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  • WFM5200波形監(jiān)測儀

參考價 面議
  • 型號 WFM5200
  • 品牌
  • 廠商性質(zhì) 其他
  • 所在地 深圳市

在線詢價 收藏產(chǎn)品 加入對比

更新時間:2023-12-16 11:24:33瀏覽次數(shù):172




WFM/WVR5000 系列是以合理價格監(jiān)控基本視頻和音頻內(nèi)容方面的行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 無論是在制作環(huán)境還是在后期制作環(huán)境中,5000 系列都可以通過一系列軟件選件提供的品質(zhì)、高清/標(biāo)清支持、多功能性,并且能夠處理 3G-SDI (WFM/WVR5200) 和 HDMI (WFM/WVR5250)


  • WFM5200 緊湊型視頻波形監(jiān)視器為基本的視頻和音頻監(jiān)視需求提供理想解決方案(帶選件 AUD),在便捷式 3RU、半機架、短深度的外形內(nèi)集成高亮度、低功耗的 LED 背光顯示器,非常適于空間受限的環(huán)境。此多用途儀器可以接通 12VDC 電源、電池或 100-240VAC 變頻器。

    • 3RU 高度、半機架寬度、短深度(5.5 英寸或 14 cm)儀器,非常適合空間有限的環(huán)境

    • 使用 AC 電源適配器的 4 針 XLR DC 電源輸入,適合在 AC/DC 下運行

    • 支持多格式、多標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的四個 SDI 輸入

      • WFM5200 具有 HD/SD-SDI 和多個雙鏈路視頻格式的自動監(jiān)視功能的標(biāo)配

      • 多種輸入模式允許同時監(jiān)視多個攝像機監(jiān)視應(yīng)用的多達四種 SDI 輸入(選件 CAM)

      • 雙通道同時監(jiān)視(選件 CAM)

      • 可以通過升級密鑰升級以包括 3G-SDI(A 級和 B 級)格式支持(選件 3G)

      • 16 通道嵌入式 AES/EBU 音頻同時監(jiān)視支持,包括多通道環(huán)繞聲1顯示與靈活的李薩如顯示(選件 ADU)

      • 按照 ITU-R BS.1770-3/1771、EBUR128 和 ATSCA/85 建議的音頻響度監(jiān)視(需要選件 AUD 和 LOUD)

    • 泰克已獲的鉆石顯示和箭頭顯示,用來監(jiān)測是否滿足色域標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

    • 享有泰克的 Spearhead 顯示視圖和 Luma Qualified Vector (LQV™) 顯示視圖可在后期制作應(yīng)用中方便地精確調(diào)整色彩(選件 PROD)

    • 攝像機對準(zhǔn)和制作/后期制作應(yīng)用中的立體 3D 視頻顯示(選件 S3D)

    • 完善的數(shù)據(jù)監(jiān)視功能(選件 DATA)有利于快速解決棘手的內(nèi)容質(zhì)量和可靠性問題

      • 支持 CEA708/608 隱蔽字幕的同時監(jiān)視;支持圖文電視和 OP47 字幕監(jiān)視

      • 檢測和解碼 ANC 數(shù)據(jù)(包括 AFD、WSS、視頻檢索、TSID、V 芯片、廣播標(biāo)志/CGMS-A、VITC、LTC 和 ANC TC)

      • 支持 ARIB STD-B35/B37/B39、TR-B22 和 TR-B23

      • ANC 數(shù)據(jù)檢查器和 SDI 數(shù)據(jù)分析顯示幫助解決 ANC 數(shù)據(jù)和 SDI 數(shù)據(jù)問題

    • 對信號路徑和設(shè)備進行故障排除的簡單 3G/HD/SD 彩條和病理信號發(fā)生器(選件 GEN)(注:生成 3G-SDI 測試信號必須使用選件 3G)

    • 提供各種監(jiān)視顯示

      • 泰克享有的定時和閃電顯示,使設(shè)備和通道間的定時調(diào)整更方便

      • 外接基準(zhǔn)參考信號(黑場或者三電平同步信號)的波形顯示

      • 黑幀圖像和享有泰克公司的凍結(jié)幀圖像檢測功能

      • 提供強大的警報功能、狀態(tài)報告和 10,000 個事件的錯誤日志,簡化了錯誤糾正任務(wù)

      • 適用于精確測量的電壓和定時光標(biāo)

