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進口 Recombinant Human HGF價格

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Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor (HGF R)
Purified No Carrier Protein
Prod. No.: H1476
Source NSO Cells
Pkg. Size: 1 mg, 100 ?g
Storage: -20°C to -70°C


Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor (HGF R)
Purified No Carrier Protein
Prod. No.: H1476
Source NSO Cells
Pkg. Size: 1 mg, 100 µg
Storage: -20°C to -70°C Detailed storage instructions below.

Hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR), also known as c-Met, plays an important roles in angiogenesis and tumor growth.1 C-Met is a receptor tyrosine kinase expressed by epithelial cells of the brain, kidney, liver and other tissues. Binding of its ligand, Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), triggers receptor autophosphorylation, and activation of several downstream effectors including the mitogen-activated protein kinases ERK-1 and ERK-2, and PLC-γ. Activation of the c-Met signal transduction pathway leads to mulitple cellular responses including cell motility, scattering, proliferation, survival and angiogenesis.2,3

NSO Cells
Molecular Weight
This protein consists of two disulfide-linked heterodimers (proteolytically cleaved α and β subunits). The predicted molecular mass is 32.5 kDa (α chain) and 96.7 kDa (β chain). The actual molecular mass of Recombinant Human HGF R is Mr 43-50 kDa (α chain) and 120-125 kDa (β chain).
State of Matter
This recombinant protein was 0.2 µm filtered and lyophilized from modified Dulbecco’s phosphate buffered saline (1X PBS) with trehalose pH 7.2 – 7.3 with no calcium, magnesium, or preservatives.
>95% by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by silver stain.
Storage and Stability
This lyophilized protein is stable for six to twelve months when stored desiccated at -20°C to -70°C. After aseptic reconstitution, this protein may be stored at 2°C to 8°C for one month or at -20°C to -70°C in a manual defrost freezer. Avoid Repeated Freeze Thaw Cycles. See Product Insert for exact lot specific storage instructions.
<1.0 EU/µg as determined by the LAL method
Biological Activity
The biological activity of Human HGF R was determined by its ability to bind human HGF. Immobilized rhHGF R/Fc at 1 μg/ml (100 μL/well) can bind rhHGF (0.1 - 5 ng/ml) in an ELISA type assay.
Each investigator should determine their own optimal working dilution for specific applications.
Amino Acid Sequence
eckeal aksemnvnmk yqlpnftaet piqnvilheh hiflgatnyi yvlneedlqk vaeyktgpvl ehpdcfpcqd csskanlsgg vwkdninmal vvdtyyddql iscgsvnrgt cqrhvfphnh tadiqsevhc ifspqieeps qcpdcvvsal gakvlssvkd rfinffvgnt inssyfpdhp lhsisvrrlk etkdgfmflt dqsyidvlpe frdsypikyv hafesnnfiy fltvqretld aqtfhtriir fcsinsglhs ymemplecil tekrkkr (α chain) stk kevfnilqaa yvskpgaqla rqigaslndd ilfgvfaqsk pdsaepmdrs amcafpikyv ndffnkivnk nnvrclqhfy gpnhehcfnr tllrnssgce arrdeyrtef ttalqrvdlf mgqfsevllt sistfikgdl tianlgtseg rfmqvvvsrs gpstphvnfl ldshpvspev ivehtlnqng ytlvitgkki tkiplnglgc rhfqscsqcl sappfvqcgw chdkcvrsee clsgtwti clpaiykvfp nsapleggtr lticgwdfgf rrnnkfdlkk trvllgnesc tltlsestmn tlkctvgpam nkhfnmsiii snghgttqys tfsyvdpvit sispkygpma ggtlltltgn ylnsgnsrhi siggktctlk svsnsilecy tpaqtistef avklkidlan retsifsyre dpivyeihpt ksfisggsti tgvgknlnsv svprmvinvh eagrnftvac qhrsnseiic cttpslln lqlplktkaf fmldgilsky fdliyvhnpv fkpfekpvmi smgnenvlei kgndidpeav kgevlkvgnk scenihlhse avlctvpndl lklnselnie wkqaisstvl gkvivqpdqn ft(β chain)hiegrmdp kscdkthtcp pcpapellgg psvflfppkp kdtlmisrtp evtcvvvdvs hedpevkfnw yvdgvevhna ktkpreeqyn styrvvsvlt vlhqdwlngk eykckvsnka lpapiektis kakgqprepq vytlppsrde ltknqvsltc lvkgfypsdi avewesngqp ennykttppv ldsdgsffly skltvdksrw gnvfscsv mhealhnhyt qkslslspgk hhhhhh

Country of Origin
1. McDonald DM. et al. (2008) BMB Rep. 41: 833
2. Park M. et al. (1998) Oncogene 16: 833
3. Comoglio PM et al. (1998) J Cell Sci. 111: 237

Related Products
Anti-Human HGF R (Leinco Prod. No.: H1486)
Anti-Mouse HGF R (Antigen Aff. Pur.) (Leinco Prod. No.: H1487)
Anti-Human HGF R (Antigen Aff. Pur.) (Leinco Prod. No.: H1481)
Anti-Mouse HGF R-Biotin (Antigen Aff. Pur.) (Leinco Prod. No.: H1493)
Anti-Human HGF R-Biotin (Antigen Aff. Pur.

Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor (HGF R)
Purified No Carrier Protein
Prod. No.: H1476
Source NSO Cells
Pkg. Size: 1 mg, 100 µg
Storage: -20°C to -70°C Detailed storage instructions below.

Hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR), also known as c-Met, plays an important roles in angiogenesis and tumor growth.1 C-Met is a receptor tyrosine kinase expressed by epithelial cells of the brain, kidney, liver and other tissues. Binding of its ligand, Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), triggers receptor autophosphorylation, and activation of several downstream effectors including the mitogen-activated protein kinases ERK-1 and ERK-2, and PLC-γ. Activation of the c-Met signal transduction pathway leads to mulitple cellular responses including cell motility, scattering, proliferation, survival and angiogenesis.2,3

NSO Cells
Molecular Weight
This protein consists of two disulfide-linked heterodimers (proteolytically cleaved α and β subunits). The predicted molecular mass is 32.5 kDa (α chain) and 96.7 kDa (β chain). The actual molecular mass of Recombinant Human HGF R is Mr 43-50 kDa (α chain) and 120-125 kDa (β chain).
State of Matter
This recombinant protein was 0.2 µm filtered and lyophilized from modified Dulbecco’s phosphate buffered saline (1X PBS) with trehalose pH 7.2 – 7.3 with no calcium, magnesium, or preservatives.
>95% by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by silver stain.
Storage and Stability
This lyophilized protein is stable for six to twelve months when stored desiccated at -20°C to -70°C. After aseptic reconstitution, this protein may be stored at 2°C to 8°C for one month or at -20°C to -70°C in a manual defrost freezer. Avoid Repeated Freeze Thaw Cycles. See Product Insert for exact lot specific storage instructions.
<1.0 EU/µg as determined by the LAL method
Biological Activity
The biological activity of Human HGF R was determined by its ability to bind human HGF. Immobilized rhHGF R/Fc at 1 μg/ml (100 μL/well) can bind rhHGF (0.1 - 5 ng/ml) in an ELISA type assay.
Each investigator should determine their own optimal working dilution for specific applications.
Amino Acid Sequence
eckeal aksemnvnmk yqlpnftaet piqnvilheh hiflgatnyi yvlneedlqk vaeyktgpvl ehpdcfpcqd csskanlsgg vwkdninmal vvdtyyddql iscgsvnrgt cqrhvfphnh tadiqsevhc ifspqieeps qcpdcvvsal gakvlssvkd rfinffvgnt inssyfpdhp lhsisvrrlk etkdgfmflt dqsyidvlpe frdsypikyv hafesnnfiy fltvqretld aqtfhtriir fcsinsglhs ymemplecil tekrkkr (α chain) stk kevfnilqaa yvskpgaqla rqigaslndd ilfgvfaqsk pdsaepmdrs amcafpikyv ndffnkivnk nnvrclqhfy gpnhehcfnr tllrnssgce arrdeyrtef ttalqrvdlf mgqfsevllt sistfikgdl tianlgtseg rfmqvvvsrs gpstphvnfl ldshpvspev ivehtlnqng ytlvitgkki tkiplnglgc rhfqscsqcl sappfvqcgw chdkcvrsee clsgtwti clpaiykvfp nsapleggtr lticgwdfgf rrnnkfdlkk trvllgnesc tltlsestmn tlkctvgpam nkhfnmsiii snghgttqys tfsyvdpvit sispkygpma ggtlltltgn ylnsgnsrhi siggktctlk svsnsilecy tpaqtistef avklkidlan retsifsyre dpivyeihpt ksfisggsti tgvgknlnsv svprmvinvh eagrnftvac qhrsnseiic cttpslln lqlplktkaf fmldgilsky fdliyvhnpv fkpfekpvmi smgnenvlei kgndidpeav kgevlkvgnk scenihlhse avlctvpndl lklnselnie wkqaisstvl gkvivqpdqn ft(β chain)hiegrmdp kscdkthtcp pcpapellgg psvflfppkp kdtlmisrtp evtcvvvdvs hedpevkfnw yvdgvevhna ktkpreeqyn styrvvsvlt vlhqdwlngk eykckvsnka lpapiektis kakgqprepq vytlppsrde ltknqvsltc lvkgfypsdi avewesngqp ennykttppv ldsdgsffly skltvdksrw gnvfscsv mhealhnhyt qkslslspgk hhhhhh

Country of Origin
1. McDonald DM. et al. (2008) BMB Rep. 41: 833
2. Park M. et al. (1998) Oncogene 16: 833
3. Comoglio PM et al. (1998) J Cell Sci. 111: 237

Related Products
Anti-Human HGF R (Leinco Prod. No.: H1486)
Anti-Mouse HGF R (Antigen Aff. Pur.) (Leinco Prod. No.: H1487)
Anti-Human HGF R (Antigen Aff. Pur.) (Leinco Prod. No.: H1481)
Anti-Mouse HGF R-Biotin (Antigen Aff. Pur.) (Leinco Prod. No.: H1493)
Anti-Human HGF R-Biotin (Antigen Aff. Pur.) (Leinco Prod. No.: H1492)
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