


  • 公司名稱北京華瑞森科技發(fā)展有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號UCS30-PC
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)經(jīng)銷商
  • 更新時間2019/12/1 11:06:26
  • 訪問次數(shù)439
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    北京華瑞森科技發(fā)展有限公司 是一家集技術(shù)推廣、銷售和技術(shù)服務(wù)于一體的高科技企業(yè),公司設(shè)有高效的業(yè)務(wù)職能機構(gòu)、完善的服務(wù)體系,迅速為您提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品和熱情周到的服務(wù)。


北京華瑞森科技發(fā)展有限公司致力于核輻射檢測儀器及輻射防護(hù)用品、輻射監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)工程、射線防護(hù)材料、遠(yuǎn)紅外線發(fā)射率檢測儀器、 核醫(yī)學(xué)儀器(臥式運動塌車負(fù)荷心電分析、井型NaI咖瑪計數(shù)儀、多功能核放射性檢測儀、活度計,個人劑量報警儀,Xγαβ輻射儀, X射線機性能測試模體(CT機性能測試模體,X線機性能檢測儀,CT機綜合性能測試儀,伸縮桿型低高能散漏射線劑量/劑量率測量儀等)、醫(yī)療器械、實驗儀器、環(huán)保核輻射儀器設(shè)備等研發(fā)銷售,我們以科學(xué)嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)墓ぷ鲬B(tài)度,服務(wù)于科研、醫(yī)療教育、環(huán)保、檢驗檢疫、疾控中心、軍警、安防等諸多行業(yè),服務(wù)于社會。


北京華瑞森科技發(fā)展有限公司 專業(yè)維修德國R280型手持式αβγX多功能放射性檢測儀,GAMMA-SCOUT多功能數(shù)字核輻射儀,維修900型數(shù)字核輻射儀, 維修美國AlertαβγX輻射檢測儀,專業(yè)維修Inspector Radalert 100、Inspector Alert、Inspector EXPMonitor 4輻射檢測儀


