


  • 公司名稱(chēng)上海陸甲自動(dòng)化科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時(shí)間2022/5/1 13:49:50
  • 訪問(wèn)次數(shù)334

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上海陸甲自動(dòng)化科技有限公司u里息勵(lì)M秦賢區(qū)金匯鎮(zhèn)中心的現(xiàn)代化*園 區(qū)。致力于包裝自動(dòng)化設(shè)備的研發(fā)與生 產(chǎn),應(yīng)用行業(yè):制藥、食品、化妝品、 日化、電子、醫(yī)藥、化工、汽車(chē)工業(yè)及 塑料與五金等各大行業(yè)! 主營(yíng)產(chǎn)品:全自動(dòng)智能不干膠貼標(biāo) 機(jī)、智能視覺(jué)檢測(cè)設(shè)備、工業(yè)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)標(biāo) 識(shí)方案、防偽、防串貨追溯系統(tǒng)、非標(biāo) 自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn)線等。我公司產(chǎn)品性能優(yōu) 良、種類(lèi)齊全、性?xún)r(jià)比高,并根據(jù)不同 地區(qū)及行業(yè)的客戶(hù)需求,對(duì)非標(biāo)產(chǎn)品進(jìn) 行定制,提供高性?xún)r(jià)比及高技術(shù)含量的 產(chǎn)品。同時(shí),我們貫徹服務(wù)客戶(hù)的宗 旨,從客戶(hù)的角度出發(fā),不斷完善售的服努保瞧。您的信任是我們發(fā)展的動(dòng)力,陸甲公司愿與廣大客戶(hù)在包裝設(shè)備的領(lǐng)域中攜手共進(jìn)、共創(chuàng)輝煌。期待您前來(lái)公司參觀、考察、洽談業(yè)務(wù),并提出寶貴的建議,我們一上海陸甲自動(dòng)化科技公司結(jié)合技術(shù),以自主研發(fā)為核心競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力!打造性能優(yōu)、功能全、性?xún)r(jià)比高的暫能工業(yè)產(chǎn)品。在目前復(fù)雜多變的市場(chǎng)中走出一條*的創(chuàng)新之定熱忱相待,給予您滿(mǎn)意的答復(fù)。 路!
全自動(dòng)智能不干膠貼標(biāo) 機(jī)、智能視覺(jué)檢測(cè)設(shè)備、工業(yè)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)標(biāo) 識(shí)方案、防偽、防串貨追溯系統(tǒng)、非標(biāo) 自動(dòng)化生產(chǎn)線等
焊接裝配線 產(chǎn)品信息


陸甲提示: 汽車(chē)焊接生產(chǎn)線主要是白車(chē)身焊接,是由車(chē)體骨架、發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)罩、行李箱蓋、左右門(mén)外板焊接總成共同組成的。而車(chē)體骨架結(jié)構(gòu)是由地板焊接總成,左右前縱梁及輪罩焊接總成,左右側(cè)圍焊接總成,前圍焊接總成,頂蓋及前后橫梁、后擋板、左右后縱梁及后輪罩焊接總成,后圍焊接總成所構(gòu)成


焊接是現(xiàn)代機(jī)械制造業(yè)中一種必要的工藝方法, 在汽車(chē)制造中得到應(yīng)用。 隨著技術(shù)的進(jìn)步,焊接新工藝、新材料、新方法不斷運(yùn)用在汽車(chē)制造中,鍍層鋼板、輕金屬材料的焊接 問(wèn)題,高分子材料、復(fù)合材料、異種材料、特種材料對(duì)汽車(chē)焊接提出了新的挑戰(zhàn)。而汽車(chē)焊 接過(guò)程中的機(jī)器人與自動(dòng)化技術(shù)使汽車(chē)焊接面貌大為改觀。





Welding assembly line

Lujia Tip: The auto welding production line is mainly white body welding, which is composed of the body frame, the engine cover, the trunk lid, and the left and right door outer panel welding assemblies. The car body skeleton structure is composed of floor welding assembly, left and right front longitudinal beam and wheel cover welding assembly, left and right side wall welding assembly, front wall welding assembly, top cover and front and rear beams, tailgate, left and right rear longitudinal beams And the rear wheel cover welding assembly and the rear wall welding assembly.

The auto welding production line is mainly white body welding, which is composed of a body frame, a hood, a trunk lid, and a left and right door outer panel welding assembly. The car body skeleton structure is composed of floor welding assembly, left and right front longitudinal beam and wheel cover welding assembly, left and right side wall welding assembly, front wall welding assembly, top cover and front and rear beams, tailgate, left and right rear longitudinal beams And the rear wheel cover welding assembly and the rear wall welding assembly.
Welding is a necessary process in modern machinery manufacturing and is widely used in auto manufacturing. With the advancement of technology, new welding processes, new materials, and new methods are continuously applied in auto manufacturing. Welding problems of coated steel sheets and light metal materials, polymer materials, composite materials, dissimilar materials, and special materials have proposed new features for automotive welding. challenge. The robotic and automation technology in the welding process of the car has greatly improved the appearance of the welding of the car.

Automotive welding production line
The common welding principle in the body welding technology is actually liquefying the metal, then cooling it and then dissolving it together. The body of the car is welded by four steel plates from top to bottom and left and right. The ordinary welding is spot welding, and the steel plates are connected together by one welding point. Laser welding uses the high temperature of the laser to disrupt the molecular structure of the two steel plates, and the molecules are rearranged to dissolve the molecules in the two steel plates. So physics, laser welding is to turn two steel plates into one steel plate, so it has higher strength than ordinary welding.

Direct welding equipment refers to welding equipment that uses such equipment to bond workpieces together by welding. Direct welding equipment in auto manufacturing includes: hanging spot welding machines, automatic welding, spot welding robots, arc welding robots, Medium frequency welding machine, oil tank automatic seam welding machine, fixed nut projection welding machine, stud welding machine, etc.
Automotive welding production line

Resistance welding of auto body welding includes assembly welding of frame, floor, side wall, door and body assembly, and a large number of resistance spot welding processes are used in the welding production process. According to statistics, there are about 3,000 to 4,000 resistance spot welds on each car body. In the automotive body welding process, the spot welding process is still in a dominant position, and the application of resistance spot welding technology has realized the mass production and automation of auto body manufacturing.
There are three main types of resistance spot welding equipment used in auto body welding production lines:
The hanging spot welder is mainly used for the positioning welding station on the body welding production line, or for the welding of components with complex solder joints (not suitable for automation). Manual work, low degree of automation.

The multi-point welding process of the multi-spot welding machine has the advantages of high production efficiency and small welding deformation. The disadvantage is that it cannot adapt to the production of a variety of models, and the flexibility is poor.

Spot welding robot spot welding robots are widely used in modern body welding production lines, which can improve the automation of welding production, reduce the labor intensity of operators, improve production efficiency and ensure welding quality. Spot welding robots are mainly used for repair welding stations for body welding, body assembly welding stations, etc. Moreover, due to the adoption of the spot welding robot, a flexible production method for body welding is realized – multi-variety and low-volume mixed line production.
In the auto welding production line, the main welding station of the frame, the floor and the like is manually repaired, and the welding station of the sub-frame is divided into the application of the solitary welding robot. Welding processes such as spot welding, projection welding, seam welding, butt welding and arc welding are widely used in the production of automotive parts. For example: beam assembly bracket spot welding, drive shaft balance sheet projection welding, automotive fuel tank seam welding, automotive wheel continuous flash butt welding

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