


  • 公司名稱天長市華玻實(shí)驗(yàn)儀器廠
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地滁州市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2022/9/16 13:32:22
  • 訪問次數(shù)223

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聯(lián)系我們時請說明是 制藥網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!

  天長市華玻實(shí)驗(yàn)儀器廠(原天長市長城玻璃儀器制造廠)位于長江之濱的皖東明珠——天長市。東臨揚(yáng)州與南京接壤。本廠是國內(nèi)專業(yè)制造優(yōu)質(zhì),非標(biāo),復(fù)雜型玻璃儀器的廠家,已有25年生產(chǎn)經(jīng)驗(yàn),在國內(nèi)及周邊地區(qū)玻璃儀器行業(yè)有著很好的口碑,本廠為了達(dá)到進(jìn)口質(zhì)量與外觀,與國外儀器生產(chǎn)商合作并不惜重金購買德國HB-C20全自動玻璃機(jī)床2臺,高薪聘用技術(shù)過硬的工程師數(shù)名,這些技術(shù)人才,具有非標(biāo)模具設(shè)計(jì)及開發(fā)的能力,制造工藝的創(chuàng)新,機(jī)床的操作技能及國外加工的理念,另外我們對玻璃選材及厚度,清洗,包裝,一些細(xì)節(jié)也十分苛刻。由于質(zhì)量過關(guān)和服務(wù)到位,一直為國內(nèi)科研單位服務(wù)和名氣較好的玻璃儀器同行代加工,也為國外客戶生產(chǎn)了大批優(yōu)質(zhì)玻璃儀器。有的非標(biāo)玻璃儀器難度性較高,得到了業(yè)內(nèi)人士的認(rèn)可和較高的評價?! ‘?dāng)前企業(yè)特征如下:  1:生產(chǎn)以燈工和玻璃車床相結(jié)合為主,從而解決了大容量,大口徑玻璃加工的困難以及玻璃產(chǎn)品的制作需要,為各科研單位生產(chǎn),要求較高,復(fù)雜性程度高的玻璃成套儀器。  2:在使用原材料上,以優(yōu)良石英玻璃和高硼硅玻璃兩種,高硼硅玻璃其線膨脹系數(shù)a=33*10-7/c.mm是目前理化性能較好的耐熱  玻璃,而且與國際上實(shí)驗(yàn)室耐熱玻璃“派力克司”接了軌,石英玻璃由于耐溫高達(dá)1200度左右,廣泛用于特殊行業(yè)。 3:專用儀表的生產(chǎn)及CP安裝。(已正常批量生產(chǎn))  4:大規(guī)格及復(fù)雜性有機(jī)玻璃制品的加工?! ?:PTFE優(yōu)良料加工部件,容器,氣體接頭。  7:成套儀器及設(shè)備。玻璃蒸餾器及不銹鋼蒸餾器的生產(chǎn)及開發(fā)!  8:整臺奧氏氣體分析儀系列,羅氏泡沫儀系列,穿孔萃取儀系列,真空儀表系列,環(huán)保儀器系列,水泥儀器系列等?! ?:玻璃+聚四氟乙烯制品,玻璃+鋁制品,玻璃+不銹鋼制品,玻璃+木制品的成套儀器生產(chǎn)和開發(fā)?! ?0:代理廠商的產(chǎn)品:電子天平,儀表,化驗(yàn)設(shè)備,橡膠制品,聚四氟乙烯制品。  本廠諾言:守信譽(yù),重合同,以較好的質(zhì)量和完善的售后服務(wù)竭誠為各行業(yè)的實(shí)驗(yàn)室服務(wù)。
HUABOGLASS 產(chǎn)品信息

" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + "")); }" stopplayingsound="function () { return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + "")); }" startplayingsound="function () { return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + "")); }" setdirrtl="function () { return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + "")); }" setsound="function () { return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + "")); }" height="18" width="18" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-" codebase="/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0">
(Chuzhou) Tianchang glassware factory is located in the Great Wall of the Yangtze River in eastern Anhui Pearl - Tianchang. East of Yangzhou, and Nanjing border. I plant specializing in the production of glass instruments for 18 years of production experience; also well-known glass manufacturers and equipment trading companies OEM production, but also for foreign customers to produce high-quality glassware, and some high-end glassware intended to complement the domestic, international technology gaps. Our excellent quality of the product and good service, enterprises continue to grow, and gradually diversified! From March 2010 to formally put into production as well as laboratory equipment, laboratory equipment and furniture production lines to meet the needs of the overall project lab! Both domestic and international sales agents and well-known manufacturers of instrumentation!
The current enterprise features are as follows:
1: lamp work and glass production to combine the main lathe, so as to solve the large-capacity, large-diameter glass processing difficulties and the need for high-end production of glass products for the scientific research unit production, high precision and advanced glass sets of instruments.
2: In using raw materials, high-quality quartz glass and borosilicate glass are two kinds of borosilicate glass whose linear expansion coefficient a = 33 * 10-7/c.mm is the best physical and chemical properties of heat-resistant glass, and with the world's top glass "to send Lectra Secretary" take the track, quartz glass, the temperature up to 1200 degrees Celsius, are widely used in special industries.
3: The experimental instruments and equipment design and production, development of new products!
4: General and special rules glassware production.
5: high demand, high-precision instrument development and production of glass.
6: The production of super-water bath, oscillator, high and low chamber, incubator, light incubator, artificial climate chamber, shock incubator, and so on! Special rules can be customized according to customer equipment.
7: double and single glass reactor of complete sets of instruments and equipment. Glass and stainless steel distiller and development of production stills!
8: The entire series of Austria's gas analyzer, Roche foam instrument series, perforation of extraction instruments, vacuum instruments series, series of environmental protection equipment, cement equipment series.
9: Laboratory of the overall planning, the central laboratory bench, fume hood, while Taiwan, and other experimental furniture design and production.
10: Glass + PTFE, glass + aluminum products, glass + stainless steel products, glass + wood products production and development of complete sets of equipment.
11: Sales of chemical reagents.
12: Agent-known manufacturers of products: electronic scales, instruments, cables, rubber products, PTFE products.
Our defensive reputation, the contract, to high-quality, high-performance glass products and perfect after-sales service dedicated laboratory services for various industries

" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + "")); }" stopplayingsound="function () { return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + "")); }" startplayingsound="function () { return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + "")); }" setdirrtl="function () { return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + "")); }" setsound="function () { return eval(instance.CallFunction("" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + "")); }" height="18" width="18" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-" codebase="/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0">
(Chuzhou) Tianchang glassware factory is located in the Great Wall of the Yangtze River in eastern Anhui Pearl - Tianchang. East of Yangzhou, and Nanjing border. I plant specializing in the production of glass instruments for 18 years of production experience; also well-known glass manufacturers and equipment trading companies OEM production, but also for foreign customers to produce high-quality glassware, and some high-end glassware intended to complement the domestic, international technology gaps. Our excellent quality of the product and good service, enterprises continue to grow, and gradually diversified! From March 2010 to formally put into production as well as laboratory equipment, laboratory equipment and furniture production lines to meet the needs of the overall project lab! Both domestic and international sales agents and well-known manufacturers of instrumentation!
The current enterprise features are as follows:
1: lamp work and glass production to combine the main lathe, so as to solve the large-capacity, large-diameter glass processing difficulties and the need for high-end production of glass products for the scientific research unit production, high precision and advanced glass sets of instruments.
2: In using raw materials, high-quality quartz glass and borosilicate glass are two kinds of borosilicate glass whose linear expansion coefficient a = 33 * 10-7/c.mm is the best physical and chemical properties of heat-resistant glass, and with the world's top glass "to send Lectra Secretary" take the track, quartz glass, the temperature up to 1200 degrees Celsius, are widely used in special industries.
3: The experimental instruments and equipment design and production, development of new products!
4: General and special rules glassware production.
5: high demand, high-precision instrument development and production of glass.
6: The production of super-water bath, oscillator, high and low chamber, incubator, light incubator, artificial climate chamber, shock incubator, and so on! Special rules can be customized according to customer equipment.
7: double and single glass reactor of complete sets of instruments and equipment. Glass and stainless steel distiller and development of production stills!
8: The entire series of Austria's gas analyzer, Roche foam instrument series, perforation of extraction instruments, vacuum instruments series, series of environmental protection equipment, cement equipment series.
9: Laboratory of the overall planning, the central laboratory bench, fume hood, while Taiwan, and other experimental furniture design and production.
10: Glass + PTFE, glass + aluminum products, glass + stainless steel products, glass + wood products production and development of complete sets of equipment.
11: Sales of chemical reagents.
12: Agent-known manufacturers of products: electronic scales, instruments, cables, rubber products, PTFE products.
Our defensive reputation, the contract, to high-quality, high-performance glass products and perfect after-sales service dedicated laboratory services for various industries
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