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  • WFM2300波形監(jiān)測(cè)儀

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  • 型號(hào) WFM2300
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  • 廠商性質(zhì) 其他
  • 所在地 深圳市

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更新時(shí)間:2023-12-16 11:14:46瀏覽次數(shù):169




WFM2200A 和 WFM2300 是堅(jiān)固耐用的便攜式工具,適用于現(xiàn)場(chǎng)應(yīng)用場(chǎng)合中的測(cè)量和分析。 廣泛的物理接口提供一系列視頻/音頻監(jiān)控工具和測(cè)試信號(hào)生成功能,支持快速連接以發(fā)現(xiàn)、診斷和解決系統(tǒng)問(wèn)題。 適用于廣播和總工程師的一體化測(cè)量工具


  • WFM2300 是一款便攜式的視頻波形監(jiān)測(cè)儀,它為視頻安裝和維護(hù)應(yīng)用提供了一種理想的解決方案,WFM2300 將高亮度、低功耗的 LED 背光式顯示器整合在一個(gè)外形結(jié)構(gòu)輕巧、便于攜帶的機(jī)體中。這款多用途的儀器可以采用機(jī)內(nèi)電池供電,也可以通過(guò) AC-DC 變換器的直流輸入來(lái)提供電源。

    • 適合于現(xiàn)場(chǎng)節(jié)目制作設(shè)備調(diào)試和故障查尋的理想便攜式儀器

    • SDI眼圖測(cè)量,包括眼圖幅度、上升/下降時(shí)間和過(guò)沖測(cè)量及泰克抖動(dòng)波形顯示;通過(guò)選項(xiàng)ASI,還可以顯示眼圖

    • 使用內(nèi)置可充電可更換電池單元操作;外部充電器組件和更換電池作為選項(xiàng)提供

    • 同軸電纜仿真/余量測(cè)試環(huán),安全地安裝系統(tǒng)

    • 根據(jù)SMPTE297標(biāo)準(zhǔn)監(jiān)視光SDI輸入和輸出(選項(xiàng)SFP) 1

    • HDMI信號(hào)監(jiān)視(選項(xiàng)SFP-HDMI) 1

    • 一個(gè)SDI輸入和一個(gè)MULTI輸入,并擁有多格式、多標(biāo)準(zhǔn)支持

      • MULTI輸入可以配置為SDI/ASI、AES或LTC輸入

      • 作為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)支持采用兩個(gè)SDI輸入的雙鏈路(SMPTE372)格式

      • 3G-SDI(和B級(jí))格式支持(選項(xiàng)3G)

      • ASI格式支持(選項(xiàng)ASI)

    • 3G/HD/SD色條和病理信號(hào)發(fā)生器及同步鎖和動(dòng)態(tài)圖像,調(diào)試信號(hào)路徑和設(shè)備;另外還為調(diào)整圖像監(jiān)測(cè)儀提供了測(cè)試信號(hào)

      (注: SD/HD SDI生成是標(biāo)配;生成3G-SDI信號(hào)要求選項(xiàng)3G;生成光信號(hào)要求選項(xiàng)SFP)

    • 完善的音頻監(jiān)視工具

      • 最多16通道內(nèi)嵌AES/EBU音頻

      • 多通道環(huán)繞聲 2顯示和和靈活的利薩如曲線顯示

      • 音頻顯示中提供了音頻響度計(jì)(選項(xiàng)LOUD)

      • 杜比圖元數(shù)據(jù)解碼和峰值電平測(cè)量(選項(xiàng)DBE)

      • 杜比E保護(hù)頻段測(cè)量及用戶自定義極限(選項(xiàng)DBE)

    • 提供 AES 音頻測(cè)試單音信號(hào)發(fā)生(嵌入音頻和 AES 輸出)

    • 生成Dolby E測(cè)試流,用于嵌入式及AES輸出(選項(xiàng)DBE)

    • 音頻/視頻延遲測(cè)量和傳播延遲測(cè)量及測(cè)試信號(hào)生成(選項(xiàng)ADVP)

    • ASI監(jiān)視工具(選項(xiàng)ASI)

      • ASI眼圖測(cè)量,包括自動(dòng)測(cè)量

      • ASI信號(hào)極性檢查

      • MPEG2 PID樹(shù)型顯示

      • TS比特率顯示

      • 連續(xù)性計(jì)數(shù)器錯(cuò)誤檢測(cè)

      • 錯(cuò)誤記錄

    • 能夠顯示外接參考信號(hào)波形和 LTC 信號(hào),便于快速發(fā)現(xiàn)和診斷同步信號(hào)和定時(shí)分配系統(tǒng)中的潛在問(wèn)題

    • 泰克已獲的鉆石顯示和箭頭顯示,用來(lái)監(jiān)測(cè)是否滿足色域標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

    • 完善的數(shù)據(jù)監(jiān)視功能幫助您迅速解決困難的內(nèi)容質(zhì)量和可靠性問(wèn)題(選項(xiàng)DATA)

      • 同時(shí)監(jiān)視CEA708/608隱藏字幕;監(jiān)視圖文電視和OP47字幕

      • 檢測(cè)和解碼ANC數(shù)據(jù),包括AFD、WSS、視頻指數(shù)、TSID、V-Chip、廣播標(biāo)記/CGMS-A、VITC、LTC和ANC TC

      • ARIB STD-B35/B37/B39、TR-B22和TR-B23支持

      • ANC數(shù)據(jù)檢測(cè)器和SDI數(shù)據(jù)分析顯示幫助調(diào)試ANC數(shù)據(jù)和SDI數(shù)據(jù)問(wèn)題

    • 各種監(jiān)視顯示

      • 泰克已獲的定時(shí)顯示和閃電顯示輕松完成設(shè)施和通道間定時(shí)

