

HG-250P 高速均質(zhì)器套裝

參考價(jià) 7999
訂貨量 ≥1臺(tái)
  • 公司名稱杭州秋籟科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時(shí)間2022/12/29 9:19:04
  • 訪問次數(shù)271

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Supporting Science Every Day

KEWLAB is dedicated to advancing the cause of science, and we do that by supplying optics, photonics and scientific laboratory instruments to both the scientific and the industrial community.  It’s surprisingly uncommon to find your perfect job nowadays, and despite the odds, that is precisely what we have done!  Everyone here is an energetic, brilliant science supporter.

In the beginning humans developed tools, language, agriculture, and leisure; we then had the time to figure out how most of the gross mechanisms on our planet worked.  We traced our origins, what had preceded us, and found clues and hints about what the future held in store.  Humanity embraced knowledge, shedding ancient superstitions, in favour of experiments, study, and replicable results.

Our amazing KEWLAB crew has decades of accumulated experience in this field; we’re ready to meet your toughest technical challenges worldwide.  You really need to experience our premium optics and scientific products because the simple truth is that if you cannot measure and/or observe something, it is extremely difficult to learn very much from it.

Light is nothing without lenses, prisms, and mirrors, so we provide these items to a level of precision that exceeds so-called “world class”, with transparent pricing at every step.  Our retroreflectors are better than those left on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts!  For the same reason, we provide optically perfect windows for when you need to see or measure something inside a sealed vessel without interference from the medium itself.

Lighting is important in everything from biology to palaeontology, whether performing surgery or illuminating ancient artefacts.  Science needs its tools in order to progress, and we serve that need.

Describe your optical, illumination, photonic or any scientific needs and let us craft your solution.  You show us the path to the future, so let our dedicated staff provide you with the tools that you need to light the way.


513/370 St Kilda Road
Melbourne, VIC 3004

HG-250P 高速均質(zhì)器可以混合1-250mL的樣品。
HG-250P 高速均質(zhì)器套裝 產(chǎn)品信息

基礎(chǔ)型HG-250P 高速均質(zhì)器將是有效混合小體積樣品的理想選擇。通過使用高性能混合工具,HG-250P可以提供高質(zhì)量的混合能力,同時(shí)具有低噪音、可高壓滅菌和易于維護(hù)的特點(diǎn)。


  • 小巧輕便,減輕手部壓力
  • 專為單手操作而設(shè)計(jì)
  • 不銹鋼/聚四氟乙烯混合工具為防腐型,并與所有消毒方法兼容
  • 混合工具可以輕松拆卸,限度地減少清潔工作
  • 高效混合的高速電機(jī)
  • 六種不同的速度模式
  • 低噪聲運(yùn)行
產(chǎn)品明細(xì) HG-250P高速均質(zhì)器、混合工具、支架
尺寸 46×55×230 mm
混合工具 ①與介質(zhì)接觸的材料 :316L不銹鋼/聚四氟乙烯;②尺寸、工作范圍:?10 mm (1 ~ 250mL);③圓周速度:14 m/s;④轉(zhuǎn)子直徑:6 mm;⑤定子直徑:10 mm;⑥極限細(xì)度(懸浮物):10-50 µm;⑦極限細(xì)度(乳狀物):1-10 µm;
粘度 5000 mPas
處理量范圍 1-250 mL(H2O)
防護(hù)等級(jí) IP 20
整機(jī)噪音 72 dB
功率 160 W (輸入/輸出)
凈重 0.6 Kg
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