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  • DSA8300采樣示波器

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  • 型號(hào) DSA8300
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  • 所在地 深圳市

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更新時(shí)間:2023-12-14 07:58:04瀏覽次數(shù):115




DSA8300 數(shù)字串行分析儀為開(kāi)發(fā)和測(cè)試采用幾千兆位數(shù)據(jù)傳輸技術(shù)的通信、計(jì)算機(jī)和消費(fèi)電子提供了用途廣泛的工具。它可以用來(lái)對(duì)這些產(chǎn)品中使用的器件、模塊和系統(tǒng)的光接口和電接口發(fā)射機(jī)進(jìn)行檢定及一致性驗(yàn)證。此外,DSA8300 特別適合電接口信號(hào)路徑檢定,包括封裝、PCB 或電纜。由于杰出的帶寬、信號(hào)保真度及可擴(kuò)展性的模塊化架構(gòu),DSA8300 為當(dāng)前和新興串行數(shù)據(jù)技術(shù)提供了性能的 TDR 和互......


  • 主要性能指標(biāo)
    • 低時(shí)基抖動(dòng):

      • 8 條同時(shí)采集的通道上典型值為 425 fs

      • 82A04B 相位基準(zhǔn)模塊中,最多 6 條通道上 <100 fs

    • 垂直分辨率 – 16 位模數(shù)轉(zhuǎn)換器

    • 電接口分辨率:<20 µV LSB(適用于 1 v 全量程)

    • 光接口分辨率從 80C07B(1 mW 全量程)的 <20 nW 到 80C10C(30 mW 全量程)的 <0.6 µW

    • 光接口帶寬 >80 GHz

    • 電接口帶寬 >70 GHz

    • 為 NRZ、RZ 和脈沖信號(hào)類(lèi)型提供了超過(guò) 120 種自動(dòng)測(cè)量功能

    • 80 多種行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)模板,自動(dòng)進(jìn)行模板測(cè)試

    • 復(fù)雜抖動(dòng)/噪聲/BER/SER 分析 (80SJNB),支持復(fù)雜測(cè)量 TDECQ 1, SNDR 2 (應(yīng)用)

    1PAM4 發(fā)射機(jī)和色散眼圖閉合象限。




    • 光接口模塊

      • 支持從 155 Mb/s 到 10 Gb/s、40 Gb/s、100 Gb/s 和 50G/100G/200G/400G PAM4 光數(shù)據(jù)速率的光模塊

      • 光基準(zhǔn)接收機(jī)(ORR) 1 滿(mǎn)足了標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)定的一致性測(cè)試中的要求

      • 光接口采樣模塊提供了高光學(xué)靈敏度、低噪聲及寬動(dòng)態(tài)范圍,可以準(zhǔn)確地測(cè)試和檢定短程到遠(yuǎn)程光接口通信標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

      • 經(jīng)過(guò)全面校準(zhǔn)的時(shí)鐘恢復(fù)解決方案 – 不需要手動(dòng)校準(zhǔn)數(shù)據(jù)撿拾損耗

      • 已校準(zhǔn)消光比測(cè)量和變量校正 ER 測(cè)量可確保精度和重復(fù)能力

    • 電接口模塊

      • 超低噪聲電采樣器(20GHz 時(shí) 280 μV,60GHz 時(shí) 450 μV,典型值)

      • 可以選擇帶寬2,用戶(hù)可以平衡帶寬和噪聲,實(shí)現(xiàn)優(yōu)秀的數(shù)據(jù)采集性能

      • 遠(yuǎn)程采樣器或緊湊的采樣擴(kuò)展器模塊電纜限度地減少信號(hào)劣化,因?yàn)椴蓸悠骺梢苑旁诒粶y(cè)器件附近

      • 高性能集成 TDR(10 ps 典型步進(jìn)上升時(shí)間)支持杰出的阻抗不連續(xù)性檢定,對(duì)帶寬高達(dá) 50GHz 的 S 參數(shù)測(cè)量提供了高動(dòng)態(tài)范圍

    • 分析

      • 對(duì)速率在 <1 GBd 到 60 GBd 之間的高速 PAM4 和 PAM2 NRZ 串行數(shù)據(jù)執(zhí)行抖動(dòng)、噪聲和 BER 分析,了解眼圖閉合的確切原因

