


  • 公司名稱無錫雪隆換熱器制造有限公司
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  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2021/7/6 17:12:11
  • 訪問次數(shù)490

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無錫雪隆換熱器生產(chǎn)基地、無錫雪隆換熱器制造有相似、空氣、余、蒸汽散熱器。無錫雪隆換熱器制造有限公司是專業(yè)生產(chǎn)空氣散熱器的廠家。位于風景秀麗的太湖之濱,京瀘鐵路、京瀘高速公路穿過境內(nèi)。 無錫雪隆換熱器制造有限公司創(chuàng)建于一九七零年,已有四十多年生產(chǎn)歷史,積累了豐富的生產(chǎn)、技術(shù)經(jīng)驗。公司占地面積5000多平方米,職工100多人,是專業(yè)生產(chǎn)空氣熱交換器的廠家,產(chǎn)品品種規(guī)格齊全。產(chǎn)品廣泛應(yīng)用于空調(diào)、熱風采暖、冷卻、除濕、烘干等過程。本公司產(chǎn)品通過上海同濟大學、中國紡織大學檢測,達到進水平。產(chǎn)品遍布全國各地,并得到*。還出口日本及東南亞地區(qū)。 本公司生產(chǎn)設(shè)備*齊全,管理體系健全完善,技術(shù)力量雄厚,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量行業(yè)標準,售后服務(wù)完善及時,多年來樹立了良好的企業(yè)形象。 本公司宗旨:“產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量以優(yōu)爭先,*以誠為本,合同往來以信為榮”。竭誠歡迎全國各地新老客戶前來本公司選購洽談,我們真誠與您合作。 無錫雪隆換熱器、無錫雪隆散熱器、無錫雪隆翅片管散熱器、無錫雪隆翅片管換熱器、無錫雪隆空氣散熱器、無錫雪隆空氣換熱器、無錫雪隆烘干機換熱器、無錫雪隆不銹鋼換熱器、無錫雪隆蒸汽換熱器、無錫雪隆鋼鋁復(fù)合換熱器、無錫雪隆換熱器散熱器、無錫雪隆烘干機散熱器、無錫雪隆蒸汽散熱器、無錫雪隆不銹鋼散熱器、無錫雪隆淀粉散熱器、無錫雪隆淀粉換熱器、無錫雪隆導(dǎo)熱油換熱器、無錫雪隆導(dǎo)熱油散熱器、無錫雪隆鋼鋁復(fù)合散熱器、無錫雪隆余熱散熱器、 無錫雪隆食品機械散熱器、無錫雪隆螺旋板散熱器、無錫雪隆油冷散熱器、無錫雪隆不銹鋼換熱器、無錫雪隆淀粉換熱器、無錫雪隆淀粉換熱器、無錫雪隆導(dǎo)熱油換熱器、無錫雪隆導(dǎo)熱油換熱器、無錫雪隆鋼鋁復(fù)合換熱器、無錫雪隆余熱換熱器、 無錫雪隆食品機械換熱器、無錫雪隆螺旋板換熱器、無錫雪隆油冷換熱器、無錫雪隆換熱器制造、無錫雪隆換熱器生產(chǎn)廠、無錫雪隆散熱器生產(chǎn)基地、無錫雪隆散熱器制造、無錫雪隆散熱器生產(chǎn)廠、無錫雪隆散熱器生產(chǎn)基地、無錫雪隆散熱熱器制造有公司、空氣散熱器、余散熱器、蒸汽散熱器。 Wuxi Xuelong heat exchanger manufacturing Co., Ltd. is specialized in the production of air radiator manufacturers. Is located in the scenic Taihu lake, Luzhou Beijing railway, Beijing Lu highway through the territory.Wuxi Xuelong heat exchanger manufacturing Co., Ltd. was founded in 1970, has more than and 40 years of production history, has accumulated rich experience in technology and production. Company covers an area of more than 5 thousand square meters, more than and 100 employees, is specializing in the production of air heat exchanger manufacturers, product specifications complete. Products are widely used in air conditioning, hot air heating, cooling, desiccant, drying and other processes. The company's products through the Shanghai Tongji University, China Textile University, to detect, to reach the domestic advanced level. Products throughout the country, and has been unanimously praised. Also exported to Japan and Southeast asia.The company advanced production equipment, perfect management system, strong technical force, product quality industry standards, perfect after-sales service in a timely manner, for many years to establish a good corporate image.Our tenet: "quality products with excellent sales and service first, honesty, proud of the contract between a letter". We sincerely welcome new and old customers from all over the country to come to our company to negotiate, we sincerely cooperate with you.
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