


  • 公司名稱河北水處理設(shè)備有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)WTS-2A
  • 所  在  地石家莊市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時(shí)間2018/5/15 15:02:16
  • 訪問次數(shù)2327
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北京ZM-1水箱消毒機(jī)/水箱滅菌儀/水系統(tǒng)消毒器 產(chǎn)品信息






經(jīng)北京ZM-1水箱消毒機(jī)處理后,可保證處理后水質(zhì)的細(xì)菌總數(shù)、總大腸菌群、 游離余氯指標(biāo)符合《生活飲用水衛(wèi)生標(biāo)準(zhǔn)》GB5749-85,也可保證水箱(水池)符合《二次供水設(shè)施衛(wèi)生規(guī)范》GB17051-1997。







"Guanyu" brand WTS-2 A water tank disinfector introduction:

A sterilizer, water tank in the paper

Shijiazhuang guanyu environmental protection equipment Co., LTD WTS-2 type A water tank disinfector, can through the timing of quantitative input O3 circulation processing tanks (pool) in different parts of the water, make water tank (pool) and one of the water effectively disinfect purification, convenience and economy to solve two water supplies of water pollution problems.


Second, water tank disinfector principle and structure

WTS-2 type A water tank disinfector, by the main controller and disinfection cycle is composed of two. The main controller using advanced circuits produce O3, and technology of the microcomputer control of O3 output and output time, to ensure the water the reasonable concentration and best O3 sterilization time. Disinfection is through the cycle machine, to the circulation of the water tank water cycle flow, including through the diffusion and cycle O3 to water tank of water (pool) disinfection, and to water tank (pool) itself from clean role play disinfection.


According to the regularity of the water users period, through the microcomputer technology may determine the time and the amount of O3 output, or a time stop O3 output. All in all, according to the specific situation of the users, could set disinfector working condition.


Sterilization principle: in the role of the membrane of O3 bacteria, make damaged cell membrane, which destroy metabolism inhibit its growth, until death.

Destroy the virus principle: O3 through the damage its ribonucleic acid deoxidizing or nucleic acid to caused the death.

Degradation pesticide principle: the destruction of the chemical bonds O3 pesticide, make its lose medicinal properties, reach detoxify purpose.

Three, water tank disinfector function

The rated capacity in water, the treatment effect is as follows:

1, the sterilization rate: 99.9%

2, alga rate: 99.9%

3, biodegradable pesticides, remove residual chlorine and deodorant


The WTS-2 type A water tank disinfector treated, can guarantee the quality of the water treatment bacteria, total coliform group, free residual chlorine indexes meet the sanitary standard for drinking water of life "GB5749-85, also can make sure cistern (pool) comply with the two water supplies facilities health standard" GB17051-1997.


"Guanyu" brand WTS-2 A water tank disinfector introduction:

A sterilizer, water tank in the paper

Shijiazhuang guanyu environmental protection equipment Co., LTD WTS-2 type A water tank disinfector, can through the timing of quantitative input O3 circulation processing tanks (pool) in different parts of the water, make water tank (pool) and one of the water effectively disinfect purification, convenience and economy to solve two water supplies of water pollution problems.


Second, water tank disinfector principle and structure

WTS-2 type A water tank disinfector, by the main controller and disinfection cycle is composed of two. The main controller using advanced circuits produce O3, and technology of the microcomputer control of O3 output and output time, to ensure the water the reasonable concentration and best O3 sterilization time. Disinfection is through the cycle machine, to the circulation of the water tank water cycle flow, including through the diffusion and cycle O3 to water tank of water (pool) disinfection, and to water tank (pool) itself from clean role play disinfection.


According to the regularity of the water users period, through the microcomputer technology may determine the time and the amount of O3 output, or a time stop O3 output. All in all, according to the specific situation of the users, could set disinfector working condition.


Sterilization principle: in the role of the membrane of O3 bacteria, make damaged cell membrane, which destroy metabolism inhibit its growth, until death.

Destroy the virus principle: O3 through the damage its ribonucleic acid deoxidizing or nucleic acid to caused the death.

Degradation pesticide principle: the destruction of the chemical bonds O3 pesticide, make its lose medicinal properties, reach detoxify purpose.

Three, water tank disinfector function

The rated capacity in water, the treatment effect is as follows:

1, the sterilization rate: 99.9%

2, alga rate: 99.9%

3, biodegradable pesticides, remove residual chlorine and deodorant


The WTS-2 type A water tank disinfector treated, can guarantee the quality of the water treatment bacteria, total coliform group, free residual chlorine indexes meet the sanitary standard for drinking water of life "GB5749-85, also can make sure cistern (pool) comply with the two water supplies facilities health standard" GB17051-1997.



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