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  • CR286A時鐘恢復(fù)儀器

參考價 面議
  • 型號 CR286A
  • 品牌
  • 廠商性質(zhì) 其他
  • 所在地 深圳市

在線詢價 收藏產(chǎn)品 加入對比

更新時間:2023-12-15 11:17:30瀏覽次數(shù):146




我們的優(yōu)勢:品種齊全,貨源充足,存庫雄厚,服務(wù)快捷,維修能力強。 歡迎來電!上門看貨!您的滿意是我們的追求!凡本公司所銷售的產(chǎn)品可享受一年保修期!!


  • 主要特點和優(yōu)點

    • 儀器級的時鐘恢復(fù)設(shè)備

    • 150Mb/s 到28.6Gb/s 連續(xù)可調(diào)的時鐘恢復(fù),覆蓋下一代IO標(biāo)準,包括PCIe3.0、10GBASE-KR、16xFC、25/28G CEI和100GBASE-LR-4/100GBase-ER-4

    • 從100KHz 到12MHz 精確的可調(diào)環(huán)路帶寬;支持USB3.0、SATA 6G和PCIe3.0中24MHz帶寬抖動傳遞函數(shù)(JTF)測試

    • 精確、可調(diào)、自檢測和顯示的PLL 環(huán)路帶寬、peaking 和抖動傳遞函數(shù)(JTF)- 能夠得到標(biāo)準要求的“黃金鎖相環(huán)"

    • 可調(diào)的峰值、一階或二階滾降能力

    • 通過USB 接口同BERTScope 集成在一起;或者單獨使用,提供PC 遠控軟件

    • DC 耦合的數(shù)據(jù)通路提供了精確的信號完整性

    • 輸出全速率或分頻時鐘。全速率時鐘輸出14.3Gb/s,半速率時鐘輸出從14.3Gb/s 到17.5Gb/s 和28.6Gb/s

    • 內(nèi)建均衡器能夠從帶有嚴重ISI 數(shù)據(jù)中恢復(fù)時鐘

    • 數(shù)據(jù)測量能力

      • 邊沿密度測量:確定被測信號的邊沿密度

      • SSC(擴頻時鐘)波形、dF/dt 的觀測

    • 適合測試帶有大的頻率偏移的SSC 應(yīng)用

    • 可選的直接抖動頻譜分析,通過USB 接口在PC 上提供單獨的分析軟件

    • 可選的“頻譜分析"視圖,使用光標(biāo)測量抖動幅度和頻率

    • 用戶可設(shè)定測量抖動頻率限定,進行帶限的抖動分析

      • 預(yù)設(shè)PCI Express Gen2 抖動頻率限定

    • 可選的PCIe 2.5 、5和8Gb/s PLL 環(huán)路分析(需要抖動分析選件)

    • CR175A和CR286A提供可選HS(高靈敏度輸入)的可以為幅 度小于40mV(單端)、20mV(差分)信號s 提供時鐘恢復(fù)- 這 個選件沒有DC 耦合的數(shù)據(jù)通路

  • Main features and advantages

    Instrument-level clock recovery equipment

    Continuously adjustable clock recovery from 150Mb/s to 28.6gb /s, covering next-generation IO standards including PCIe3.0, 10gbase-kr, 16xFC, 25/28g CEI and 100gbase-lr-4/100gbase-er-4

    Accurate adjustable loop bandwidth from 100KHz to 12MHz; Support USB3.0, SATA 6G and PCIe3.0 24MHz bandwidth jitter transfer function (JTF) test

    Precise, adjustable, self-detecting and displaying PLL loop bandwidth, peaking and jitter transfer functions (JTF)

    Adjustable peak, first - or second-order roll - down capability

    Integrated with BERTScope via USB interface; Or use alone, provide PC remote control software

    Dc-coupled data paths provide precise signal integrity

    Output full speed or frequency division clock. Full rate clock output is up to 14.3Gb/s, while half rate clock output ranges from 14.3Gb/s to 17.5Gb/s and 28.6Gb/s

    The built-in equalizer can recover the clock from severe ISI data

    Data measurement capability

    Edge density measurement: to determine the edge density of the measured signal

    SSC(spread spectrum clock) waveform, dF/dt observation

    Suitable for testing SSC applications with large frequency offset

    Optional direct jitter spectrum analysis, through the USB interface on PC to provide a separate analysis software

    Optional "spectrum analysis" view, using cursor to measure jitter amplitude and frequency

    The user can set the limit of measurement jitter frequency and carry out band limit jitter analysis

    Preset PCI Express Gen2 jitter frequency limit

    Optional PCIe 2.5, 5 and 8Gb/s PLL loop analysis (jitter analysis option required)

    CR175A and CR286A provide optional HS(high sensitivity input), which can provide clock recovery for signals with amplitudes less than 40mV(single terminal) and 20mV(differential) s - this option has no dc-coupled data path

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