


  • 公司名稱深圳市皇牌儀器有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地深圳市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2022/8/27 19:00:40
  • 訪問次數(shù)304

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深圳市皇牌儀器有限公司:2006年成立在香港,2015年成立深圳市皇牌儀器有限公司,是一家專業(yè)從事光纖通訊、微波、電子射頻、顯微鏡測試儀器銷售、維修、回收、租賃及測試方案提供服務(wù),主要經(jīng)營安捷倫(Agilent),R&S, 泰克(Tektronix), 福祿克(Fluke), 安立(Anritsu),顯微鏡等品牌的光譜分析儀、可調(diào)諧光源、單點光源、光功率計、波長計、誤碼儀、眼圖儀、光時域反射儀、光纖熔接機、光衰減器、頻譜分析儀、網(wǎng)絡(luò)分析儀、邏輯分析儀、阻抗分析儀、信號源及中、高檔示波器、綜合測試儀等測試測量儀器。 多年來感謝新老客戶一直以的支持,我們秉承“ 以用戶滿意為自身價值體現(xiàn)”的企業(yè)價值觀,堅持“用真心對待客戶,用技術(shù)贏得客戶,用誠信創(chuàng)建企業(yè)。”的企業(yè)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略。為包括港澳地區(qū)在內(nèi)的全國多個通訊行業(yè)企業(yè)提供儀器產(chǎn)品和技術(shù)服務(wù),受到用戶的認可和依賴。 皇牌儀器將不斷地努力創(chuàng)新,致力于客戶的需求,力求在儀器品質(zhì)、品種及后續(xù)維護維修服務(wù)等方面創(chuàng)立企業(yè)在行業(yè)中的信譽和服務(wù)特色。
Agilent8703B光波元件分析儀 產(chǎn)品信息

8703B Specifications 
and Characteristics
Specifications apply to instruments in the following situation:
• Temperature is in the range of +20°C to +30°C
• Analyzer has had a warm-up time of two hours in a stable ambient temperature
• Measurement calibration has been performed
Measurement Conditions
The specifications in the following sections apply for 
measurements made using the following conditions:
• 30 Hz IF Bandwidth
• Stepped Sweep Mode
• Autobias ON
• 0.5% Smoothing
Description Specification Characteristic
Lightwave Source
Option 155 1555 nm,± 5 nm
Option 131 1308 nm,±9.5 nm
Average Optical Output Power from Laser +5 Bm
Laser Beam Divergence 12%
Spectral Width <20 MHz
Modulation Bandwidth 0.05 to 20.05 GHz
Modulation Frequency Resolution 1 Hz
Maximum Optical Power Input to Modulator 10 dBm (10 mW)
Insertion Loss of Modulator 9 dB
Average Optical Output Power from Modulator -4 dBm (400 µW)
Modulated Signal Output Power from Modulator (p-p) -7 Bm (200 µW)
Modulation Indexa 40% to 99%
Optical Output Return Loss (for all front panel optical ports) >30dB
Lightwave Receiver
Wavelength 1000-1600 nm
Input Modulation Bandwidth 0.05 to 20.05 GHz
Maximum Average Input Power Operating Level +3 Bm
Input Port Return Loss >30 B
Microwave Source
Frequency Bandwidth 0.05 to 20.05 GHz
Frequency Resolution 1 Hz
Output Power Range -65 to +5 dBm
Microwave Receiver
Frequency Bandwidth 0.05 to 20.05 GHz
Maximum Input Power Operating Level +10 dBm
a. Modulation index is calculated as: maximum signal power/average power

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