

precimeter雙激光液位計ProH CD450R300

  • 公司名稱武漢海瑞特自動化工程有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地武漢市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2023/8/6 13:00:05
  • 訪問次數(shù)230

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precimeter雙激光液位計ProH CD450R300
precimeter雙激光液位計ProH CD450R300 產(chǎn)品信息

precimeter雙激光液位計ProH CD450R300

precimeter雙激光液位計ProH CD450R300產(chǎn)品簡介: 

ProH 雙激光液位計 – 自帶高度基準點信號的雙激光測量

ProH TwinDelta

This dual sensor enables you to measure the molten metal level in a mould related to a second measuring reference point (Slab/ingot mould top/edge).


The intelligent digital laser and camera metal level sensor family from Precimeter is a high performance laser triangulation device developed specifically for its purpose. It will measure on any molten metal surface with a surface temperature below 1000˚C. The Mould edition is specifically designed for mould level measuring in a DC Slab Casting Application. This dual sensor enables you to measure the molten metal level in a mould related to a second measuring reference point (Slab/ingot mould top/edge).

· No safety measures required.

· Stable readings even in difficult environments

· Easy installation

· Compact design

The patented digital camera technology in the Precimeter sensors, results in very high sensitivity, stability and accuracy. It also makes it possible to give stable readings even when the material reflectivity changes dramatically and in harsh conditions like steam and smoke.

precimeter雙激光液位計ProH CD450R300技術(shù)參數(shù):

Laser sensor type

Clearance distance

Measurement range



450 mm (17.7")

300 mm (11.8")

0.074mm (0.03")

· Light source: Laser diode 635 nm (visible red light)

· Laser power: <5mW FDA Class 3A (3R EN-60825-1-2007)

· Sampling frequency: 250 Hz

· Configuration interface: RS232C

· Power requirement: 18-32 VDC, < 1A

· Non-linearity: ±0.2% of Measurement range

· Relative humidity: 25-85% (non condensing)

· Environmental protection: IP65 (NEMA4)

· Signals

o Level: 4-20 mA (optional 0-10 VDC, 0-20 mA)

o Temperature 4-20 mA (0-100°C)

o Sensor valid: 24VDC

o Laser light on/off: 24VDC









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