng)過公司幾年堅持不懈的努力已經(jīng)取得了多個產(chǎn)品中國區(qū)代理,公司每年都會派專人參加國內(nèi)外一些大型的工控產(chǎn)品展會,積極與在會供應商洽談產(chǎn)品代理協(xié)議,到目前為止已經(jīng)和國內(nèi)外上百家公司建立了*的供應往來。 公司產(chǎn)品主要應用于冶金、鋼鐵、能源、石化、軌道交通、造紙、港口碼頭、紡織等行業(yè),到目前為止公司已經(jīng)和全國上百家鋼廠、上千家中間商建立了*了的合作往來,我們始終本著“急客戶所急,想客戶所想”的原則為客戶提供*競爭力的產(chǎn)品價格及供貨周期。 公司一貫堅持對內(nèi)“以人為本”視員工為公司的寶貴財富,為每一位員工提供*厚的待遇和廣闊的發(fā)展舞臺,對外以“誠實做人,誠信做事”的原則為導向,以“互惠互利,共同發(fā)展”的價值觀為核心不遺余力的為廣大新老客戶提供Z為專業(yè),滿意的服務。

美國MTS傳感器 液位計 磁致伸縮傳感器 美國MOOG伺服閥 英國HEPCO軸承 偏心軸承 同心軸承 德國JOST振動機 電磁振動機 電動機 振動給料機 電磁振動 德國JUMO 久茂 溫度傳感器 壓力傳感器 水質(zhì)分析儀 電導儀及控制器 記錄儀器 德國HUBNER編碼器 測速電機 超速開關(guān) 聯(lián)軸器 德國HYDAC 賀德克壓力 溫度 流量傳感器 壓力開關(guān) 傳感器 溫度開關(guān)
丹麥ORBITAL風向標 ORBITAL控制柜代理 產(chǎn)品信息


丹麥ORBITAL成立于1978年,主要產(chǎn)品有丹麥ORBITAL風向標、風速儀、風力控制器等全系列產(chǎn)品 。

Orbital has been developing and producing electrical control systems since 1978. Focusing specifically on the energy sector, Orbital found a profitable niche market for wind turbine control systems and biomass combustion control. To meet the increasing demand of reliability, performance and wide range applicability for our control systems, Orbital currently invests in the latest technologies. Today Orbital delivers control systems worldwide and our export ratio is increasing continuously. Orbital technology can be used for various industrial applications; therefore we can offer our customers a wide range of “tailor suited” products Ongoing research and development has an immense importance for Orbital. This will make our control systems an even better investment. In addition the customers benefit from our extensive know-how within process control, design of electronic control modules and monitoring systems. The future offers a tremendous market potential for Orbital products, especially since renewable energy provides an important and necessary contribution to the protection of our environment.
Wind energy Control systems for wind turbines and meterology stations. IEC-2 Controller System Profibus interfaced Wind Turbine control modules with high performance and flexible solutions for a wide range of control and monitoring tasks. Profibus DP interface. Minimize number of control modules. Programmable parameter values. Datasheet Compact DIN-RAIL snap-on mounting. Low cost, easy to install. TMC Controller This microprocessor based wind turbine controller is exclusively designed for smaller wind turbines and retrofit applications ranging from 5,5 kW to 250 kW. Applicable for grid connected, stall controlled turbines with 1 or 2 generators. 24 Digital inputs (3 Hi speed inputs). 3 Current inputs. 3 Voltage inputs. Low cost, easy to install. Datasheet 2 PT100 inputs. 8 Relay outputs. 8 Open collector outputs. (Optional) 3 phase thyristor trigger outputs. Anemometer For measuring the wind speed. PNP or NPN digital output. Short circuit protected. Start wind >1,0 m/s. Datasheet Windvane For yaw regulation of wind turbines. PNP or NPN digital output. Short circuit protected. Start wind >1,5 m/s. Black/white detection. Datasheet Windvane - 64 sectors Used in meterology stations for indicating the wind direction. PNP digital output. Short circuit protected. Start wind >1,5 m/s. Resolution 5,6o.

丹麥ORBITAL主要產(chǎn)品:風向標, 風速儀,風力控制器等


公司:http://www.qd-winner.com/ 點擊或復制進入本企業(yè)查看詳情
品牌 型號 廠家 代理商 供應商 批發(fā)商 經(jīng)銷商 產(chǎn)品展示 產(chǎn)品資料 *


關(guān)鍵詞:風速儀 控制器
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