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InSUS 307 PH電(一次性傳感器)

  • InSUS 307 PH電(一次性傳感器)

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  • 型號 InSUS 307
  • 品牌
  • 廠商性質(zhì) 其他
  • 所在地 北京市

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更新時(shí)間:2023-10-24 11:12:30瀏覽次數(shù):146




InSUS 307PH電(一次性傳感器)


InSUS 307PH電(一次性傳感器)  產(chǎn)品介紹:

Electrochemical Single-Use pH Sensor

The InSUS 307 single-use pH sensor is designed for integration into single-use bags. This single-use pH sensor covers a pH range from 3-10 and eliminates the need to use two or more optical pH spots.

Reliable Measurement Performance
This single-use pH sensor uses high quality pH sensing technology provided by METTLER TOLEDO's glass pH/reference electrode design.

One Sensor for Many Applications
With it's wide range, this single-use pH sensor can be deployed in many cell culturing and fermentation applications using stirred single-use bags.

Simplifies Bag Handling
The dry storage capability of the InSUS 307 simplifies bag handling, making the technology of this single-use pH sensor easy to use and easy to integrate.

InSUS 307PH電(一次性傳感器) 產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn):

Ensure Process Safety
All wetted polymer materials used on the InSUS 307 single-use pH sensor are made of USP class VI certified materials to ensure the highest process safety.

The InSUS 307 single-use pH sensor uses a standard 1" Eldon James port disk. This unified design allows for safe and easy installation on a broad range of applications, including cell culturing, fermentation, media/buffer preparation and virus inactivation.

Reliable Output Signals
The output signal on the InSUS 307 single-use pH sensor is identical to the output for METTLER TOLEDO resuable pH sensors. This allows for seamless integration into existing transmitters and biocontroller process environments.

InSUS 307PH電(一次性傳感器) 技術(shù)參數(shù):

測量耐壓性 pH 3-10
感應(yīng)元件 Glass pH and Reference Electrodes, Lead-Free
內(nèi)置溫度探頭 Pt1000
零點(diǎn) 7.20 ±0.25 pH
校準(zhǔn) 1-point process
電桿材質(zhì) High density polyethylene, USP 88 class VI
O型圈材質(zhì) EPDM, USP 88 class VI
過程連接 Eldon James 1' port disc, with retainer
伽馬射線滅菌 25…45 kGy
工作溫度 5…60°C (41…140°F)
保存溫度 5…25°C (41…77°F)
機(jī)械耐壓 "2 barg / 40 °C (29 psig / 104 °F), 1 barg / 60 °C (15 psig / 140 °F)"
認(rèn)證 USP 88 class VI for all wetted polymer parts, factory calibration


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