


  • 公司名稱北京瑞納旭邦流體設(shè)備有限公司
  • 品       牌
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  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2020/11/11 11:22:10
  • 訪問次數(shù)355

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北京瑞納旭邦流體設(shè)備有限公司,始建于2013年。坐落于北京市房山區(qū),企業(yè)性質(zhì)為私營。 本公司主要產(chǎn)品為化工、食品工程、生物化工、制藥工程等領(lǐng)域。 北京瑞納旭邦流體設(shè)備有限公司坐落于房山區(qū),本公司集產(chǎn)品設(shè)計、開發(fā)、安裝、調(diào)試為一體,銷售不銹鋼反應(yīng)釜,提取罐,固體發(fā)酵罐,生物發(fā)酵罐,菌種發(fā)酵罐,種子罐,發(fā)酵罐,電加熱攪拌罐,GMP配料配液罐,提取濃縮機組,骨素提取設(shè)備,不銹鋼儲罐等各種食品、乳品、化工、制藥成套設(shè)備以及生產(chǎn)線配置、舊生產(chǎn)線的技術(shù)改造等。 科技是創(chuàng)新的源泉,創(chuàng)新是發(fā)展的動力。公司始終把“科技創(chuàng)新”放在*,以技術(shù)作為核心競爭力,積極引進國外的設(shè)計理念和制造技術(shù),不斷創(chuàng)新進取,吸引了國內(nèi)一批優(yōu)秀的機械、工程、工藝、自控人才,將科學(xué)技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)化為實際生產(chǎn)力,提高公司產(chǎn)品、設(shè)備的技術(shù)含量。公司技術(shù)全面。 公司以創(chuàng)新科技為導(dǎo)向,以顧客利益為關(guān)注焦點,根據(jù)客戶的不同需求,可設(shè)計出各類所需產(chǎn)品,造就了的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量和服務(wù)體系。 北京瑞納旭邦流體設(shè)備有限公司不僅銷售產(chǎn)品還有完善的工程服務(wù),我們有眾多技術(shù)專家和服務(wù)工程師為您提供迅速全面的技術(shù)資詢和完善的售后服務(wù)。 瑞納旭邦愿與各界朋友真誠合作,共創(chuàng)美好的明天。 Beijing RuiNaXuBang Fluid Equipment co.,LTD. is located in the Fangshan Zone, covers 10,000 square meters, the building area is 8000 square meters, our company set product development, design, manufacture, installation, commissioning for an organic whole. Main products involving food engineering, biology, chemical, pharmaceutical engineering fields and various production line configuration, old and new production line technique modification etc.. Science and technology are the source of innovation, innovation is the power of development. We always put〝 science and technology innovation〞 in the first place, with technology as the core competitiveness, actively introduce foreign advanced design idea and manufacturing techniques, we innovate ceaselessly, attracting domestic excellent mechanical, engineering, process, control professionals, then make science and technology into real productive forces and improving company product, equipment technical content. The company technology comprehensively, technical ability in the trade place of leading position. The company to ensure the stability of the equipment production performance, from procurement of raw materials and fittings to parts processing, manufacturing, assembling process, each link is checked strictly, manufacturing high-quality goods, becoming the first work ethic of each employee in our company. Our company make innovation and technology as the guide, the customer benefit as the focus, according to the different needs of customers, we can design, manufacture, installation, debugging out all kinds of product required, make the outstanding product quality and service system. Our company sell the high quality products with perfect engineering services, we have numerous technical experts and service engineer to provide comprehensive technical advisory quickly and perfect after-sale service. Beijing RuiNaXuBang Fluid Equipment co.,LTD. like to cooperate with friends from all walks sincerely, will create a better tomorrow together.
電加熱真空攪拌鍋,真空攪拌鍋價格,真空乳化攪拌鍋 北京瑞納旭邦流體設(shè)備有限公司銷售攪拌罐。經(jīng)營:真空攪拌鍋價格,真空乳化攪拌鍋,全自動攪拌鍋,電加熱真空攪拌鍋,可傾式夾層鍋,食品蒸煮鍋。電話真空攪拌鍋的選型表
電加熱真空攪拌鍋,真空攪拌鍋價格,真空乳化攪拌鍋 產(chǎn)品信息



2、型 號 TLZK-1 TLZK-3 TLZK-5 TLZK-10
3、容 積 100L 300L 500L 1000L
4、攪拌電機功率 1.5KW 2.2KW 4KW 5.5KW
5、可傾電機功率 0.55KW 0.75KW 1.1KW 1.5KW
6、開閉蓋電機功率 0.75KW 1.5KW 2.2KW 4KW
7、真空泵電機功率 2.2KW 4KW 4KW 5.5KW
8、蒸汽工作壓力 0.3Mpa
真空攪拌鍋使用*粘度食品物料、預(yù)煮、配制、濃縮、球形鍋體、夾套加熱(蒸汽),蝸輪減速機傳動橫軸攪拌,由變頻器及無極調(diào)速控制攪拌轉(zhuǎn)速,攪拌器采用聚四氟乙烯漿,刮邊(翻滾物料)攪拌,*。機械傳動卸料、復(fù)位、液壓開閉蓋,操作全部系統(tǒng)采用按鈕及 PIC 控制,抽真空系統(tǒng)采用水環(huán)式真空泵。


在找 電加熱真空攪拌鍋,真空攪拌鍋價格,真空乳化攪拌鍋 產(chǎn)品的人還在看




