


  • 公司名稱上海納龍制藥機械有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2023/9/29 8:35:04
  • 訪問次數(shù)320

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上海納龍制藥機械有限公司是有上海交通大學與動力工程學院協(xié)會聯(lián)合創(chuàng)辦,位于國際大都市上海,先后引進國內(nèi)外技術(shù),不斷完善自己的產(chǎn)品。擁有一支年輕的團隊,專業(yè)研發(fā)生產(chǎn)制藥、食品、農(nóng)藥、日化、化工等包裝機械設(shè)備。公司專業(yè)生產(chǎn)口服液、糖漿、滴眼劑、噴霧劑、凍干、粉針和粉體等灌裝生產(chǎn)線,各種玻璃瓶或者塑料瓶的旋(軋)蓋機系列,洗瓶機、貼標機、鋁箔封口機,及數(shù)粒瓶裝包裝生產(chǎn)線。公司產(chǎn)品遍布全國各地,遠銷美洲、歐洲、非洲、中東等世界各地,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量采取跟蹤服務,質(zhì)保期內(nèi)免費維護,終身維修。 公司一貫遵循“商業(yè)的本質(zhì)就是誠信”的經(jīng)營理念,愿與各界人士攜手合作,共圖發(fā)展,熱忱歡迎國內(nèi)外客商、朋友參觀指導,我們將以優(yōu)的價格,高的品質(zhì),好的服務與您合作。
NLKF5-30口服液洗烘灌軋聯(lián)動線 產(chǎn)品信息

用途與簡介:/Purpose and introduction

口服液洗烘灌軋聯(lián)動線由立式超聲波洗瓶機、隧道式熱風 循環(huán)滅菌烘箱、口服液灌裝軋蓋機等組成,適合于 5-30ml 等不同規(guī) 格口服液瓶的生產(chǎn)??赏瓿蓪λ幤飞a(chǎn)中安瓿瓶淋水、超聲波清洗、沖水、充 氣、烘干滅菌、冷卻、灌裝、軋蓋等工藝步驟的聯(lián)動運行。

Oral liquid washing drying filling and rolling line by the vertical ultrasonic bottle-washing machine, tunnel sterilization oven hot wind cycle, oral liquid filling and other components of the rolling machine, suitable for 5-30 ml different gauge, etc Oral liquid bottle production. Can be done for ampoule bottle pour water in drug production, ultrasonic cleaning, flushing, filling gas, drying sterilization, cooling, filling and rolling cover joint operation of the process steps.



Bottle washer adopts manipulator clamp bottle, is suitable for a variety of specifications of the bottle;


Reciprocating mixer washing bottle with water spray needle track insert way, cleaning effect is good, save energy. And is equipped with needle shake device, improve the accuracy of injection needle inserted into the bottle, reduce breakage phenomenon;


Mixer washing bottle the water pipe, injection needles completely separate, to avoid the cross contamination, in line with the GMP requirements;


Pieces into the bottle inside the screw before adding buffer block, protect the screw, reduce broken bottles


In pieces out of the bottle inside the whole import synchronous belt, the connection piece of conveying liquid, stable and reliable running


Oven using infrared heating tube, stainless steel heating tube double heating temperature uniformity is good;


In pieces filling rolling machine optional ceramic pump, stainless steel pump;


Pieces filling without bottle filling, no bottle no rolling function.


The whole line adopts PLC control, inverter, touch screen control technology, stable and reliable running. Touch screen can display the running state of each units, each control point of the water pressure, air pressure, air pressure, temperature, etc, according to the switch state and fault display, fault self-diagnosis and fault analysis and elimination method. The whole production process to achieve automatic control, on-line has the compressors control balancing device, ensure production is balanced.


According to the needs of customers, but also available for selection:


Pieces of Siemens, schneider, mitsubishi, Taiwan brands such as control system;


Pieces of water, gas pressure, water temperature and the intensity of ultrasonic, dust particles, wind speed on-line detection, alarm, record and print system.


Mixer ORABS, CRABS, aseptic isolator system.

技術(shù)參數(shù):technical parameters

適用規(guī)格Cutting   dimension(ml)


生產(chǎn)能力production capacity(pcs/min)


灌裝精度Filling accuracy(%)

≤ ± 2.5



軋蓋頭數(shù)Number of rolling   curtain


軋蓋合格率Rolling cover   percent of pass(%)

≥ 99

總重量total weight(kg)


外形尺寸boundary dimension(mm)

9920 × 2003 × 2150

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