


  • 公司名稱江陰市名正機械有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地蘇州市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時間2018/5/15 15:47:46
  • 訪問次數(shù)3325


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聯(lián)系我們時請說明是 制藥網(wǎng) 上看到的信息,謝謝!

      本企業(yè)坐落于經(jīng)濟發(fā)達的長江三角洲地區(qū)、風(fēng)光秀麗,景色怡人的江南水鄉(xiāng)—無錫江 陰市。東臨上海,南靠無錫,西鄰常州,北依長江,與江陰長江大橋、京滬高速、錫澄 高速、滬寧高速、滬寧高鐵、新長鐵路、錫澄運河毗鄰,水陸交通十分便利。 企業(yè)本著“創(chuàng)新+質(zhì)量+信譽=發(fā)展”為宗旨,以“客戶的需求就是我們發(fā)展的方向” 為目標(biāo),現(xiàn)已形成開發(fā)、設(shè)計、加工、生產(chǎn)、銷售一體化的管理體系,深受廣大用戶信 賴。

     “名正”人憑著多年的不斷進取勤勉精神,端正做人,認(rèn)真做事,做認(rèn)同的產(chǎn)品,創(chuàng) 贊同的口碑,我們將以服務(wù)*的熱誠、以精益求精的品質(zhì)、質(zhì)優(yōu)價廉的產(chǎn)品,追求與 客戶共同成長的雙贏。歡迎各界新老客戶來電來函洽談!

      Our enterprise is located in beautiful Jiangyin under jurisdiction of Wuxi City in economically developed Changjiang Delta regions. It is adjacent to Shanghai in the east, nearby Wuxi in south, neighboring Changzhou in the west and closed to the Changjiang River in the north, as well as is adjacent to Jiangyin Changjiang Bridge, Jing-Hu Expressway, Xi-Cheng Expressway, Hu-Ning Expressway and Hu-Ning High-Speed Railway, Xin-Chang Railway and Xi-Cheng Canal, enjoying convenient traffic by water and land.

      Adhering to the principle of “development through innovation, quality and reputation” and under the objective of our development toward customer’s demand, our enterprise has established management system integrating development, design, process, production and sales in the whole one and gaining trusts from our users.

      Depending on incessant enterprising spirit for years,“Mingzheng People” always rightly and earnestly fabricates the recognized products and creates public praises. We are to pursue win-win benefits with our clients, relaying on our service-oriented warmness, best quality as well as good and affordable products. Welcome old and new customers to our company or calls for business operations.

概述 Descriptions
◎ 盤式連續(xù)干燥器是一種高效的傳導(dǎo)型連續(xù)干燥設(shè)備。其*的結(jié) 構(gòu)和工作原理決定了它具有熱效率高、能耗低、占地面積小、配置 簡單、操作控制方便、操作環(huán)境好等特點,廣泛適用于化工、醫(yī) 藥、農(nóng)藥、食品、飼料、農(nóng)副產(chǎn)品加工等行業(yè)的干燥作業(yè)。
PLG系列盤式連續(xù)干燥機 產(chǎn)品信息

■ 原理 principle
◎ 濕物料自加料器連續(xù)地加到干燥器上部*層干燥盤上,帶有耙葉 的耙臂作回轉(zhuǎn)運動使耙臂作回轉(zhuǎn)運動使耙葉連續(xù)地翻抄物料。物料沿 指數(shù)螺旋線流過干燥盤表面,在小干燥盤上的物料被移送到外緣,并 在外緣落到下方的大干燥盤外緣,在大干盤上物料向里移動并從中間 落料口落入下一層小干燥盤中。大小干燥盤上下交替排列,物料得以 連續(xù)地流過整個干燥器。中空的干燥盤內(nèi)通入加熱介質(zhì),加熱介質(zhì)形 式有飽和蒸汽、熱水和導(dǎo)熱油,加熱介質(zhì)由干燥盤的一端進入,從另 一端導(dǎo)出。已干物料從zui后一層干燥盤落到殼體的底層,zui后被耙葉 移送到出料口排出。濕份從物料中逸出,由設(shè)在頂蓋上的排濕口排 出,真空型盤式干燥器的濕氣由設(shè)在頂蓋上的真空泵口抽出。從底層 排出的干物料可直接包裝。通過配備翅片加熱器、溶劑回收冷凝器、 布袋除塵器、干料返混機構(gòu)、引風(fēng)機等輔機,可提高其干燥的生產(chǎn)能 力,干燥膏糊狀和熱敏性物料,可方便地回收溶劑,并能進行熱解和 反應(yīng)操作。
◎ Wet materials are fed continuously to the top drying layer in the drier. they will be turned and stirred continuously by harrows when the harrowÕs arm rotates, the material flows through the surface of the drying plate along the exponential helical line. On the small drying plate the material will be moved to its exterior edge and drop down to the exterior edge of the large drying plate underneath, and will then be moved inward and drop down from its central hole to the small drying plate on the next layer. Both small and large drying plates are arranged alternay so as materials can go through the whole drier continuously. the heating media, which could be saturated steam, hot water or thermal oil will be led into drying plates from one end to other end of the drier. the dried product will drop from the last layer of the drying plate to the bottom layer of the body, and will be moved by harrows to the discharge outlet. the moisture exhausts from materials and will be removed from the moist discharge outlet on the top cover, or sucked out by the vacuum pump on the top cover for vacuum-type plate drier. the dried product discharged from the bottom layer can be packed directly. the drying capability can be raised up if equipped with supplementary devices such as finned heater, condenser for solvent recovery, bag dust filter, return and mix mechanism for dried materials and suction fan etc. solvent in those paste state and heat sensitive materials can be easily recovered, and thermal decomposition and reaction can be also carried out.

■ 應(yīng)用 ApplicAtion
◎ 干燥、熱解、燃燒、冷卻、反應(yīng)、升華
◎ Drying, heat decomposition, combustion, cooling, reaction, and sublimation Organic chemicals
Mineral chemicals
Pharmaceutical and foodstuff
Feed and fertilizer

■ 特點 FeAtUres
◎ 調(diào)控容易、適用性強
1、通過調(diào)整料層厚度、主軸轉(zhuǎn)速、耙臂數(shù)量、耙葉型式和尺寸可使干 燥過程達到*。
2、每層干燥盤皆可單獨通入熱介質(zhì)或冷介質(zhì),對物料進行加熱或冷卻,物 料溫度控制準(zhǔn)確、容易。 3、物料的停留時間可以精確調(diào)整。
◎ 操作簡單、容易
3、通過特殊的大規(guī)格檢視門的視鏡,可以對設(shè)備內(nèi)進行很仔細(xì)的清洗 和觀察。
◎ 能耗低
1、 以傳導(dǎo)熱進行干燥,熱效率高,能量消耗低。
◎ 操作環(huán)境好,可回收溶劑,粉塵排放符合要求
1、 常壓型:由于設(shè)備內(nèi)氣流速度低,而且設(shè)備內(nèi)濕度分布上高下低,粉塵很 難浮到設(shè)備頂部,所以頂部排濕口排出的尾氣中幾乎不含有粉塵。
2、密閉型:配溶劑回收裝置,可方便地回收載濕氣體中的有機溶劑。溶劑 回收裝置簡單,回收率高,對于易燃、易爆、有毒和易氧化的物 料,可用氮氣作為載濕氣體進行閉路循環(huán),使之安全操作。特別適 用于易燃、易爆、有毒物料的干燥。
3、真空型:在真空狀態(tài)下操作的盤式干燥器,特別適用于熱敏性物料 的干燥。
◎ 安裝方便、占地面積小

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