

HydroRad Environmental Radiometer

  • 公司名稱廣州標旗光電科技發(fā)展股份有限公司
  • 品       牌
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  • 更新時間2021/8/4 16:38:01
  • 訪問次數(shù)546

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廣州標旗光電科技發(fā)展股份有限公司成立于2005年,位于國家*產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)廣州科學城。在光譜快速檢測領域深耕10年,熟悉各種光譜快速檢測方案的搭建,為化工、光電、材料、農(nóng)學、生物等不同領域的客戶提供了上百種檢測方案,2014年被認定為*。公司擁有強大的研發(fā)、銷售團隊,擁有*的創(chuàng)新能力,2015年榮獲廣州開發(fā)區(qū)“瞪羚企業(yè)”稱號,2016年成功認定為廣州市研發(fā)機構,2016年順利通過ISO 9001:2015質(zhì)量管理體系認證。

同時,標旗也是許多科技裝備企業(yè)在國內(nèi)的*的代理商和經(jīng)銷商,包括:Ocean Optics光纖光譜儀(華南區(qū)總代理),PerkinElmer分析儀器、P&P成像光譜儀。



HydroRad Environmental Radiometer
HydroRad Environmental Radiometer 產(chǎn)品信息

The HydroRad is a highly sophisticated environmental radiometer for rugged, in-the-field irradiance and radiance measurements from 350-850 nm. The system receives light from a sturdy and radiometrically calibrated light collector system for both in-air and in-water measurements.

Originally designed for oceanographic applications, the HydroRad has a hard, anodized aluminum housing for use in harsh environments. It can withstand 300-meter water depths and comes with an accurate depth sensor. (Underwater use requires deployment cable.)

Inside the ruggedized housing is an S2000 Spectrometer, a light collector system, a micro-controller and data logger, and an internal rechargeable battery pack providing up to 20 hours of operation.

A microcomputer controls the spectrometer and stores data. It even determines the optimal integration time and corrects for the dark current. You can set up the HydroRad for autonomous operation or -- for real-time data collection and display -- operate it manually or via an external PC.

Configure a HydroRad for any radiometric application. Contact an Applications Scientist for details and pricing. Items include:

  • HydroRad with up to 4 spectrometer channels
  • Radiance Collectors
  • Irradiance Collectors (planar and scalar)
  • Deployment Cable for underwater operation
  • Motorized Shutter System for the light collector

HydroRad Models

Item CodeDescriptionPrice
HYDRORAD-1Single-channel submersible radiometer$16795
HYDRORAD-2Dual-channel submersible radiometer$23095
HYDRORAD-3Triple-channel submersible radiometer$28345
HYDRORAD-4Quad-channel submersible radiometer$33595
HYDRORAD-E1Single-channel submersible radiometer with integrated light$15745
HYDRORAD-E2Dual-channel submersible radiometer with integrated light$19945


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