      • 10,000個(gè)事件的全面告警、狀態(tài)報(bào)告和錯(cuò)誤記錄功能簡(jiǎn)化了錯(cuò)誤校正任務(wù)

      • 電壓和定時(shí)光標(biāo)實(shí)現(xiàn)精確測(cè)量

      • 用戶自定義安全區(qū)域格線和AFD格線簡(jiǎn)化了編輯和格式轉(zhuǎn)換任務(wù)

    • 的顯示通用性

      • 為各種應(yīng)用需求訂制的靈活的四分屏顯示,提高生產(chǎn)效率

      • 全屏模式,使顯示尺寸達(dá)到,精確地進(jìn)行調(diào)整

      • 縮略圖圖像,進(jìn)行內(nèi)容檢驗(yàn)

    • 的多用性

      • 提供 32 項(xiàng)儀器預(yù)置功能,便于迅速調(diào)出常用設(shè)置

      • 提供 USB 端口,為傳送或保存儀器預(yù)置、屏幕快照和出錯(cuò)日志記錄提供便利

      • 提供內(nèi)部揚(yáng)聲器和耳機(jī)插口,可以方便地各個(gè)音頻通道

      • 直觀的菜單結(jié)構(gòu)和對(duì)上下文敏感的求助信息

      • 突出的加亮顯示,清晰明亮的高分辨率 LED 背光顯示,可以滿足室內(nèi)外環(huán)境下的應(yīng)用需求

      • 提供 SNMP 和以太網(wǎng)遙控接口功能,便于實(shí)現(xiàn)集中監(jiān)視和控制

      • 儀器非常輕便,低功耗設(shè)計(jì),特別適合于便攜式的電池供電應(yīng)用

  • WFM2300 is a portable video waveform monitor, which provides an ideal solution for video installation and maintenance applications. WFM2300 integrates high brightness and low power consumption LED backlight display into a lightweight and portable body. This versatile instrument can be powered by an in-machine battery or by a DC input from an ac-dc converter.

    The main features

    Ideal portable instrument for debugging and fault finding of live program production equipment

    SDI eye map measurement, including eye map amplitude, rise/fall time and overshoot measurement and tektronic jitter waveform display; ASI can also display eye map

    Use the built-in rechargeable and replaceable battery unit for operation; External charger components and battery replacement are provided as options

    Coaxial cable emulation/allowance test ring, safely mounting system

    Monitor optical SDI input and output (option SFP) 1 according to SMPTE297 standard

    HDMI signal monitoring (option sfp-hdmi) 1

    One SDI input and one MULTI input, with multi-format and multi-standard support

    The MULTI input can be configured as SDI/ASI, AES, or LTC input

    Supports as a standard the dual link (SMPTE372) format with two SDI inputs

    3G-SDI (level A and B) format support (option 3G)

    ASI format support (option ASI)

    3G/HD/SD color bar and pathological signal generator, synchronous lock and dynamic image, debugging signal path and equipment; In addition, a test signal is provided for adjusting the image monitor

    (note: SD/HD SDI is standard; Generate 3G-SDI signal requirement option 3G; Generate optical signal (SFP)

    Sound audio monitoring tools

    Up to 16 channels embedded with AES/EBU audio

    Multichannel surround sound 2 display and flexible lissaur curve display

    Audio loudness meter (option LOUD) is provided in the audio display.

    Dolby chart metadata decoding and peak level measurement (option DBE)

    Dolby E protection band measurement and user-defined limits (option DBE)

    Provide AES audio test single tone signal generation (embedded audio and AES output)

    Generate Dolby E test stream for embedded and AES output (option DBE)

    Audio/video delay measurement and propagation delay measurement and test signal generation (option ADVP)

    ASI monitoring tool (option ASI)

    ASI eye map measurement, including automatic measurement

    ASI signal polarity check

    MPEG2 PID tree display

    TS bit rate display

    Continuity counter error detection

    Error logging

    The ability to display external reference signal waveforms and LTC signals facilitates rapid detection and diagnosis of potential problems in synchronous signals and timing distribution systems

    Teck's patented diamond display and arrow display are used to monitor whether the gamut criteria are met

    Sophisticated DATA monitoring capabilities help you quickly resolve difficult content quality and reliability issues (option DATA)

    Monitor cea708/608 at the same time to hide captions; Monitor graphic TV and OP47 subtitles

    Detection and decoding of ANC data, including AFD, WSS, video index, TSID, v-chip, broadcast marker/cgms-a, VITC, LTC and ANC TC

    ARIB std-b35 /B37/B39, tr-b22 and tr-b23 support

    ANC data detector and SDI data analysis showed that it helped debug ANC data and SDI data problems

    Various monitoring displays

    Teck's patented timing display and lightning display easily accomplish timing between facilities and channels

    Comprehensive alert, status reporting and error logging for 10,000 events simplifies error correction tasks

    Voltage and timing cursor for accurate measurement

    User-defined security area grids and AFD grids simplify editing and format conversion tasks

    Incomparable display versatility

    Flexible quarter screen display for various applications to improve productivity

    Full screen mode allows maximum display size and precise adjustment

    Thumbnail image for content verification

    Unparalleled versatility

    Provides 32 instrument preset functions for quick recall of common Settings

    Provides a USB port for transferring or saving instrumentation presets, screenshots, and error logging

    Provides an internal speaker and headphone jack for easy listening to various audio channels

    Intuitive menu structure and context-sensitive help information

    Outstanding highlight display, clear and bright high resolution LED backlight display, can fully meet the application needs of indoor and outdoor environment

    Provide SNMP and Ethernet remote control interface function, easy to achieve centralized monitoring and control

    The instrument is very light and low power consumption design, especially suitable for portable battery powered applications

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