      • 分析 PAM4 信號(hào),全面分析每一個(gè) PAM 眼圖的抖動(dòng)、噪聲和 BER,并支持一套全局測(cè)量,評(píng)估 PAM4 信號(hào)整體屬性

      • 100G-SR4/發(fā)射機(jī)和色散眼圖閉合 (TDEC) 自動(dòng)化提供對(duì) SR4 短程以太網(wǎng)至關(guān)重要的 TX 光屬性的全套測(cè)試和調(diào)試

      • 80STDEC 簡(jiǎn)化了高性能發(fā)射機(jī)和色散眼圖閉合 (TDEC) 測(cè)量,使其非常適合生產(chǎn)和一致性驗(yàn)證應(yīng)用

      • 自動(dòng)模板測(cè)試,支持 80 多種行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)模板。新模板可以導(dǎo)入 DSA8300,支持各種新興標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。用戶(hù)可以定義自己的模板,自動(dòng)進(jìn)行模板測(cè)試

      • 抖動(dòng)、噪聲、BER、模板測(cè)試和串行數(shù)據(jù)鏈路分析 (SDLA) 通過(guò) 80SJNB Essentials 和 Advanced 應(yīng)用軟件選項(xiàng)提供

      • 高級(jí) TDR 分析、S 參數(shù)測(cè)量、仿真模型提取和串行鏈路仿真功能通過(guò) IConnect® 應(yīng)用軟件選項(xiàng)提供

      • 400G-M4 光制造分析軟件提供了光發(fā)射機(jī)和色散眼圖閉合象限(TDECQ)分析功能

    • 高測(cè)試吞吐量

      • 每條通道高達(dá) 200 kS/s 的高采樣率

      • 高效編程接口(IEEE-488、以太網(wǎng)或本地處理器接入)實(shí)現(xiàn)高測(cè)試吞吐量

    1光基準(zhǔn)接收機(jī)(ORR)是一種四階 Bessel-Thompson 濾波器,擁有標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)定的頻響和容限。泰克優(yōu)化了響應(yīng),實(shí)現(xiàn)標(biāo)稱(chēng)擬合和高質(zhì)量的模板測(cè)試結(jié)果。

    2參閱 80E00 電采樣模塊產(chǎn)品技術(shù)資料,獲得每種模塊的詳細(xì)介紹。

    • 設(shè)計(jì)/檢驗(yàn)電信和數(shù)據(jù)通信器件和系統(tǒng)

    • ITU/ANSI/IEEE/SONET/SDH 制造/一致性測(cè)試

    • 高性能真正差分 TDR 測(cè)量

    • 串行數(shù)據(jù)應(yīng)用阻抗檢定和網(wǎng)絡(luò)分析,包括 S 參數(shù)

    • 高級(jí)抖動(dòng)、噪聲、BER和SDLA分析

    • 使用IConnect基于通道和眼圖仿真和測(cè)量建模


    DSA8300 數(shù)字串行分析儀為開(kāi)發(fā)和測(cè)試采用幾千兆位數(shù)據(jù)傳輸技術(shù)的通信、計(jì)算機(jī)和消費(fèi)電子提供了用途廣泛的工具。它可以用來(lái)對(duì)這些產(chǎn)品中使用的器件、模塊和系統(tǒng)的光接口和電接口發(fā)射機(jī)進(jìn)行檢定及一致性驗(yàn)證。

    此外,DSA8300 特別適合電接口信號(hào)路徑檢定,包括封裝、PCB 或電纜。由于杰出的帶寬、信號(hào)保真度及可擴(kuò)展性的模塊化架構(gòu),DSA8300 為當(dāng)前和新興串行數(shù)據(jù)技術(shù)提供了性能的 TDR 和互連分析能力、準(zhǔn)確的信號(hào)損傷分析能力以及 BER 計(jì)算功能。

  • Key performance indicators

    Low base jitter:

    The typical value on the maximum 8 simultaneous acquisition channels is 425 fs

    In 82A04B phase reference module, <100 fs on up to 6 channels

    Vertical resolution - 16 bit AD converter

    Electrical interface resolution: <20 V LSB (suitable for 1 V full range)

    The optical interface resolution ranges from <20 nW at 80C07B (1 mW full range) to <0.6 W at 80C10C (30 mW full range)

    Optical interface bandwidth >80 GHz

    Electrical interface bandwidth >70 GHz

    More than 120 automatic measurement functions are provided for NRZ, RZ and pulse signal types

    More than 80 industry standard templates, automatic template testing

    Complex jitter/noise /BER/SER analysis (80SJNB), support complex measurement TDECQ 1, SNDR 2 (application)

    Pam4 transmitter and dispersion eye diagram closed quadrant.

