

手持式拉曼光譜儀 BRAVO

  • 公司名稱通透光學(xué)儀器(成都)有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號(hào)BRAVO
  • 所  在  地成都市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時(shí)間2024/7/5 7:50:28
  • 訪問次數(shù)119

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手持式拉曼光譜儀 BRAVO 產(chǎn)品信息



BRAVO is THE handheld Raman spectrometer dedicated for fast raw materials identification and verification with optimal spectrum quality and an unrivalled bunch of features.

High Performance in your hands


Unrivalled Bunch of Features

Outstanding performance and design – BRAVO became THE handheld Raman spectrometer of choice for all kinds of Raman applications including raw material verification and unknown substance identification.

  • SSETM – Patented fluorescence mitigation

  • DuoLaserTM – Broad spectral range

  • Laser Class 1 – No laser safety requirements

  • GUI in OPUS TOUCH design – Intuitive and guided operation

  • Verification & ID workflows – Extensive library support

  • IntelliTipTM – Automated measuring tip recognition

  • WiFi & Ethernet connectivity – Flexible interfacing

  • Remote control – Like a benchtop spectrometer

  • SyncService – Automated data transfer

  • Pharma compliance – Always up-to-date! (e.g. 21 CFR Part 11, Data Integrity, USP, Ph. Eur.)


Let’s Have a Closer Look


SSETM and DuoLaserTM

In many cases, raw material verification by Raman spectroscopy is prevented due to fluorescence. BRAVO uses SSETM (Sequentially Shifted Excitation), a patented fluorescence mitigation method, based on controlled temperature variations of the laser that enables the measurement of a much wider range of raw materials with handheld Raman systems than ever before. DuoLaserTM  excitation (785 nm and 852 nm) provides the highest sensitivity across a broad spectral range and hence guarantees maximum unambiguous verification.


Laser Class 1

No other handheld Raman spectrometer besides BRAVO is classified as a Laser class 1 device in all operating modes. This unique feature offers outstanding user safety with no need for laser safety trainings, a laser safety program or special precautions like personal protective equipment. Therefore, BRAVO can be used with maximum flexibility, anytime by anyone!


GUI in OPUS TOUCH Design, Verification & ID Workflows with IntelliTipTM

GUI in OPUS TOUCH Design, Verification & ID Workflows with IntelliTipTM

Right from the login, the operator is guided through a very intuitive workflow via touch operation with clear instructions. Results are displayed self-explanatory on the graphical user interface (GUI). The BRAVO GUI shares the concept of the OPUS TOUCH software with many other Bruker instruments, offering a common look and consistent operation.

BRAVO offers material identification and verification (incoming goods control) workflows supported by extensive libraries with more than 20,000 reference Raman spectra. Custom libraries based on your own measured data are easy to setup, anytime. There is no room for mistakes, IntelliTipTM ensures that the correct measurement tip is used that has been defined during method setup for a given raw material.


WiFi & Ethernet Connectivity, Remote Control and SyncService

Data (such as reference libraries and results) can be transferred fast and reliably between the BRAVO and a PC using either WiFi or Ethernet. The optional docking station allows next to the Ethernet connectivity simultaneous charging of the device or a spare battery and provides storage capabilities for the daily PQ test reference sample (polystyrene) and one measuring tip.

Via OPUS software the BRAVO can be easily operated as a benchtop system with adjustable measurement parameters.

The BRAVO SyncService enables automated data transfer for all electronic records including audit trails and measurements from the BRAVO system into a secure location.


Pharma compliance – Always up-to-date! (e.g. 21 CFR Part 11, Data Integrity, USP, Ph. Eur.)

Bruker’s high-performance systems offer up-to-date compliant solutions to the latest Pharma regulations. Whether this is performance testing or validation testing, all data is collected in accordance with USP and Ph. Eur. benchmarks and cGMP incl. 21 CFR and Data Integrity. All system validation testing is supported by comprehensive validation documentation including test forms for IQ, OQ and PQ.


Versatile and Yet so Simple

Being THE handheld Raman spectrometer solution for a broad range of applications supported by a large pool of spectral libraries, BRAVO is always ready-to-use and impresses with its outstanding versatility and its comfortable, simple operation.

Raman spectroscopy is ideally suited for the verification of materials and identification of unknown substances. The BRAVO offers the ability to measure materials through (semi-)transparent packaging, e.g. foils and glass, which enables an efficient QC of raw materials, and gives additional value for the contactless analysis of sensitive materials. BRAVO’s bottle adaption guarantees an easy workflow for measurements through glass bottles of various sizes (amber bottles included!).



BRAVO is dedicated for quality control in the Pharmaceutical Industry supporting an efficient work routine and offering full compliance to the latest Pharma requirements. Bruker provides an comprehensive and carefree BRAVO Qualification and Validation Package in combination with the powerful software OPUS, offering all necessary tools to qualify and operate the BRAVO in the regulated environment of the Pharmaceutical industry.



One of the most common application is the identification of narcotics or other dangerous substances. Facilities worldwide use BRAVO’s ID workflow for the screening of illegal substances and drug detection, supported by the TicTac Raman Drug Library. This library is frequently updated to ensure being up-to-date for the identification of new designer drugs.


Art & Restoration

In the filed of art and restoration, it can be a challenge for example to analyze artwork non-destructively and without direct contact. BRAVO offers a powerful solution for the identification of pigments, minerals and gems for object restoration or fraud detection. With the spectral range extension down to 170 cm-1 a broader range of pigments can be analyzed. When positioning is crucial to the object analysis, the instrument can be mounted on the BRAVO Tripod Mount Adaptor.


Lab / R&D

Besides being a handheld device, the BRAVO has proven benchtop-performance with the option for remote operation via the Docking station or WiFi. BRAVO’s unrivalled capabilities in combination with the spectroscopy software OPUS, enable the use for the most advanced applications, such as in laboratories and R&D.


Measurement Adaptations

Being extremely versatile, the BRAVO offers different accessories customized for various applications. The bag and vial tip for measurements through (semi)-transparent packaging, e.g. foils and glass vials, are in the scope of the standard BRAVO package. Other measuring accessories designed for specific applications are available (see listing below), as well as custom designed adaptations. For the latter, feel free to contact us.

Bag Tip (Standard)

for measurements through foil packaging and solids in direct contact.

Vial Tip (Standard)

for measurements through vials.

Light Shield

for blocking of external light

Variable Focus Tips

for measurements in non-contact-mode or through thicker packaging material.

Magnetic Measuring Tips

for measurements of tablets and small amounts of material

Bottle Adaption

for routine measurements through bottles of various sizes.

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