


  • 公司名稱常州市寧河干燥設(shè)備有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)
  • 所  在  地常州市
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  • 更新時(shí)間2023/10/20 17:37:29
  • 訪問(wèn)次數(shù)213

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The jet pump has no moving partsso it is not easy to wear, and the reliability of operation is guaranteed to the maximum extent The steam consumption saved by using one jet pump is equivalent to adding an additional one-effect evaporator. The evaporation process with jet pump can effectively reduce the ineffective evaporation and save the cooling water consumption of the system. In addition to TVRMVR is a new evaporation technology that has developed rapidly in the chemica industry recently.ts basic principle is to increase the pressure and temperature of the secondary steam with a compressor or high-pressure steam, and then send it back to the heating chamber of the original evaporator to beused as heating steam. or use the secondary steam as a low-temperature heat source to recover part of the residual heat.There are two common methods to improve the pressure and temperature of secondary steam, one is mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) and the other is thermal vapor recompression(TVR).TVR evaporator Compared with the system of directly discharging secondary steam, this evaporator system is improved.It uses jet heat pump to recover part of secondary steam. Because 1kg of high-pressure steam of jet heat pump can only inject 0.3kg of secondary steam, although the structure of this system is simple and compact, its energy efficiencyisrelatively low. Generally, the commonly used forms of heat pump evaporation are jet heat pump evaporation(TVR) and direct compression secondary steam mechanical compression heat pump evaporation(MVR).In recent years. due to the remarkable progress of enaineering materias, structure and manutacturing technoloay and the rising enerayprice.mechanicacompression heat pump solutions, In actual industrial production,the use of heat pump evaporation technology has been proved to be very economical, has aftracted more and more aftention. Heat pump is widelyused in the evaporation and concentration of various dilute The heat pump device can get more heat energy only by consuming a small amount of high-quality energy. which reduces the waste of eneray In most applications.the eneray consumption of heat pump evaporation is much lower than that of single-effect evaporation or multi-effect evaporation and the adoption of heat pump technology can replace a large number of boiler rooms. saving fuel,reducing atmospheric pollution. and reducing heat pollution while using waste heat. thus improving the environmental sanitation of cities and benefiting the ecological balance.Heat pump evaporation is a very reliable evaporation method with low energy consumption, which has been widely used in chemical process because of its energy saving and stability.

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