北京華瑞森科技發(fā)展有限公司 現(xiàn)貨供應(yīng):X射線診斷計量儀,劑量/劑量率/kv/脈沖/曝光時間測量儀,QUART noniu X射線光野照射野*性測量儀,QUART實時焦點檢測儀(針孔相機),QUART 數(shù)字減影DSA QA測試模體,X射線機性能測試模體,CT機性能測試模體,X線機性能檢測儀,CT機綜合性能測試儀伸縮桿型低高能散漏射線劑量/劑量率測量儀,HR-3211便攜式伸縮桿型高劑量輻射測量儀,輻射防護(hù)用χγ輻射劑量率儀,臥式運動塌車負(fù)荷心電分析系統(tǒng),HRS-MS環(huán)境輻射監(jiān)測系統(tǒng)軟件,固定式輻射監(jiān)測儀,固定式輻射報警儀,區(qū)域輻射連續(xù)監(jiān)測儀,在線輻射監(jiān)測儀,測氡儀, 6150AD-b,高靈敏度環(huán)境級γ劑量率儀,環(huán)境級γ劑量率儀,,FH40G,FHZ672E-10,環(huán)境γ劑量率測量系統(tǒng),FH40GX,FH40TG,伸縮桿型高劑量輻射測量儀,RE-2000S,半自動型熱釋光劑量計讀出儀,全自動型熱釋光劑量計讀出儀,Harshaw6600全自動熱釋光自動測量系統(tǒng),Harshaw5500熱釋光元件自動測量系統(tǒng),HARSHAW TLD3500手動熱釋光測量儀,RG-50鋼鐵樣品放射性含量分析儀,EUROPROBE腫瘤外科手持核素針式探測器,γ探針,擦拭測試計數(shù)儀,井型NaI咖瑪計數(shù)儀,移動式核輻射應(yīng)急監(jiān)測車系統(tǒng),9DP加壓電離室輻射巡測儀,RadEye-PRD高靈敏度便攜式輻射探測儀,RadEye-B20攜式輻射探測儀,HR9511型高精度核輻射檢測儀,HR9511型核放射性檢測儀, R280型手持式αβγX核多功能放射性檢測儀,廢舊鋼鐵廢紙廢塑料核輻射檢測儀,電離室劑量儀,放射劑量儀,劑量及曝光時間測試表, 美國ECC公司815KVP及曝光時間測試表,35035型數(shù)字毫安mAs表,JPC-5X遠(yuǎn)紅外線發(fā)射率測試儀,JPC-5X遠(yuǎn)紅外線放射率測試器,遠(yuǎn)紅外測試儀,中國臺灣302型遠(yuǎn)紅外線放射率測試器,紅外線放射率測試儀,氡釷及氡釷射氣析出率測量儀,氡釷分析儀, CF-901便攜式大流量空氣取樣器, 150L臥式運動踏車心電分析系統(tǒng),N2型中子巡測儀,中子雷姆計,中子劑量當(dāng)量儀,Triathler液體閃爍計數(shù)器, 美國Alert 型金屬制品核輻射檢測儀,Alert 型金屬核輻射檢測儀,EXP型手持式商品核輻射檢測儀,ABPM203P便攜式αβ氣溶膠監(jiān)測儀,手腳衣服放射性αβγ核污染監(jiān)測儀,PDS-100G/GN中子γ巡測儀,HDS-101Gγ譜儀,HDS-101GN手持式γ中子巡測儀,DMC2000XB電子式χγβ個人劑量監(jiān)測儀, DMC2000GN中子γ個人劑量監(jiān)測、RDS-30核輻射測量儀,數(shù)字視頻腦電圖儀,手持式放射性核輻射及金屬探測儀,核輻射劑量監(jiān)測儀,Rm-905a醫(yī)用放射性核素活度計;CRC-25放射性核素活度計;德國GAMMA-SCOUT多功能數(shù)字核輻射儀;美國AlertαβγX核輻射檢測儀,美國多功能核射線儀,Inspector EXPαβγX核輻射檢測儀;RAD-60個人劑量報警儀;PM1208M電子腕表型γ個人劑量報警儀;中子γ個人劑量報警儀;個人劑量計1621M FJ-3200型個人劑量報警儀;FJ-2000型個人劑量報警儀;DMC2000S/DMC2000X電子式個人劑量計;熱釋光劑量片,熱釋光劑量儀;YT0608型個人劑量報警儀;固定式χγ射線輻射報警儀;進(jìn)口射線防護(hù)鉛衣;射線防護(hù)鉛圍脖、鉛帽、鉛眼鏡、鉛手套;超薄射線防護(hù)鉛手套;放射劑量儀;美國GE 高壓電離室核輻射監(jiān)測儀,γ輻射環(huán)境連續(xù)監(jiān)測系統(tǒng),德國24小時動態(tài)血壓監(jiān)測儀;動態(tài)數(shù)字血壓監(jiān)測儀;動態(tài)心電分析系統(tǒng),表面沾污儀,MicroCont II表面沾污儀,美國TRIFIELD電磁微波輻射測量儀,ML-91微波漏能儀,PRM-470系列便攜式中子γ線巡測儀; SAM940 NaI便攜式γ譜儀; Flow-Count TM For HPLC放射性檢測器;TLC放射性薄層掃描儀;锝分析儀;RDS-110多用途輻射檢測儀;RDS-80表面核污染測量儀(核輻射表面沾污儀);451P/B電離室核輻射巡檢儀;900型多功能數(shù)字式核輻射儀;車輛γ和中子入口輻射探測門,TM850列車車載物γ、n監(jiān)測門,貨物包裹γ入口核輻射探測門,個人劑量讀出器,個人劑量管理軟件,背包式輻射掃描系統(tǒng)

      公司秉承“質(zhì)量為本、滿足需求、追求*、爭創(chuàng)*” 的質(zhì)量方針,為中國廣大醫(yī)院和用戶提供優(yōu)良的產(chǎn)品和優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)。研制、開發(fā)的X射線防護(hù)服系列產(chǎn)品采用內(nèi)部為多層新型超輕、超柔、超薄防護(hù)材料,鉛分布均勻,防護(hù)性能*,且輕便柔軟、不易斷裂;外部面料結(jié)實耐磨、質(zhì)地柔軟,且具有防水、防靜電功能,易于清潔、消毒;制作精美、款式新穎、品種齊全,令您穿著美觀大方、舒適輕便、活動自如。為您提供*的保護(hù)。...

Huaruison Co., Ltd. China Branchis an enterprise concentrating on research, producing, sale and technology. There are good and effective business function institutions, offering good products and sincere service.

Radiation measuring and monitoring instrumentation, Radiation protection products, Medical appliances, Thermal Emissivity Measure are four fields of the company. These production of the company has covered almost all over the world.

Being based on the high technology, our company aims at the market, seizes the opportunity, and keeps the improvement going. We will offer guaranteed service and credit, and make the unified friendship with all over the world. Great success is waiting for us!




