

半自動(dòng)軋蓋機(jī)(Semi automatic capping machine)

  • 公司名稱長(zhǎng)沙宏鳴制藥機(jī)械設(shè)備有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)軋蓋機(jī)系列(Capping machine series)
  • 所  在  地長(zhǎng)沙市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時(shí)間2016/9/28 19:22:53
  • 訪問(wèn)次數(shù)3985
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半自動(dòng)軋蓋機(jī)(Semi automatic capping machine) 產(chǎn)品信息



軋蓋速度:     24~30瓶/分
電機(jī)功率:     25W—250W(單機(jī)220V)
體    積:     300×200×350mm  
重    量:     8~40kg




















Semi automatic capping machine details:

Factory production of electric Capping machine, the novel and beautiful shape, reasonable design, compact. Mesa and the protective cover are made of stainless steel materials, roller strength, wear resistance, long service life, the rolling bottle aluminum cover with good sealing performance. Suitable for oral liquid bottle aluminum cover, aluminum cover two ml bottles, oral liquid bottle cap, the spray tube aluminum cover, aluminum cover, penicillin bottle spray tube aluminum cover, cover rolling. Is the country's major hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, scientific research and production the most ideal cover rolling device.

Electric Capping machine main parameters:

Cover rolling speed: 24 ~ 30 bottles per minute

Motor power: 25W - 250W ( 220V single )

Volume: 300× 200 × 350mm

415 x 180 x 580mm

Weight: 8~ 40kg

Electric Capping Machine details:

One, the adjusting arm

The machine can be used for rolling 5-500ml bottle cap, rolling bottles of different specifications, as long as the specifications of the bottle is placed on the tray, a support arm, a cross arm on the left hand to loosen the nut, so that the arm drop or rise, capping and cap until ca. 20 mm position, will be tightening of the nut, and then randomly with the inner six angle wrench will support ring abuts the cross arm after the supporting ring lock. (note ) note with the bottle cap when tightening capping position on it.

In two, V type support block adjustment

The bottle into the V type, the supporting block two screw loosening, bottles and V type block move together, until the capping and cap position on it, V block of two screws.

In three, the specific operation method

1, to fill liquid and the bottle lid fitted into the lower tray, on V type support block, one hand holding the bottle, on the other hand will handle back down tight, then the tray of a bottle up, until the bottle cap and the capping presses.

In 2, when the cap and capping after pressing, spinning three cover rolling cutter head rotation after a few laps, the bottle cap can be tightly rolling. (note ) motor must run clockwise.

In 3, the handle forward push, make rolling cover lid with the tray back in situ, the whole operation process is completed, each one a bottle of repeat the above operation.

In four, capping adjustment

The machine is equipped with a plurality of capping, according to different bottle cover size selection on capping. Before using the available bottles to try.

1, cover rolling is not tight, loosen the capping nut lock anti-clockwise rotation on capping, and then lock fixing nut.

2, cover rolling too tight, peeling cap phenomenon. Loosen the lock nut on the capping clockwise rotation in the capping, and then lock fixing nut.

In 3, the bottle cap along not tight, according to the actual situation of the appropriate regulating mistress a rolling cutter eccentricity. Such as receiving tight, a crushing bottle phenomenon, can be appropriate three rolling cutter eccentricity.


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