    2S SNR.

    The main features

    Various optical interface modules, electrical interface modules and accessories modules can meet your specific test requirements.

    Optical interface module

    PAM4 supports light modules ranging from 155 Mb/s to 10 Gb/s, 40 Gb/s, 100 Gb/s, and 50G/100 g /200G/400G PAM4 light data rates

    Optical reference receiver (ORR) 1 meets the requirements specified in the conformance test specified in the standard

    Optical interface sampling module provides high optical sensitivity, low noise and wide dynamic range, which can accurately test and verify short-range to long-range optical interface communication standards

    Fully calibrated clock recovery solution - no manual calibration data collection loss required

    Calibrated extinction ratio measurements and variable correction ER measurements ensure accuracy and repeatability

    Electrical interface module

    Ultra-low noise electrical sampler (280 V at 20GHz, 450 V at 60GHz, typical values)

    Bandwidth 2 can be selected. Users can balance bandwidth and noise to achieve excellent data acquisition performance

    Remote sampler or compact sampler expander module cable minimizes signal degradation because the sampler can be placed near the device under test

    High performance integrated TDR (10 ps typical step rise time) supports outstanding impedance discontinuity verification, providing a high dynamic range for S parameter measurements with bandwidth up to 50GHz

    Analysis of the

    Jitter, noise and BER analysis were performed on high-speed PAM4 and PAM2 NRZ serial data with a rate between <1 GBd and 60 GBd to understand the exact cause of eye pattern closure

    PAM4 signal is analyzed, the jitter, noise and BER of each PAM eye image are comprehensively analyzed, and a set of global measurement is supported to evaluate the overall properties of PAM4 signal

    The 100g-sr4 / transmitter and dispersion eye pattern closure (TDEC) automation provides a full suite of testing and debugging of the TX attributes critical to SR4 short-range Ethernet

    The 80STDEC simplifies high performance transmitter and dispersion eye pattern closure (TDEC) measurements, making it ideal for production and consistency verification applications

    Automatic template testing, support more than 80 industry standard templates. The new template can be imported into DSA8300, supporting various emerging standards. Users can define their own templates, template testing automatically

    Jitter, noise, BER, template testing, and serial data link analysis (SDLA) are provided with 80SJNB Essentials and Advanced application software options

    Senior TDR analysis, extraction and serial links S parameter measurement, the simulation model simulation function through IConnect ® options provide application software

    The 400g-m4 optical manufacturing analysis software provides optical transmitter and dispersion eye diagram closed quadrant (TDECQ) analysis functions

    High test throughput

    Each channel has a high sampling rate of up to 200 kS/s

    Efficient programming interfaces (ieee-488, Ethernet, or local processor access) achieve high test throughput

    The optical reference receiver (ORR) is a four - order Bessel-Thompson filter with standard frequency response and tolerances. Tektronix optimizes the response to achieve nominal fit and high quality template test results.

    Refer to 80E00 electrical sampling module product technical data for detailed introduction of each module.


    Design/test telecommunication and data communication devices and systems

    ITU/ANSI/IEEE/SONET/SDH manufacturing/conformance testing

    High performance real differential TDR measurement

    Impedance verification and network analysis are applied to the serial data, including S parameters

    Advanced jitter, noise, BER and SDLA analysis

    IConnect was used for channel - and eye-based simulation and measurement modeling

    Excellent performance, excellent versatility

    The DSA8300 digital serial analyzer provides a wide range of tools for developing and testing communications, computers and consumer electronics using thousands of megabits of data transmission technology. It can be used for verification and consistency verification of optical and electrical interface transmitters of devices, modules and systems used in these products.

    In addition, the DSA8300 is particularly suitable for electrical interface signal path verification, including encapsulation, PCB or cable. Due to the outstanding bandwidth, signal fidelity and scalability of the leading modular architecture, DSA8300 for the current and emerging serial data technology provides super performance TDR and interconnection analysis capabilities, accurate signal damage analysis capabilities and BER computing functions.

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