Huaruison  Co., Ltd.China Branch

Address2F,6 GuanghuaRoad,Tongzhou Development Zone,Beijing 10100,P.R.China





活度計,個人劑量報警儀,Xγαβ核輻射儀,臥式運動踏車心電分析系統(tǒng),γ譜儀,中子γ巡測儀,中子劑量當(dāng)量儀,液體閃爍計數(shù)器,活度計,核輻射表面沾污儀 ,X射線機性能測試模體,CT機性能測試模體,X線機性能檢測儀,CT機綜合性能測試儀
UCS30-PC伽瑪能譜儀 美國SPECTECH公司為能譜實驗設(shè)計的多選擇的操作系統(tǒng)。
UCS30-PC 系統(tǒng)用于普通的電腦的能譜儀,可運行在2000/XP系統(tǒng)下。外置單元通過USB接口接電腦,1024道MCA和前置放大器,電腦控制放大器,高壓(0-2048V),上平和下平鑒別器和多道測量可做半衰和衰變的學(xué)習(xí)研究。也包括一個前置放大器輸出(±12 V) 連接探測器用
UCS30-PC伽瑪能譜儀 產(chǎn)品信息






UCS30-PC 系統(tǒng)用于普通的電腦的能譜儀,可運行在2000/XP系統(tǒng)下。外置單元通過USB接口接電腦,1024MCA和前置放大器,電腦控制放大器,高壓(0-2048V),上平和下平鑒別器和多道測量可做半衰和衰變的學(xué)習(xí)研究。也包括一個前置放大器輸出(±12 V) 連接探測器用外置的前置放大器,相匹配的計數(shù)器和CdZnTe探頭。



UCS30 USB Computer Spectrometer


Designed as a direct replacement for the popular model UCS20, the UCS30 nuclear spectrometer offers many enhancements and additional features for increased flexibility. USB connectivity provides plug and play operation with most of computers running Windows 2000 or XP. Three models are available with 1024, 2048 and 4096 channels of conversion gain.

The internal preamplifier allows direct connection to scintillation detectors. The bipolar amplifier includes polarity selection and multiple shaping times when using different types of detectors with external preamplifiers. Upper and lower level discriminators may be set for rejection of unwanted signals. The high voltage supply is rated to +2048V for use with scintillation or proportional detectors. Optional polarity selection is available for use with detectors requiring negative bias. A preamplifier power connector (±12V) is included for use with our model PA-1 external preamplifier. A 10µsec fixed conversion ADC allows high throughput with deadtime correction. Input selection for preamplifier, amplifier or ADC direct is included by computer control.

In addition to the normal pulse height analysis mode the UCS30 may be operated as a Multichannel Scaler for time correlated studies such as half-life decay. A special Mossbauer mode is included with MSB output for synchronization of the drive circuit. X-ray mapping may be performed with the optional ROI output.

For ease of setup an auto-calibrate mode is provided that automatically sets the HV and amplifier gain to 1 keV/ channel using a Cs-137 source. Once the system is calibrated all parameters may be saved as setup files for quick recall of specific measurements. Data may be saved as binary files for reloading into memory or as spreadsheet compatible files for data processing.

A background buffer is included for storing a spectrum when background subtraction, factional spectrum stripping or overlay is required. Multiple ROIs may be set with calculation of gross and net area. Presets include Real Time, Live Time and ROI Integral.

Isomatch includes a text editable library of common isotopes. When loaded, markers are placed on the display at the positions of the isotope energies to aid in identification.

Multiple UCS30s may be connected to a single computer providing USB ports are available. The internal power supply is UL, CE and CSA listed for operation worldwide. Warranty is one year parts and labor, return to factory.


·    Physical: Bench top enclosure with USB 2.0 interface includes preamplifier, amplifier, detector high voltage, up to 4096-channels depending on model, Multichannel Analyzer with data memory, LLD and ULD. Pulse height analysis and Multichannel Scaling modes. Fully compatible with many scintillation detectors and commercial tube bases.

·   Data Input: BNC connector multi-function input. On-board relays select internal preamplifier, shaping amplifier or direct to ADC when using external signal processing.

·     Gate Input: BNC connector. Normally open gate. TTL low closes gate to ADC.

·    HV Output: MHV connectors. Positive output, (switched positive or negative outputs with HV option). (SHV connectors optional), 0-2048 volts, 1mA maximum current at 1000 volts. High voltage is fully regulated and computer controlled in 2 volt increments.

·     MCS Input: BNC connector bypasses internal preamp/amplifier. Accepts positive TTL signal >150nsec., 5MHz maximum rate.

