


  • 公司名稱上海市寶強(qiáng)閥門有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號SD943H電動伸縮蝶閥
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質(zhì)經(jīng)銷商
  • 更新時(shí)間2018/5/14 9:00:00
  • 訪問次數(shù)4555
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聯(lián)系我們時(shí)請說明是 制藥網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!

上海市寶強(qiáng)閥門有限公司是一家集科研、開發(fā)、生產(chǎn)及銷售各種高、中、低壓閥門企業(yè)。生產(chǎn)的各種“寶強(qiáng)”牌系列閥門,本公司按照iso9001質(zhì)量體系標(biāo)準(zhǔn)執(zhí)行,全國各地,遠(yuǎn)銷中東、歐美、及東南亞地區(qū),以*的質(zhì)量贏得各界好評和信賴。產(chǎn)品分別有閘閥系列、截止閥系列、減壓閥系列、止回閥系列、安全閥系列、球閥系列、蝶閥系列、疏水閥系列、柱塞閥系列、旋塞閥系列、鍛鋼閥門系列、不銹鋼閥門系列、美標(biāo)閥門系列、電站閥門系列、呼吸閥系列、隔膜閥系列、水利控制閥系列、電磁閥系列、針型閥系列、調(diào)節(jié)閥系列等……公稱通徑6mm-2000mm(1/4″-80″),公稱壓力0.1mpa-60mpa(150lb-3500lb),工作溫度-196℃-1300℃。主體材料采用:wcb.wc6、wc9、2gcr5mo、2g1,產(chǎn)品廣泛應(yīng)用于石油、化工、冶金、電力、化肥、鋼鐵、制藥等領(lǐng)域。 寶強(qiáng)的發(fā)展,得益于正確的發(fā)展思路,品牌的建設(shè)力度,產(chǎn)品的優(yōu)良品質(zhì),完善的售后服務(wù),也離不開眾多銷售精英在市場一線、宣傳寶強(qiáng)品牌與推廣寶強(qiáng)產(chǎn)品,寶強(qiáng)的壯大、是寶強(qiáng)人與銷售商們合作雙贏的較好佐證?!  懊\(yùn)共同,利益雙贏,產(chǎn)銷攜手,拓展市場”是寶強(qiáng)遵循的市場理念。竭誠歡迎新老顧客蒞臨本公司參觀訪問,垂詢惠顧,共創(chuàng)輝煌。 the strong valve door limited company of treasure in shanghai city is 1 to gather a research, developmentproducesell various high, mediumlow-pressure valve door a business enterprise。 the various"the treasure is strong" brand series valve door of production, our company carries out according to the iso9001 quality system standard, popular the whole whole country, sell as far as middle east, europeamerica,region in southeast asia, with superior of the qualitywin the public good opiniontrust。 the product has brake valve series, closes valve series, decompression valve series, check valve series, safe valve series, ball valve series, butterfly valve series, steam trap series, pillar to fill valve series, revolve to fill valve series, the forged steel valve door series respectively, stainless steel valve door series, the united states mark valve door series, give or get an electric shock station valve door series, breathe valve series, diaphragm valve series, water conservancy control valve series, electromagnetism valve series, needle type valve series, regulate valve series etc. ……mr. call a path 6 mms mms-2000ses1/4 ″s-80 ″s, mr. calls the pressure 0.1 mpas mpas-60ses150 lbs lbs-3500ses, working temperature-196 ℃ -1300 ℃ .corpus material adoption:wcb.wc6, wc9, 2 gcr5 moses, 2 g1s, the product is extensively applied in the petroleum, chemical engineering, metallurgy, electric powerturns fatty, steel, make a medicine etc. realm. the treasure strong development, receive benefit in the right development way of thinking, the construction strength of the brand, the good quality of the product, perfect after-sales service, also can not get away from numerous sale elites a glimmer of in the market, the publicity treasure strong brandthe expansion treasure strong product, the treasure is strong of strong, is a treasure strong personsale the companies cooperation double win of best substantial evidence. "the destiny is common, the benefits double wins, the production & sales holds hands, expand a market" is the market principle that the treasure is strong to follow.welcome new old customer to the visit of our company an interview with all sincerity, hang to inquire patronage, cr-eate brilliancy together.
安全閥系列 減壓閥系列 止回閥系列 球閥系列 閘閥系列 疏水閥系列 銅閥門系列 隔膜閥系列 蝶閥系列
SD943H電動伸縮蝶閥 產(chǎn)品信息



DN H1 H2 H3 zui大
L1 L2 L3 L4 電動設(shè)置型號
50 80 112 248 163 138 151 103 185 103 297 QB10-1
65 95 112 248 188 152 170 103 185 103 297 QB10-1
80 98 130 248 192 162 177 103 185 103 297 QB10-1
100 114 142 248 215 175 205 103 185 103 297 QB10-1
125 128 174 248 230 185 215 103 185 103 297 QB20-1
150 139 180 333 240 195 225 103 185 103 297 QB20-1
200 174 225 333 265 215 245 103 185 103 297 QB60-1
250 215 266 342 295 235 260 103 185 103 292 QB60-1
300 245 290 342 302 252 282 118 322 118 250 QB120-1
350 270 320 342 321 271 301 118 322 118 250 QB120-1
400 305 400 342 333 283 313 118 322 118 250 QB250-1
450 325 425 342 354 304 334 118 322 118 250 QB250-1
500 360 480 342 366 316 346 118 322 118 250 QB250-1
600 445 520 415 418 368 398 190 322 155 362 QB500-0.5
700 505 582 415 445 395 425 190 377 155 362 QB500-0.5
800 560 620 365 475 425 455 245 681 190 482 ZA60
900 630 715 365 505 455 485 245 766 268 370 ZA60
1000 680 760 365 515 465 495 245 766 268 370 ZA60
1200 795 905 396 562 512 542 245 879 268 405 ZA120
1400 900 1000 396 592 542 572 355 983 368 430 ZA120
1600 1110 1160 460 636 586 616 355 1121 368 500 ZA240
1800 1124 1247 460 680 630 660 355 1121 368 500 ZA240
2000 1292 1367 460 730 680 710 393 1204 435 530 ZA240


D643H-(6、10)C、P、R、V氣動法蘭式硬密封蝶閥          SD643H氣動法蘭式伸縮蝶閥

D973H系列電動對夾式金屬硬密封蝶閥              D943H系列電動法蘭式金屬硬密封蝶閥

BD343H型法蘭式硬密封保溫蝶閥                SD943H電動伸縮蝶閥

SD43F手動法蘭式伸縮蝶閥                      D343H-10-16法蘭式硬密封蝶閥

D673H氣動對夾式硬密封蝶閥                  D73H型手動對夾式硬密封蝶閥

D363H/W系列對焊式硬密封蝶閥             D373H對夾式金屬硬密封蝶閥

SD343X蝸輪傳動法蘭式伸縮蝶閥              D941X系列電動法蘭式軟密封蝶閥

D71X/J手動對夾式襯膠蝶閥                   D671X/J氣動對夾式蝶閥

D341X蝸輪傳動法蘭式蝶閥                D943H系列法蘭式多層次金屬硬密封蝶閥

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