      • 可由用戶定義的安全區(qū)域刻度和 AFD 刻度,為節(jié)目編輯和格式轉(zhuǎn)換提供方便

    • 的顯示多樣性

      • 靈活方便的四分屏顯示,充分滿足各種應(yīng)用需求,可以明顯提高工作效率

      • TandemVu® 顯示,用于有效調(diào)整相機的亮度和色度

      • 提供全屏模式,以使屏幕顯示,滿足精密調(diào)整的需求

    • 的易用性

      • 32 種儀器預(yù)置,快速調(diào)出專為色彩專家、編輯人員或操作員設(shè)計的常用配置

      • 前面板 USB 端口,輕松傳送預(yù)置、屏幕截圖和錯誤日志

      • 前面板耳機端口,輕松監(jiān)視音頻通道

      • 使用清晰明亮的高分辨率 LED 背光的高亮度顯示器,滿足室內(nèi)外環(huán)境下的應(yīng)用需求

      • SNMP 和以太網(wǎng)遙控接口功能和 GPI 控制便于集中監(jiān)視和控制

      • DVI-I 外部顯示輸出,輕松連接數(shù)字或模擬 XGA 顯示器

  • WFM5200 compact video waveform monitor provides an ideal solution for basic video and audio surveillance requirements (with optional AUD). It integrates high brightness and low power consumption LED backlight display in convenient 3RU, semi-frame and short depth profile, which is very suitable for space-constrained environment. This multi-purpose instrument can be connected to 12VDC power supply, battery or 100-240vac frequency converter.

    Functions and advantages

    The 3RU height, half-frame width, and short depth (5.5 inches or 14 cm) instruments are ideal for space-constrained environments

    4 pin XLR DC power input using AC power adapter, suitable for running under AC/DC

    Four SDI inputs that support multiple formats and multiple standards

    WFM5200 standard with HD/ sd-sdi and multiple dual-link video formats for automatic monitoring

    Multiple input modes allow simultaneous monitoring of up to four SDI inputs for multiple camera monitoring applications (optional CAM)

    Dual channel simultaneous monitoring (option CAM)

    You can upgrade with upgrade keys to include 3g-sdi (level A and level B) format support (option 3G)

    16-channel embedded AES/EBU audio simultaneous monitoring support, including multi-channel surround sound 1 display with flexible lissauru display (option ADU)

    Audio loudness monitoring as recommended by itu-rbs.1770-3/1771, EBUR128 and ATSCA/85 (optional AUD and LOUD)

    Teck's patented diamond display and arrow display are used to monitor whether the gamut criteria are met

    According to Spearhead teck patented view and Luma Qualified Vector (LQV ™) shows the view can be adjusted in post-production applications easily accurate color (option to PROD)

    3D video display for camera alignment and production/post-production applications (option S3D)

    Perfect DATA monitoring function (optional DATA) is helpful to solve the thorny content quality and reliability problems quickly

    Support cea708/608 hidden subtitles while monitoring; Support graphic TV and OP47 subtitle monitoring

    Detection and decoding of ANC data (including AFD, WSS, video retrieval, TSID, V chip, broadcast logo/cgms-a, VITC, LTC and ANC TC)

    Supports ARIB std-b35 /B37/B39, tr-b22 and tr-b23

    ANC data checker and SDI data analysis showed that it helped solve ANC data and SDI data problems

    Simple 3G/HD/SD color bar and pathological signal generator (option GEN) for signal path and equipment troubleshooting

    Provides various monitoring displays

    Tektronix's patented timing and lightning display facilitates timing adjustments between devices and channels

    Waveform display of external reference signal (black field or three level synchronous signal)

    Black frame image and enjoy tektronic patent frozen frame image detection function

    Provides powerful alert capabilities, status reporting, and an error log of 10,000 events to simplify error correction tasks

    Suitable for precise measurement of voltage and timing cursor

    User-defined security zone scale and AFD scale provide convenience for program editing and format conversion

    An unparalleled display of diversity

    Flexible and convenient four - screen display, fully meet the needs of various applications, can significantly improve work efficiency

    TandemVu ®, to effectively adjust the brightness of the camera and chromaticity

    Full screen mode is provided to maximize the screen display and meet the demand of precision adjustment

    Unparalleled ease of use

    32 instrument presets for quick recall of common configurations designed for color specialists, editors or operators

    Front panel USB port for easy transfer of presets, screenshots and error logs

    Front panel headphone port, easy to monitor audio channel

    The use of clear and bright high resolution LED backlight high brightness display, fully meet the application requirements of indoor and outdoor environment

    SNMP and Ethernet remote control interface functions and GPI control facilitate centralized monitoring and control

    DVI-I external display output, easy to connect digital or analog XGA display

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