·    ROI Output: BNC connector. Generates pulse each time an event occurs in set region of interest. Requires ROI option.

·    MSB Output: BNC connector. TTL output of dwell counter most-significant-bit for synchronizing Mossbauer drive.

·    USB: USB type “A” connector. USB 2.0 standard.

·   Preamplifier: Charge sensitive preamplifier for use with scintillation detectors and PMTs.

· Amplifier: Bipolar shaping amplifier with selectable peaking times of 1, 2, 4 and 8µsec. Computer controlled coarse and fine gain from x1 to x160. Input polarity selection.

·    External Preamp Power: DB-9F connector supplies ±12 volts.

·   ADC: Fixed conversion 10usec. Computer selected conversion gain from 256 to 4096 channels depending on model. Direct input accepts pulse peaking times of 0.5µsec. to 10µsec. Includes dead-time correction when used in Live-time mode.

·   LLD & ULD: Independently computer controlled discriminators over entire input range. Operates prior to ADC for reduced system dead time.

·   Modes: MCA for pulse height analysis, MCS for half-life decay or other time related studies and Mossbauer mode.

·   Timers: Real-time or Live-time operation selectable in 1-second increments for PHA, or dwell times from 10msec. to 60sec. per channel in MCS mode. In Mossbauer mode, 100usec. to 500usec.

·   Data Memory: On-board dynamic RAM, up to 4096 channels x 3 Bytes for data, plus region-of-interest flag.

·  Deadtime: System dead time is computed and displayed on screen during acquisition.

·  Power: AC line, 100-250VAC, 50/60Hz, auto-sensing internal power supply with Universal Power Cord input.


· System: Operates under Windows 2000/XP.

· Display: Color or monochrome monitor, Vertical scale adjusts from 32 to 16M and LOG display. Horizontal 4096 channels depending on model with expansion down to 128 channels.

· Time Mode: Preset live-time or preset real-time selection. Both times are recorded and displayed.

· Count Mode: Preset count mode integral of  region-of-Interest.

· ROIs: Multiple Regions-of Interest using color coding.

· Integral: When cursor is in ROI, computes gross area, net area with end point averaging, centroid and FWHM.

· Energy Cal: 2-point linear or 3-point quadratic converts cursor position reading directly to energy units. (Time units in MCS mode.)

· Autocalibrate: Use with Cs-137 source to automatically calibrate system for 1 keV/channel.

· Bkgd Buffer: Used to store background spectrum for time normalized background subtraction.

· Subtract: Subtracts channel-by-channel time normalized data stored in Background Buffer from display data.

· Smooth: 3-point smoothing of displayed data. Does not modify data in acquisition memory.

· Control: Software control of Input Selector, High Voltage and Polarity (with HV option), Amplifier Input Polarity, Peaking Time, Gain, Lower and Upper level discriminators, and ADC Conversion Gain.

· File: Save or load data file and header information in binary format or as CSV/TSV files. Save or load setup files for specific configurations.

· Clipboard: Clips data and header information, graphic screens, ROI data containing, centroid, FWHM, gross and net integrals, and header information in spreadsheet compatible format for transferring into other applications.

· ISOMATCH: Isotope library text file with peak markers and labeling for overlaying on spectrum. Provides quick isotope identification. Libraries may be edited and extended using word processors or text editor programs.


Ordering Information.


UCS301K Universal Computer Spectrometer 1024 channel for Windows 2000/XP

UCS302K Universal Computer Spectrometer 2048 channel for Windows 2000/XP

UCS304K Universal Computer Spectrometer 4096 channel for Windows 2000/XP

UCS30-HV Positive or negative high voltage option

UCS30-ROI Region of Interest pulse output option



LS325 Environmental lead shield for 2" or 3" detectors.

SD51 2x2 in. NaI(Tl) with integral photomultiplier.

TS51-2 Tube base stand, 14-pin for 2" or 3" detectors, complete with cables.

PA1 External preamplifier for proportional counters.

SP78W-2 Well detector complete with stand, LS2000 lead shield and cables.

SPA38 Complete detector assembly with 38x38mm detector, stand, LS038 shield and cables.

Spectrum files can be transferred from the ICS 10 DOS program and the ICSW 16 Windows program to the UCS-30 Windows version.

Most functions may be accessed by more than one method. All the functions can be accessed from the Pull Down Menu, some from the Tool Bar Buttons, or by the mouse. If the function has a Tool Bar Button, its symbol will be shown on the left hand side of the description.



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